rapport is an R package that facilitates creation of reproducible statistical report templates. Once created, rapport templates can be exported to various external formats: HTML, LaTeX, PDF, ODT, DOCX etc. The appearance of the page you are just reading is similar to a ‘rapported document’. Apart from R, all you need to know to start writing your own templates is Pandoc’s markdown syntax, and some rapport conventions that allow the reproducibility of the template.
Several predefined templates come bundled with default rapport installation, and their number will increase in future releases. Of course, we strongly encourage you to write your own templates, and/or customise the ones that are shipped with default package installation.
For a brief introduction to rapport, run:
demo(rapport, ask = FALSE)
Actually a lot of stuff:
* Stewart, Dorothy (1998). Gower handbook of management skills. Gower Publishing. p. 282. ISBN 0566078899
Members of the rapport development team are painstakingly procrastinating on this project, to the utmost limits of endurance. Feel free to contribute and help us localising it!
Short answer: you should not.
Long answer: you should not… oftentimes… especially if you already have an efficient development work flow. But rapport is a bit different from the other popular dynamic report frameworks in R: Sweave, brew, or even knitr. With those nifty tools you can easily embed R code and R output in TeX, PDF, HTML and other formats, which is a common practice in advanced R users.
rapport has a similar goal: to use R to generate dynamic, reproducible templates, which can be easily exported to various external formats, providing (hopefully) nicely formatted template elements, such as tables, graphs or in-line expressions. You may get an impression that rapport is n00b-friendly interface to statistical report creation, but from our POV, it’s just a convenient way of dealing with repetitive tasks.
rapport relies on some predefined/custom templates, which can be easily ran against any dataset and with user-defined input specifications . Don’t forget: custom templates are easy to write!
Read sections on usage and/or writing custom templates.
Please join our discussion list or file an issue on Github tagged as bug
Hell yeah! Please join our discussion list or file an issue about your idea on Github tagged as feature
, we will be really interested to check it out.
Of course, with some limitations: see license terms for details.
Check out rapport.path
and rapport.path.add
. If you add the paths of the directories holding your custom templates, rapport
and any related function would easily find it just like you would use a package bundled template. So if you have e.g. mytemplate.rapport
in /tmp
, adding that to the list of custom paths like rapport.path.add('/tmp')
, you can easily call rapport('mytemplate', ...)
. You don’t even have to include the extension of the file (unless it ends with something other than rapport
It would be a good practice to add a call to rapport.paths.add(...)
to your .Rprofile
, which would be evaluated on each R session startup.
?It is based on a theory behind rapport: you can define a function at any part of your template and use it, or just load any library which is installed on your system - even your own, local packages. You might even include a source
command in your local template, but bear in mind that this template will not be able to run on other computers!
We’d be glad to incorporate it in our package, please file an issue about your idea on Github tagged as feature
. Or write your own package submitted to CRAN and please attract our attention to add that package to our required or suggested package list.
Actually, it’s not a rapport
bug, rather a Firefox feature. Type about:config
in Awesome Bar™ and search for following property:
Set it to false
(by double-clicking on it) and refresh the page (you may want to bypass the browser cache, too: use Shift + click on Refresh button, or Ctrl+Shift+R). Behold the pretty fonts! See an answer that solved this strange behaviour.
Sure, just put a piece of code that returns a data.frame
object in a chunk, and it will be converted to HTML table once you export it. Put something like this in your .rapport
rp.desc("edu", "student", c(min, max, mean, sd), ius2008)
and run rapport.html(<file path>, <data>, <inputs>)
We’ll start with a brief reminder: make sure that you have Pandoc installed, and then proceed with package installation.
Starting from v.0.2 rapport is hosted on CRAN, so you can install it by calling:
Or you can grab the latest build from GitHub via nifty function from devtools
install_github('rapport', 'rapporter')
You can also download sources in a zip or tarball archive and build package manually. To do so, please extract archive to an empty directory and run the following commands:
R CMD build rapport
R CMD INSTALL <path to .tar.gz file>
If you’re running R on Windows, you need to install Rtools. Once you have installed it, you can either try out the install_github()
approach or install package manually by downloading tarball sources and issuing following commands in the command prompt:
R CMD build --binary <path to .tar.gz file>
R CMD INSTALL <path to .zip file>
In order to export rapport templates to HTML, ODT, DOCX or PDF, please install pandoc.
And an up-to-date version of pander
(an R markdown writer) installed from GitHub is also really advocated:
install_github('pander', 'rapporter')
After installing, load the package:
The most obvious goal of this package is to easily reproduce a report by providing a custom dataset.
rapport has some predefined templates distributed with the package. These files can be found in templates directory of the package with rapport
extension. Getting a list of all available templates is easy:
> rapport.ls()
[1] "AnalyzeWizard.rapport" "ANOVA.rapport" "BartlettsTest.rapport" "BrownForsythTest.rapport"
[5] "Correlation.rapport" "Crosstable.rapport" "Descriptives.rapport" "Example.rapport"
[9] "FactorAnalysis.rapport" "FTest.rapport" "GenerateBeta.rapport" "GLM.rapport"
[13] "HierarchicalClusterAnalysis.rapport" "HomogeneityCrosstable.rapport" "KMeansCluster.rapport" "KolmogorovSmirnovTest.rapport"
[17] "KruskalWallisTest.rapport" "LinearRegression.rapport" "MDS.rapport" "Minimal.rapport"
[21] "NormalityTest.rapport" "OutlierTest.rapport" "PCA.rapport" "TTestOneSample.rapport"
[25] "TTestTwoSample.rapport" "WilcoxonTest.rapport"
If you, find, say Minimal.rapport
promising, you can check it out by calling rapport.example
function which prints out the examples specified in the template, prompting you to choose one from the list:
> rapport.example('example')
Enter example ID from the list below:
(1) rapport("Minimal", ius2008, var='leisure')
(2) rapport("Minimal", ius2008, var='leisure', desc=FALSE)
(3) rapport("Minimal", ius2008, var='leisure', desc=FALSE, histogram=T)
(all) Run all examples
Template ID>
After you typed in a template ID (1
, 2
, 3
or all
), press ENTER
key to see it in action. For example, running the first example of Minimal
template returns (which can be called like rapport.example('Minimal', 1)
# Début
Hello, world!
I have just specified a *Variable* in this template named to **leisure**. The label of this variable is "Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)".
And wow, the mean of *leisure* is _3.199_!
By checking out the [sources of this template](https://github.com/rapporter/rapport/blob/master/inst/templates/Minimal.rapport), you could see that we used all `BRCATCODE`s above from `brew` syntax. `BRCODE` tags are useful when you want to loop through something or optionally add or remove a part of the template. A really easy example of this: if `desc` input equals to `TRUE`, then the resulting report would have that chunk, if set to `FALSE`, it would be left our.
## Descriptive statistics
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
------ --------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ------
0.000 2.000 3.000 3.199 4.000 12.000 37
The 5 highest values are: _12_, _12_, _10_, _10_ and _10_.
What was done here? We have executed a simple analysis on the leisure
variable found in ius2008
(package bundled) dataset. This simple template only returned a local greeting, the name and the label of the given variable, alongside a variable’s summary
and 5 highest values.
As you could see in the examples there are some other parameters of this template besides data
and var
, for example: desc
and hist
. In order to, get some info on the template, issue following command:
> rapport.info('Minimal')
`Minimal template`
by Gergely Daróczi
This template demonstrates the basic features of rapport. We all hope you will like it!
packages: lattice, xtable
rapport("Minimal", ius2008, var='leisure')
rapport("Minimal", ius2008, var='leisure', desc=FALSE)
rapport("Minimal", ius2008, var='leisure', desc=FALSE, histogram=T)
Input parameters
"var" (Variable) *required
A numeric variable.
- standalone: no
- length: exactly 1 vector
"desc" (Descriptives)
Table of the descriptive statistics
- class: logical
- standalone: yes
- value: ~
"histogram" (Histogram)
- class: logical
- standalone: yes
- value: ~
Okay, we have seen the examples before, but new information appears now too:
for details).These latter shows exactly what we were looking for which can be returned by rapport.info('Minimal', meta = F)
command too without meta information.
There we can see that four parameters can be provided. var
is the name of the variable we want to analyze, we can set desc
instead of the default value TRUE
not to print descriptive statistics and we can instruct the template to return a histogram too (see: hist
Let’s run the third example:
> rapport("example", ius2008, var='leisure', desc=FALSE, histogram=T)
# Début
Hello, world!
I have just specified a *Variable* in this template named to **leisure**. The label of this variable is "Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)".
And wow, the mean of *leisure* is _3.199_!
**For more detailed statistics, you should have set `desc=TRUE`!**
By checking out the [sources of this template](https://github.com/rapporter/rapport/blob/master/inst/templates/example.rapport), you could see that we used all `BRCATCODE`s above from `brew` syntax. `BRCODE` tags are useful when you want to loop through something or optionally add or remove a part of the template. A really easy example of this: if `desc` input equals to `TRUE`, then the resulting report would have that chunk, if set to `FALSE`, it would be left our.
## Histogram
For demonstartion purposes you can find a histogram below:

Here instead of the known rapport.example
we used directly rapport
which takes the above described input parameters. As you can see the descriptive statistics table is gone, instead we got a histogram. Or at least a path to a png
file - which holds that image. You can find that file after running the above command (not exactly on the same path - see ?tempfile
for details) on your local machine and check it out. We have attached that here.
Well, this is a quite rough way of checking out plots generated in a template :)
There are a lot easier ways for that:
with modified global options: set graph.record
and rapport.graph.replay
. This way you will see all generated plots pop-up while print
ing a rapport class object. This way you can even resize the plots and later export the report with modified image dimension (see below).rapport
classes, see str
function on any rapport
returned object) to wide range of formats with rapport.export
.Please find the HTML exported versions of the examples of Minimal.rapport
here or run on your machine:
rapport.export(rapport.example('Minimal', 'all'))
Which will return the above linked HTML with all examples of Minimal.rapport
. Well, not exactly the same :)
Were you aware of the change in the second line which holds the name of the useR? This is set to rapport package team @ https://github.com/rapporter/rapport
in our deploying system and set to undefined
by default. It might be a good idea to set this to custom strings on all users’ machine, which are hold in options()
Set your name and e-mail address:
options('rapport.user' = 'userR')
And rerun the following commands to see the changes. For other settings in rapport.export
please check out the docs.
If you would like to resize/alter the dimensions of generated images in the exported reports, a nice way of doing this is like:
report <- rapport("Minimal", ius2008, var='leisure', desc=FALSE, hist=T)
it (e.g.: report
)If you would export several rapport object at once, you can do that by combining those to a list, see rapport.export
(especially the examples) for more details.
There are a bunch of other helper functions in rapport to deal with templates. As most starts with rapport
prefix (except for the main rapport
function), we can easily list them by typing rapport.
and pressing TAB
> tpl.
tpl.body tpl.example tpl.info tpl.list tpl.paths tpl.paths.remove tpl.rerun
tpl.check tpl.export tpl.inputs tpl.meta tpl.paths.add tpl.paths.reset
By this method you might not find all handy functions, for example rapport.html
and rapport.odt
which are simple wrappers around rapport
and rapport.export
. Just use these functions you would use rapport
and get a nifty HTML/odt output directly. For example:
rapport.html('example', ius2008, var = 'leisure')
As you might have seen there are several general options in rapport which can be as handy as the funtions used while rapporting. Above we have set the username, which affects the result of all run templates. Please see the (almost) full list of available options below:
: a (user)name to show in exported report (defaults to "Anonymous"
: a general filename of generated images and exported documents without extension. Some helper pseudo-code would be replaced with handy strings while running rapport
and rapport.export
: unique random character strings based on tempfile
: template name in action,%N
: an auto-increment integer based on similar exported document’s file name,%n
: an auto-increment integer based on similar (plot) file names (see: ?evalsOptions
: a directory where generated images and exported documents would take place. Please note, that the path should not contain any spaces at all (exception of this rule is on Windows where shortPathName
could handle that problem with traditional directories like "Documents and Settings"
function saves plots to image files (see the settings below) and print
method just shows the path(s) of the generated image(s). If you would like to see the plot(s) when calling rapport
function from an interactive R console, please set evalsOptions('graph.recordplot', TRUE)
and rapport.graph.replay
option to TRUE
beforehand. In that case all generated plots will be displayed after printing the rapport
object. These options are set to FALSE
by default although we find these settings really handy, as you can resize the images on the fly and export resized images to HTML/ODT/DOCX/PDF etc.evalsOptions()
which part of pander: an R Pandoc writer besides panderOptions()
- both holding a bunch of useful options which are documented on pander’s GH page and worth checking out.And after all, do not forget to check out other templates of this package too or even write/translate your own templates! :)
rapport comes bundled with several report templates, and we hope that their number will increase in succeeding releases. To list all available templates, issue the following command: tpl.list()
. These package bundled templates are:
Please find below a detailed description about each with sample outputs of those in R console, HTML, odt and pdf too.
rapport("ANOVA", ius2008, resp = "leisure", fac = "gender") # one-way
rapport("ANOVA", ius2008, resp = "leisure", fac = c("gender", "partner")) # two-way
## Running: rapport("ANOVA", ius2008, resp = "leisure", fac = "gender") # one-way
# Introduction
**Analysis of Variance** or **ANOVA** is a statistical procedure that tests equality of means for several samples. It was first introduced in 1921 by famous English statistician Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher.
# Model Overview
One-Way ANOVA was carried out, with _Gender_ as independent variable, and _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ as a response variable. Factor interaction was taken into account.
# Descriptives
In order to get more insight on the model data, a table of frequencies for ANOVA factors is displayed, as well as a table of descriptives.
## Frequency Table
Below lies a frequency table for factors in ANOVA model. Note that the missing values are removed from the summary.
gender N % Cumul. N Cumul. %
-------- --- ----- ---------- ----------
male 410 60.92 410 60.92
female 263 39.08 673 100
Total 673 100 673 100
## Descriptive Statistics
The following table displays the descriptive statistics of ANOVA model. Factor levels lie on the left-hand side, while the corresponding statistics for response variable are given on the right-hand side.
Gender Min Max Mean Std.Dev. Median IQR Skewness Kurtosis
-------- ----- ----- ------ ---------- -------- ----- ---------- ----------
male 0 12 3.27 1.953 3 3 0.9443 0.9858
female 0 12 3.064 2.355 2 3 1.398 1.87
# Diagnostics
Before we carry out ANOVA, we'd like to check some basic assumptions. For those purposes, normality and homoscedascity tests are carried out alongside several graphs that may help you with your decision on model's main assumptions.
## Diagnostics
### Univariate Normality
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.168 3e-52
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 18.75 7.261e-44
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.9001 1.618e-20
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality of the Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day).
### Homoscedascity
In order to test homoscedascity, _Bartlett_ and _Fligner-Kileen_ tests are applied.
Method Statistic p-value
---------------------------- ----------- ---------
Fligner-Killeen test of 0.4629 0.4963
homogeneity of variances
Bartlett test of homogeneity 10.77 0.001032
of variances
When it comes to equality of variances, applied tests yield inconsistent results. While _Fligner-Kileen test_ confirmed the hypotheses of homoscedascity, _Bartlett's test_ rejected it.
## Diagnostic Plots
Here you can see several diagnostic plots for ANOVA model:
- residuals against fitted values
- scale-location plot of square root of residuals against fitted values
- normal Q-Q plot
- residuals against leverages
# ANOVA Summary
## ANOVA Table
Df Sum.Sq Mean.Sq F.value Pr..F.
--------------- ---- -------- --------- --------- --------
**gender** 1 6.422 6.422 1.43 0.2322
**Residuals** 636 2856 4.49
_F-test_ for _Gender_ is not statistically significant, which implies that there is no Gender effect on response variable.
## Post Hoc test
### Results
After getting the results of the ANOVA, usually it is advisable to run a [post hoc test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-hoc_analysis) to explore patterns that were not specified a priori. Now we are presenting [Tukey's HSD test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tukey%27s_range_test).
#### gender
Difference Lower Bound Upper Bound P value
----------------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------
**female-male** -0.206 -0.543 0.132 _0.232_
There are no categories which differ significantly here.
### Plot
Below you can see the result of the post hoc test on a plot.
## Running: rapport("ANOVA", ius2008, resp = "leisure", fac = c("gender", "partner")) # two-way
# Introduction
**Analysis of Variance** or **ANOVA** is a statistical procedure that tests equality of means for several samples. It was first introduced in 1921 by famous English statistician Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher.
# Model Overview
Two-Way ANOVA was carried out, with _Gender_ and _Relationship status_ as independent variables, and _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ as a response variable. Factor interaction was taken into account.
# Descriptives
In order to get more insight on the model data, a table of frequencies for ANOVA factors is displayed, as well as a table of descriptives.
## Frequency Table
Below lies a frequency table for factors in ANOVA model. Note that the missing values are removed from the summary.
gender partner N % Cumul. N Cumul. %
-------- ----------------- --- ----- ---------- ----------
male in a relationship 150 23.7 150 23.7
female in a relationship 120 18.96 270 42.65
male married 33 5.213 303 47.87
female married 29 4.581 332 52.45
male single 204 32.23 536 84.68
female single 97 15.32 633 100
Total Total 633 100 633 100
## Descriptive Statistics
The following table displays the descriptive statistics of ANOVA model. Factor levels and their combinations lie on the left-hand side, while the corresponding statistics for response variable are given on the right-hand side.
Gender Relationship status Min Max Mean Std.Dev. Median IQR Skewness Kurtosis
-------- --------------------- ----- ----- ------ ---------- -------- ----- ---------- ----------
male in a relationship 0.5 12 3.058 1.969 2.5 2 1.324 2.649
male married 0 8 2.985 2.029 3 2 0.862 0.1509
male single 0 10 3.503 1.936 3 3 0.7574 0.08749
female in a relationship 0.5 10 3.044 2.216 3 3 1.383 1.831
female married 0 10 2.481 1.967 2 1.75 2.063 5.586
female single 0 12 3.323 2.679 3 3.5 1.185 0.9281
# Diagnostics
Before we carry out ANOVA, we'd like to check some basic assumptions. For those purposes, normality and homoscedascity tests are carried out alongside several graphs that may help you with your decision on model's main assumptions.
## Diagnostics
### Univariate Normality
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.168 3e-52
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 18.75 7.261e-44
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.9001 1.618e-20
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality of the Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day).
### Homoscedascity
In order to test homoscedascity, _Bartlett_ and _Fligner-Kileen_ tests are applied.
Method Statistic p-value
---------------------------- ----------- ---------
Fligner-Killeen test of 1.123 0.2892
homogeneity of variances
Bartlett test of homogeneity 11.13 0.0008509
of variances
When it comes to equality of variances, applied tests yield inconsistent results. While _Fligner-Kileen test_ confirmed the hypotheses of homoscedascity, _Bartlett's test_ rejected it.
## Diagnostic Plots
Here you can see several diagnostic plots for ANOVA model:
- residuals against fitted values
- scale-location plot of square root of residuals against fitted values
- normal Q-Q plot
- residuals against leverages
# ANOVA Summary
## ANOVA Table
Df Sum.Sq Mean.Sq F.value Pr..F.
-------------------- ---- -------- --------- --------- --------
**gender** 1 4.947 4.947 1.085 0.2979
**partner** 2 31.21 15.61 3.424 0.03324
**gender:partner** 2 3.038 1.519 0.3332 0.7168
**Residuals** 593 2703 4.558
_F-test_ for _Gender_ is not statistically significant, which implies that there is no Gender effect on response variable. Effect of _Relationship status_ on response variable is significant. Interaction between levels of _Gender_ and _Relationship status_ wasn't found significant (p = 0.717).
## Post Hoc test
### Results
After getting the results of the ANOVA, usually it is advisable to run a [post hoc test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-hoc_analysis) to explore patterns that were not specified a priori. Now we are presenting [Tukey's HSD test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tukey%27s_range_test).
#### gender
Difference Lower Bound Upper Bound P value
----------------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------
**female-male** -0.186 -0.538 0.165 _0.298_
There are no categories which differ significantly here.
#### partner
Difference Lower Bound Upper Bound P value
------------------------------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------
**married-in a relationship** -0.289 -1.012 0.435 _0.616_
**single-in a relationship** 0.371 -0.061 0.803 _0.109_
**single-married** 0.66 -0.059 1.379 _0.079_
There are no categories which differ significantly here.
#### gender:partner
Difference Lower Bound Upper Bound P value
---------------------------------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ---------
**female:in a -0.014 -0.777 0.749 _1_
relationship-male:in a
**male:married-male:in a -0.073 -1.25 1.103 _1_
**female:married-male:in a -0.577 -1.877 0.722 _0.801_
**male:single-male:in a 0.444 -0.23 1.119 _0.412_
**female:single-male:in a 0.264 -0.545 1.074 _0.938_
**male:married-female:in a -0.059 -1.266 1.148 _1_
**female:married-female:in a -0.563 -1.89 0.764 _0.83_
**male:single-female:in a 0.459 -0.267 1.184 _0.461_
**female:single-female:in a 0.279 -0.574 1.132 _0.938_
**female:married-male:married** -0.504 -2.105 1.097 _0.946_
**male:single-male:married** 0.518 -0.635 1.67 _0.794_
**female:single-male:married** 0.338 -0.899 1.575 _0.971_
**male:single-female:married** 1.022 -0.256 2.3 _0.201_
**female:single-female:married** 0.842 -0.512 2.196 _0.481_
**female:single-male:single** -0.18 -0.955 0.594 _0.986_
There are no categories which differ significantly here.
### Plot
Below you can see the result of the post hoc test on a plot.
rapport("ANOVA", ius2008, resp = "leisure", fac = "gender") # one-way
rapport("ANOVA", ius2008, resp = "leisure", fac = c("gender", "partner")) # two-way
title: ANOVA Template
author: Aleksandar Blagotić, Dániel Nagy
description: An ANOVA report with table of descriptives, diagnostic tests and ANOVA-specific
email: ~
packages: nortest
- 'rapport("ANOVA", ius2008, resp = "leisure", fac = "gender") # one-way'
- 'rapport("ANOVA", ius2008, resp = "leisure", fac = c("gender", "partner")) # two-way'
- name: resp
label: Response variable
description: Dependent (response) variable
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: fac
label: Factor variables
description: Independent variables (factors)
class: factor
min: 1.0
max: 2.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: fac.intr
label: Factor interaction
description: Include factor interaction
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: yes
required: no
standalone: yes
panderOptions('table.split.table', Inf)
d <- structure(data.frame(resp, fac), .Names = c(resp.iname, fac.name))
f.int <- fml(resp.iname, fac.name, join.right = "*")
f.nonint <- fml(resp.iname, fac.name, join.right = "+")
fit <- lm(ifelse(isTRUE(fac.intr), f.int, f.nonint), data = d)
fac.plu <- switch(fac.ilen, '', 's')
# Introduction
**Analysis of Variance** or **ANOVA** is a statistical procedure that tests equality of means for several samples. It was first introduced in 1921 by famous English statistician Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher.
# Model Overview
<%= switch(fac.ilen, 'One', 'Two') %>-Way ANOVA was carried out, with <%= p(fac.label) %> as independent variable<%= fac.plu %>, and <%= p(resp.label) %> as a response variable. Factor interaction was<%= ifelse(fac.intr, "", "n't")%> taken into account.
# Descriptives
In order to get more insight on the model data, a table of frequencies for ANOVA factors is displayed, as well as a table of descriptives.
## Frequency Table
Below lies a frequency table for factors in ANOVA model. Note that the missing values are removed from the summary.
(freq <- rp.freq(fac.name, rp.data))
## Descriptive Statistics
The following table displays the descriptive statistics of ANOVA model. Factor levels <%=ifelse(ncol(fac) > 1, "and their combinations", "")%> lie on the left-hand side, while the corresponding statistics for response variable are given on the right-hand side.
(desc <- rp.desc(resp, fac, c(Min = min, Max = max, Mean = mean, Std.Dev. = sd, Median = median, IQR, Skewness = skewness, Kurtosis = kurtosis)))
# Diagnostics
Before we carry out ANOVA, we'd like to check some basic assumptions. For those purposes, normality and homoscedascity tests are carried out alongside several graphs that may help you with your decision on model's main assumptions.
## Diagnostics
### Univariate Normality
<% if (length(resp) < 5000) { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(resp, lillie.test, ad.test, shapiro.test)
k <- 0
l <- 0
m <- 0
n <- 0
p <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l <- k + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {m <- l + 1}
if (ntest$p[3] < 0.05) {n <- m + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= resp.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _<%= resp.label %>_ is<%= ifelse(ntest[3, 3] < p, " not", "") %> normal
<% } else { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(resp, lillie.test, ad.test)
k <- 0
l <- 0
m <- 0
n <- 0
p <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l <- k + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {n <- l + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= resp.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
<% } %>
<%= if (n > 0) {
sprintf("As you can see, the applied tests %s of the %s.", ifelse(n > 1, "confirm departures from normality", "yield different results on hypotheses of normality, so you may want to stick with one you find most appropriate or you trust the most in the case"), resp.label)
} else {
sprintf("reject departures from normality")
### Homoscedascity
In order to test homoscedascity, _Bartlett_ and _Fligner-Kileen_ tests are applied.
hsced <- with(d, htest(as.formula(f.nonint), fligner.test, bartlett.test))
hp <- hsced$p
hcons <- all(hp < .05) | all(hp > .05)
hp.all <- all(hp < .05)
When it comes to equality of variances, applied tests yield <%= ifelse(hcons, "consistent", "inconsistent") %> results. <%= if (hcons) { sprintf("Homoscedascity assumption is %s.", ifelse(hp.all, "rejected", "confirmed")) } else { sprintf("While _Fligner-Kileen test_ %s the hypotheses of homoscedascity, _Bartlett's test_ %s it.", ifelse(hp[1] < .05, "rejected", "confirmed"), ifelse(hp[2] < .05, "rejected", "confirmed")) } %>
## Diagnostic Plots
Here you can see several diagnostic plots for ANOVA model:
- residuals against fitted values
- scale-location plot of square root of residuals against fitted values
- normal Q-Q plot
- residuals against leverages
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# ANOVA Summary
## ANOVA Table
a <- anova(fit)
a.f <- a$F
a.p <- a$Pr
a.fp <- a.p < .05
_F-test_ for <%= p(fac.label[1]) %> is <%= ifelse(a.fp[1], "", "not") %> statistically significant, which implies that there is <%= ifelse(a.fp[1], "an", "no") %> <%= fac.label[1] %> effect on response variable. <%= if (fac.ilen == 2) { sprintf("Effect of %s on response variable is %s significant. ", p(fac.label[2]), ifelse(a.fp[2], "", "not")) } else { "" } %><%= if (fac.ilen == 2 & fac.intr) { sprintf("Interaction between levels of %s %s found significant (p = %.3f).", p(fac.label), ifelse(a.fp[3], "was", "wasn't"), a.p[3]) } else { "" } %>
## Post Hoc test
### Results
After getting the results of the ANOVA, usually it is advisable to run a [post hoc test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-hoc_analysis) to explore patterns that were not specified a priori. Now we are presenting [Tukey's HSD test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tukey%27s_range_test).
aovfit <- aov(fit)
Tukey <- TukeyHSD(aovfit)
<% for (v in names(Tukey)) { %>
#### <%= v %>
<%= posthoc <- round(Tukey[[v]],3)
colnames(posthoc) <- c("Difference", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "P value")
is.signif <- length(posthoc[,4][which(abs(posthoc[,4]) < 0.05)]) > 0
length.signif <- length(posthoc[,4][which(abs(posthoc[,4]) < 0.05)])
if (is.signif) {
post.signif <- paste(pander.return(lapply(1:length.signif, function(i) paste0(p(c(rownames(posthoc)[which(abs(posthoc[,4]) < 0.05)][i])), ' (', round(posthoc[,4][which(abs(posthoc[,4]) < 0.05)][i], 3), ')'))), collapse = '\n')
} else {
post.signif <- NULL
posthoc[,4] <- add.significance.stars(posthoc[,4])
<% if (is.signif) { %>
The following categories differ significantly (in the brackets you can see the p-value):
<% } else { %>
There are no categories which differ significantly here.
<% } %>
<% } %>
### Plot
Below you can see the result of the post hoc test on a plot.
<%= Tukey_plot <- plot(TukeyHSD(aovfit)) %>
rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='gender')
rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='student')
rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='net.required')
## Running: rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='gender')
# Introduction
Bartlett's test is used to test the homogeneity of the variances, in other words the equality of the tested variable's variances across the groups. With checking that we want to find if the two groups are coming from the same population.
Homogeneity is useful to being tested, because that is an assumption of the One-Way ANOVA.
## References
* Snedecor, George W. and Cochran, William G. (1989). _Statistical Methods_. Iowa State University Press
# Normality assumption
The Bartlett's test has an assumption of normality, thus one should obtain the information if the distribution of the tested variable had a normal distribution.
We will use _Shapiro-Wilk_, _Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.17 6.193e-54
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 32.16 1.26e-71
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.8216 9.445e-27
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Age_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Age_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality.
# Test results
After checking the assumptions let's see what the test shows us!
Method Statistic p-value
---------------------------- ----------- ---------
Bartlett test of homogeneity 0.233 0.6293
of variances
According to the _Bartlett's test_, the variance of the _Age_ across the groups of _Gender_ does not differs significantly.
We can conclude that, because the p-value is higher than 0.05.
## Running: rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='student')
# Introduction
Bartlett's test is used to test the homogeneity of the variances, in other words the equality of the tested variable's variances across the groups. With checking that we want to find if the two groups are coming from the same population.
Homogeneity is useful to being tested, because that is an assumption of the One-Way ANOVA.
## References
* Snedecor, George W. and Cochran, William G. (1989). _Statistical Methods_. Iowa State University Press
# Normality assumption
The Bartlett's test has an assumption of normality, thus one should obtain the information if the distribution of the tested variable had a normal distribution.
We will use _Shapiro-Wilk_, _Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.2223 2.243e-92
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 42.04 3.31e-90
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.7985 6.366e-28
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality.
# Test results
After checking the assumptions let's see what the test shows us!
Method Statistic p-value
---------------------------- ----------- ---------
Bartlett test of homogeneity 36.11 1.863e-09
of variances
According to the _Bartlett's test_, the variance of the _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ across the groups of _Student_ significantly differs.
We can conclude that, because the p-value is smaller than 0.05.
## Running: rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='net.required')
# Introduction
Bartlett's test is used to test the homogeneity of the variances, in other words the equality of the tested variable's variances across the groups. With checking that we want to find if the two groups are coming from the same population.
Homogeneity is useful to being tested, because that is an assumption of the One-Way ANOVA.
## References
* Snedecor, George W. and Cochran, William G. (1989). _Statistical Methods_. Iowa State University Press
# Normality assumption
The Bartlett's test has an assumption of normality, thus one should obtain the information if the distribution of the tested variable had a normal distribution.
We will use _Shapiro-Wilk_, _Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.17 6.193e-54
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 32.16 1.26e-71
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.8216 9.445e-27
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Age_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Age_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality.
# Test results
After checking the assumptions let's see what the test shows us!
Method Statistic p-value
---------------------------- ----------- ---------
Bartlett test of homogeneity 23.26 0.0001123
of variances
According to the _Bartlett's test_, the variance of the _Age_ across the groups of _How often does your profession require Internet access?_ significantly differs.
We can conclude that, because the p-value is smaller than 0.05.
rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='gender')
rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='student')
rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='net.required')
title: Bartlett's test
author: Gergely Daróczi, Daniel Nagy
description: This template will run the Bartlett's test to check the equality of variances between groups.
email: ~
- nortest
- rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='gender')
- rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='student')
- rapport('BartlettsTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='net.required')
- name: resp
label: Response Variable
description: This is the depend variables which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: group
label: Grouping Variable
description: This is the grouping variable which will be used here
class: factor
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
# Introduction
Bartlett's test is used to test the homogeneity of the variances, in other words the equality of the tested variable's variances across the groups. With checking that we want to find if the two groups are coming from the same population.
Homogeneity is useful to being tested, because that is an assumption of the One-Way ANOVA.
## References
* Snedecor, George W. and Cochran, William G. (1989). _Statistical Methods_. Iowa State University Press
# Normality assumption
The Bartlett's test has an assumption of normality, thus one should obtain the information if the distribution of the tested variable had a normal distribution.
We will use <%=ifelse(length(resp) < 5000, "_Shapiro-Wilk_, ", "")%>_Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable.
<% if (length(resp) < 5000) { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(resp, lillie.test, ad.test, shapiro.test)
k <- 0
l <- 0
m <- 0
n <- 0
p <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l <- k + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {m <- l + 1}
if (ntest$p[3] < 0.05) {n <- m + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= resp.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _<%= resp.label %>_ is<%= ifelse(ntest[3, 3] < p, " not", "") %> normal
<% } else { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(resp, lillie.test, ad.test)
k <- 0
l <- 0
m <- 0
n <- 0
p <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l <- k + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {n <- l + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= resp.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
<% } %>
<%= if (n > 0) {
sprintf("As you can see, the applied tests %s.", ifelse(n > 1, "confirm departures from normality", "yield different results on hypotheses of normality, so you may want to stick with one you find most appropriate or you trust the most."))
} else {
sprintf("reject departures from normality")
# Test results
After checking the assumptions let's see what the test shows us!
bartlett <- function(resp) bartlett.test(resp, group)
h <- htest(resp, bartlett)
p <- .05
According to the _Bartlett's test_, the variance of the _<%= resp.label %>_ across the groups of _<%= group.label %>_ <%= ifelse(h[1, 3] < p, "significantly differs", "does not differs significantly") %>.
We can conclude that, because <%= ifelse(h[1, 3] < p,"the p-value is smaller than 0.05.","the p-value is higher than 0.05.")%>
rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='gender')
rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='gender')
rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='net.required')
## Running: rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='gender')
# Introduction
The Brown-Forsyth test is used for checking the equality of the variances among the groups of one variable, in other words it tests the homogeneity of the variances. Equality of group variances is an assumption of the one-way ANOVA test.
The base of the test is really similar to the Levene's test, but the Brown-Forsyth test uses the deviations from the group medians instead of the mean (what the Levene's does), thus the Brown-Forsyth test is called more robust.
This test has the advantage over the other tests, which are also being used to check the homogeneity (F-test and Bartlett's test), that it does not have a normality assumption, so the variable we investigate do not have to follow a normal distribution.
## References
* Brown, M.~B. and Forsyth, A.~B. (1974). Robust tests for equality of variances. _Journal of the American Statistical Association_, 69:364-367.
# Result
Method Statistic p-value
------------------ ----------- ---------
hov: Brown-Forsyth 0.3847 0.5353
According to the _Brown-Forsyth test_, the variances of the _Age_ across the groups of _Gender_ does not differs significantly.
We can conclude that, because the p-value is higher than 0.05
## References
* Heiberger, Richard M. and Holland, Burt (2004b). _Statistical Analysis and Data Display: An Intermediate Course with Examples in S-Plus, R, and SAS_.
## Running: rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='gender')
# Introduction
The Brown-Forsyth test is used for checking the equality of the variances among the groups of one variable, in other words it tests the homogeneity of the variances. Equality of group variances is an assumption of the one-way ANOVA test.
The base of the test is really similar to the Levene's test, but the Brown-Forsyth test uses the deviations from the group medians instead of the mean (what the Levene's does), thus the Brown-Forsyth test is called more robust.
This test has the advantage over the other tests, which are also being used to check the homogeneity (F-test and Bartlett's test), that it does not have a normality assumption, so the variable we investigate do not have to follow a normal distribution.
## References
* Brown, M.~B. and Forsyth, A.~B. (1974). Robust tests for equality of variances. _Journal of the American Statistical Association_, 69:364-367.
# Result
Method Statistic p-value
------------------ ----------- ---------
hov: Brown-Forsyth 4.681 0.03087
According to the _Brown-Forsyth test_, the variances of the _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ across the groups of _Gender_ significantly differs.
We can conclude that, because the p-value is smaller than 0.05
## References
* Heiberger, Richard M. and Holland, Burt (2004b). _Statistical Analysis and Data Display: An Intermediate Course with Examples in S-Plus, R, and SAS_.
## Running: rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='net.required')
# Introduction
The Brown-Forsyth test is used for checking the equality of the variances among the groups of one variable, in other words it tests the homogeneity of the variances. Equality of group variances is an assumption of the one-way ANOVA test.
The base of the test is really similar to the Levene's test, but the Brown-Forsyth test uses the deviations from the group medians instead of the mean (what the Levene's does), thus the Brown-Forsyth test is called more robust.
This test has the advantage over the other tests, which are also being used to check the homogeneity (F-test and Bartlett's test), that it does not have a normality assumption, so the variable we investigate do not have to follow a normal distribution.
## References
* Brown, M.~B. and Forsyth, A.~B. (1974). Robust tests for equality of variances. _Journal of the American Statistical Association_, 69:364-367.
# Result
Method Statistic p-value
------------------ ----------- ---------
hov: Brown-Forsyth 15.89 2.131e-12
According to the _Brown-Forsyth test_, the variances of the _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ across the groups of _How often does your profession require Internet access?_ significantly differs.
We can conclude that, because the p-value is smaller than 0.05
## References
* Heiberger, Richard M. and Holland, Burt (2004b). _Statistical Analysis and Data Display: An Intermediate Course with Examples in S-Plus, R, and SAS_.
rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='gender')
rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='gender')
rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='net.required')
title: Brown-Forsyth test
author: Gergely Daróczi, Daniel Nagy
description: This template will run a Brown-Forsyth test to check the equality of variances among groups.
email: ~
- HH
- rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='age', group='gender')
- rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='gender')
- rapport('BrownForsythTest.tpl', data=ius2008, resp='edu', group='net.required')
- name: resp
label: Response Variable
description: This is the depend variables which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: group
label: Grouping Variable
description: This is the grouping variable which will be used here
class: factor
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
# Introduction
The Brown-Forsyth test is used for checking the equality of the variances among the groups of one variable, in other words it tests the homogeneity of the variances. Equality of group variances is an assumption of the one-way ANOVA test.
The base of the test is really similar to the Levene's test, but the Brown-Forsyth test uses the deviations from the group medians instead of the mean (what the Levene's does), thus the Brown-Forsyth test is called more robust.
This test has the advantage over the other tests, which are also being used to check the homogeneity (F-test and Bartlett's test), that it does not have a normality assumption, so the variable we investigate do not have to follow a normal distribution.
## References
* Brown, M.~B. and Forsyth, A.~B. (1974). Robust tests for equality of variances. _Journal of the American Statistical Association_, 69:364-367.
# Result
df <- na.omit(data.frame(resp = as.numeric(resp), group = as.factor(group)))
BFtest <- function(x) hov(resp ~ group, data = df)
h <- htest(resp, BFtest)
p <- .05
According to the _Brown-Forsyth test_, the variances of the _<%= resp.label %>_ across the groups of _<%= group.label %>_ <%= ifelse(h[1, 3] < p, "significantly differs", "does not differs significantly") %>.
We can conclude that, because <%= ifelse(h[1, 3] < p,"the p-value is smaller than 0.05","the p-value is higher than 0.05")%>
## References
* Heiberger, Richard M. and Holland, Burt (2004b). _Statistical Analysis and Data Display: An Intermediate Course with Examples in S-Plus, R, and SAS_.
rapport('Correlation', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu'))
rapport('Correlation', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'))
rapport('Correlation', data=mtcars, vars=c('mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'hp', 'drat', 'wt', 'qsec', 'vs', 'am', 'gear', 'carb'))
## Running: rapport('Correlation', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu'))
# Introduction
[Correlation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_and_dependence) is one of the most commonly used statistical tool. With the help of that we can get information about a possible [linear relation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_independence) between two variables. According to the definition of the correlation, one can call it also as the standardized [covariance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance).
The maximum possible value of the correlation (the so-called [correlation coefficient](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_coefficient)) could be 1, the minimum could be -1. In the first case there is a perfect positive (thus in the second case there is a perfect negative) linear relationship between the two variables, though perfect relationships, especially in the social sciences, are quite rare. If two variables are independent from each other, the correlation between them is 0, but 0 correlation coefficient only means certainly a [linear independency](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_and_dependence#Correlation_and_linearity).
Because extreme values occur seldom we have rule of thumbs for the coefficients, like other fields of statistics:
* we call two variables highly correlated if the absolute value of the correlation coefficient between them is higher than 0.7 and
* we call them uncorrelated if that is smaller than 0.2.
Please note that [correlation has nothing to do with causal models](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation), it only shows association but not effects.
# Variable description
_709_ variables with _2_ cases provided.
There are no highly correlated (r < -0.7 or r > 0.7) variables.
There are no uncorrelated correlated (r < -0.2 or r > 0.2) variables.
# Correlation matrix
age edu
--------- ------------ ------------
**age** 0.2185 * * *
**edu** 0.2185 * * *
Table: Correlation matrix
Where the stars represent the [significance levels](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance) of the bivariate correlation coefficients: one star for a [p value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value) below `0.05`, two for below `0.01` and three for below `0.001`.
On the plot one can see the correlation in two forms: below the [diagonal](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_diagonal) visually, above that one can find the coefficient(s).
## Running: rapport('Correlation', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'))
# Introduction
[Correlation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_and_dependence) is one of the most commonly used statistical tool. With the help of that we can get information about a possible [linear relation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_independence) between two variables. According to the definition of the correlation, one can call it also as the standardized [covariance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance).
The maximum possible value of the correlation (the so-called [correlation coefficient](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_coefficient)) could be 1, the minimum could be -1. In the first case there is a perfect positive (thus in the second case there is a perfect negative) linear relationship between the two variables, though perfect relationships, especially in the social sciences, are quite rare. If two variables are independent from each other, the correlation between them is 0, but 0 correlation coefficient only means certainly a [linear independency](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_and_dependence#Correlation_and_linearity).
Because extreme values occur seldom we have rule of thumbs for the coefficients, like other fields of statistics:
* we call two variables highly correlated if the absolute value of the correlation coefficient between them is higher than 0.7 and
* we call them uncorrelated if that is smaller than 0.2.
Please note that [correlation has nothing to do with causal models](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation), it only shows association but not effects.
# Variable description
_709_ variables with _3_ cases provided.
The highest correlation coefficient (_0.2273_) is between _edu_ and _age_ and the lowest (_-0.03377_) is between _leisure_ and _age_. It seems that the strongest association (r=_0.2273_) is between _edu_ and _age_.
There are no highly correlated (r < -0.7 or r > 0.7) variables.
Uncorrelated (-0.2 < r < 0.2) variables:
* _leisure_ and _age_ (-0.03)
* _leisure_ and _edu_ (0.17)
<!-- end of list -->
# Correlation matrix
age edu leisure
------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
**age** 0.2273 * * * -0.0338
**edu** 0.2273 * * * 0.1732 * * *
**leisure** -0.0338 0.1732 * * *
Table: Correlation matrix
Where the stars represent the [significance levels](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance) of the bivariate correlation coefficients: one star for a [p value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value) below `0.05`, two for below `0.01` and three for below `0.001`.
On the plot one can see the correlation in two forms: below the [diagonal](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_diagonal) visually, above that one can find the coefficient(s).
## Running: rapport('Correlation', data=mtcars, vars=c('mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'hp', 'drat', 'wt', 'qsec', 'vs', 'am', 'gear', 'carb'))
# Introduction
[Correlation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_and_dependence) is one of the most commonly used statistical tool. With the help of that we can get information about a possible [linear relation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_independence) between two variables. According to the definition of the correlation, one can call it also as the standardized [covariance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance).
The maximum possible value of the correlation (the so-called [correlation coefficient](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_coefficient)) could be 1, the minimum could be -1. In the first case there is a perfect positive (thus in the second case there is a perfect negative) linear relationship between the two variables, though perfect relationships, especially in the social sciences, are quite rare. If two variables are independent from each other, the correlation between them is 0, but 0 correlation coefficient only means certainly a [linear independency](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_and_dependence#Correlation_and_linearity).
Because extreme values occur seldom we have rule of thumbs for the coefficients, like other fields of statistics:
* we call two variables highly correlated if the absolute value of the correlation coefficient between them is higher than 0.7 and
* we call them uncorrelated if that is smaller than 0.2.
Please note that [correlation has nothing to do with causal models](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation), it only shows association but not effects.
# Variable description
_32_ variables with _11_ cases provided.
The highest correlation coefficient (_0.902_) is between _disp_ and _cyl_ and the lowest (_-0.8677_) is between _wt_ and _mpg_. It seems that the strongest association (r=_0.902_) is between _disp_ and _cyl_.
Highly correlated (r < -0.7 or r > 0.7) variables:
* _cyl_ and _mpg_ (-0.85)
* _disp_ and _mpg_ (-0.85)
* _hp_ and _mpg_ (-0.78)
* _wt_ and _mpg_ (-0.87)
* _disp_ and _cyl_ (0.9)
* _hp_ and _cyl_ (0.83)
* _wt_ and _cyl_ (0.78)
* _vs_ and _cyl_ (-0.81)
* _hp_ and _disp_ (0.79)
* _drat_ and _disp_ (-0.71)
* _wt_ and _disp_ (0.89)
* _vs_ and _disp_ (-0.71)
* _qsec_ and _hp_ (-0.71)
* _vs_ and _hp_ (-0.72)
* _carb_ and _hp_ (0.75)
* _wt_ and _drat_ (-0.71)
* _am_ and _drat_ (0.71)
* _vs_ and _qsec_ (0.74)
* _gear_ and _am_ (0.79)
<!-- end of list -->
Uncorrelated (-0.2 < r < 0.2) variables:
* _gear_ and _hp_ (-0.13)
* _qsec_ and _drat_ (0.09)
* _carb_ and _drat_ (-0.09)
* _qsec_ and _wt_ (-0.17)
* _am_ and _vs_ (0.17)
* _carb_ and _am_ (0.06)
<!-- end of list -->
# Correlation matrix
mpg cyl disp
---------- ------------- ------------- -------------
**mpg** -0.8522 * * * -0.8476 * * *
**cyl** -0.8522 * * * 0.9020 * * *
**disp** -0.8476 * * * 0.9020 * * *
**hp** -0.7762 * * * 0.8324 * * * 0.7909 * * *
**drat** 0.6812 * * * -0.6999 * * * -0.7102 * * *
**wt** -0.8677 * * * 0.7825 * * * 0.8880 * * *
**qsec** 0.4187 * -0.5912 * * * -0.4337 *
**vs** 0.6640 * * * -0.8108 * * * -0.7104 * * *
**am** 0.5998 * * * -0.5226 * * -0.5912 * * *
**gear** 0.4803 * * -0.4927 * * -0.5556 * * *
**carb** -0.5509 * * 0.5270 * * 0.3950 *
Table: Correlation matrix (continued below)
hp drat wt
---------- ------------- ------------- -------------
**mpg** -0.7762 * * * 0.6812 * * * -0.8677 * * *
**cyl** 0.8324 * * * -0.6999 * * * 0.7825 * * *
**disp** 0.7909 * * * -0.7102 * * * 0.8880 * * *
**hp** -0.4488 * * 0.6587 * * *
**drat** -0.4488 * * -0.7124 * * *
**wt** 0.6587 * * * -0.7124 * * *
**qsec** -0.7082 * * * 0.0912 -0.1747
**vs** -0.7231 * * * 0.4403 * -0.5549 * * *
**am** -0.2432 0.7127 * * * -0.6925 * * *
**gear** -0.1257 0.6996 * * * -0.5833 * * *
**carb** 0.7498 * * * -0.0908 0.4276 *
Table: Table continues below
qsec vs am
---------- ------------- ------------- -------------
**mpg** 0.4187 * 0.6640 * * * 0.5998 * * *
**cyl** -0.5912 * * * -0.8108 * * * -0.5226 * *
**disp** -0.4337 * -0.7104 * * * -0.5912 * * *
**hp** -0.7082 * * * -0.7231 * * * -0.2432
**drat** 0.0912 0.4403 * 0.7127 * * *
**wt** -0.1747 -0.5549 * * * -0.6925 * * *
**qsec** 0.7445 * * * -0.2299
**vs** 0.7445 * * * 0.1683
**am** -0.2299 0.1683
**gear** -0.2127 0.2060 0.7941 * * *
**carb** -0.6562 * * * -0.5696 * * * 0.0575
Table: Table continues below
gear carb
---------- ------------- -------------
**mpg** 0.4803 * * -0.5509 * *
**cyl** -0.4927 * * 0.5270 * *
**disp** -0.5556 * * * 0.3950 *
**hp** -0.1257 0.7498 * * *
**drat** 0.6996 * * * -0.0908
**wt** -0.5833 * * * 0.4276 *
**qsec** -0.2127 -0.6562 * * *
**vs** 0.2060 -0.5696 * * *
**am** 0.7941 * * * 0.0575
**gear** 0.2741
**carb** 0.2741
Where the stars represent the [significance levels](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance) of the bivariate correlation coefficients: one star for a [p value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value) below `0.05`, two for below `0.01` and three for below `0.001`.
On the plot one can see the correlation in two forms: below the [diagonal](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_diagonal) visually, above that one can find the coefficient(s).
rapport('Correlation', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu'))
rapport('Correlation', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'))
rapport('Correlation', data=mtcars, vars=c('mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'hp', 'drat', 'wt', 'qsec', 'vs', 'am', 'gear', 'carb'))
title: Correlations
author: Daróczi Gergely, Nagy Dániel
description: This template will return the correlation matrix of supplied numerical variables.
email: gergely@snowl.net
packages: ~
- rapport('Correlation', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu'))
- rapport('Correlation', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'))
- rapport('Correlation', data=mtcars, vars=c('mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'hp', 'drat', 'wt', 'qsec', 'vs', 'am', 'gear', 'carb'))
- name: vars
label: Variable
description: Numerical variables
class: numeric
min: 2.0
max: 50.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
# Introduction
[Correlation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_and_dependence) is one of the most commonly used statistical tool. With the help of that we can get information about a possible [linear relation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_independence) between two variables. According to the definition of the correlation, one can call it also as the standardized [covariance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance).
The maximum possible value of the correlation (the so-called [correlation coefficient](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_coefficient)) could be 1, the minimum could be -1. In the first case there is a perfect positive (thus in the second case there is a perfect negative) linear relationship between the two variables, though perfect relationships, especially in the social sciences, are quite rare. If two variables are independent from each other, the correlation between them is 0, but 0 correlation coefficient only means certainly a [linear independency](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_and_dependence#Correlation_and_linearity).
Because extreme values occur seldom we have rule of thumbs for the coefficients, like other fields of statistics:
* we call two variables highly correlated if the absolute value of the correlation coefficient between them is higher than 0.7 and
* we call them uncorrelated if that is smaller than 0.2.
Please note that [correlation has nothing to do with causal models](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation), it only shows association but not effects.
# Variable description
<%=dim(vars)[1]%> variables with <%=dim(vars)[2]%> cases provided.
cm <- cor(vars, use = 'complete.obs')
diag(cm) <- NA
<% if (length(vars) > 2) { %>
The highest correlation coefficient (<%=max(cm, na.rm = T)%>) is between <%=row.names(which(cm == max(cm, na.rm = T), arr.ind = T))[1:2]%> and the lowest (<%=min(cm, na.rm = T)%>) is between <%=row.names(which(cm == min(cm, na.rm = T), arr.ind = T))[1:2]%>. It seems that the strongest association (r=<%=cm[which(abs(cm) == max(abs(cm), na.rm = T), arr.ind = T)][1]%>) is between <%=row.names(which(abs(cm) == max(abs(cm), na.rm = T), arr.ind = T))[1:2]%>.
<% } %>
cm[upper.tri(cm)] <- NA
h <- which((cm > 0.7) | (cm < -0.7), arr.ind = T)
if (nrow(h) > 0) {
Highly correlated (r < -0.7 or r > 0.7) variables:
<%=paste(pander.return(lapply(1:nrow(h), function(i) paste0(p(c(rownames(cm)[h[i, 1]], colnames(cm)[h[i, 2]])), ' (', round(cm[h[i, 1], h[i, 2]], 2), ')'))), collapse = '\n')%>
<%} else { %>
There are no highly correlated (r < -0.7 or r > 0.7) variables.
<% } %>
h <- which((cm < 0.2)&(cm > -0.2), arr.ind = T)
if (nrow(h) > 0) {
Uncorrelated (-0.2 < r < 0.2) variables:
if (nrow(h) > 0) {
paste(pander.return(lapply(1:nrow(h), function(i) paste0(p(c(rownames(cm)[h[i, 1]], colnames(cm)[h[i, 2]])), ' (', round(cm[h[i, 1], h[i, 2]], 2), ')'))), collapse = '\n')
<%} else { %>
There are no uncorrelated correlated (r < -0.2 or r > 0.2) variables.
<% } %>
# Correlation matrix
set.caption('Correlation matrix')
cm <- format(round(cor(vars, use = 'complete.obs'), 4), decimal.mark = panderOptions('decimal.mark'))
d <- attributes(cm)
for (row in attr(cm, 'dimnames')[[1]])
for (col in attr(cm, 'dimnames')[[2]]) {
test.p <- cor.test(vars[, row], vars[, col])$p.value
cm[row, col] <- paste(cm[row, col], ' ', ifelse(test.p > 0.05, '', ifelse(test.p > 0.01, ' *', ifelse(test.p > 0.001, ' * *', ' * * *'))), sep='')
diag(cm) <- ''
set.alignment('centre', 'right')
Where the stars represent the [significance levels](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance) of the bivariate correlation coefficients: one star for a [p value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value) below `0.05`, two for below `0.01` and three for below `0.001`.
On the plot one can see the correlation in two forms: below the [diagonal](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_diagonal) visually, above that one can find the coefficient(s).
labels <- lapply(vars, rp.name)
quick.plot <- FALSE
if (nrow(vars) > 1000) {
quick.plot <- TRUE
vars <- vars[sample(1:nrow(vars), size = 1000), ]
## custom panels
panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits = 2, prefix = "", cex.cor, ...) {
## forked from ?pairs
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
r <- cor(x, y, use = 'complete.obs')
txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits = digits, decimal.mark = panderOptions('decimal.mark'))[1]
txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep = "")
if(missing(cex.cor)) { cex <- 0.8/strwidth(txt) }
test <- cor.test(x, y)
Signif <- symnum(test$p.value, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE,
cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " "))
text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex * abs(r) * 1.5)
text(.8, .8, Signif, cex = cex, col = 2)
## plot
set.caption(sprintf('Scatterplot matrix%s', ifelse(quick.plot, ' (based on a sample size of 1000)', '')))
pairs(vars, lower.panel = 'panel.smooth', upper.panel = 'panel.cor', labels = labels)
rapport('Crosstable', data=ius2008, row='gender', col='dwell')
rapport('Crosstable', data=ius2008, row='email', col='dwell')
## Running: rapport('Crosstable', data=ius2008, row='gender', col='dwell')
# Variable description
Two variables specified:
* "gender" ("Gender") with _673_ valid values and
* "dwell" ("Dwelling") with _662_ valid values.
## Introduction
[Crosstables](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_tabulation) are applicable to show the frequencies of categorical variables in a matrix form, with a table view.
We will present four types of these crosstables. The first of them shows the *exact numbers of the observations*, ergo the number of the observations each of the variables' categories commonly have.
The second also shows the possessions each of these cells have, but not the exact numbers of the observations, rather the *percentages* of them from the total data.
The last two type of the crosstabs contain the so-called *row and column percentages* which demonstrate us the distribution of the frequencies if we concentrate only on one variable.
After that we present the *tests* with which we can investigate the possible relationships, associations between the variables, like Chi-squared test, Fisher Exact Test, Goodman and Kruskal's lambda.
In the last part there are some *charts* presented, with that one can visually observe the distribution of the frequencies.
# Counts
city small town village Missing Sum
------------- ------ ------------ --------- --------- -----
**male** 338 28 19 25 410
**female** 234 3 9 17 263
**Missing** 27 2 2 5 36
**Sum** 599 33 30 47 709
Table: Counted values: "gender" and "dwell"
Most of the cases (_338_) can be found in "male-city" categories. Row-wise "male" holds the highest number of cases (_410_) while column-wise "city" has the utmost cases (_599_).
# Percentages
city small town village Missing Sum
------------- ------ ------------ --------- --------- -----
**male** 47.67 3.95 2.68 3.53 57.83
**female** 33 0.42 1.27 2.4 37.09
**Missing** 3.81 0.28 0.28 0.71 5.08
**Sum** 84.49 4.65 4.23 6.63 100
Table: Total percentages: "gender" and "dwell"
city small town village Missing
------------- ------ ------------ --------- ---------
**male** 82.44 6.83 4.63 6.1
**female** 88.97 1.14 3.42 6.46
**Missing** 75 5.56 5.56 13.89
**Sum** 84.49 4.65 4.23 6.63
Table: Row percentages: "gender" and "dwell"
city small town village Missing Sum
------------- ------ ------------ --------- --------- -----
**male** 56.43 84.85 63.33 53.19 57.83
**female** 39.07 9.09 30 36.17 37.09
**Missing** 4.51 6.06 6.67 10.64 5.08
Table: Column percentages: "gender" and "dwell"
# Tests of Independence
In the below tests for [independece](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_(probability_theory)) we assume that the row and column variables are independent of each other. If this [null hypothesis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_hypothesis) would be rejected by the tests, then we can say that the assumption must have been wrong, so there is a good chance that the variables are associated.
## Chi-squared test
One of the most widespread independence test is the [Chi-squared test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson%27s_chi-squared_test). While using that we have the alternative hypothesis, that two variables have an association between each other, in opposite of the null hypothesis that the variables are independent.
We use the cell frequencies from the crosstables to calculate the test statistic for that. The test statistic is based on the difference between this distribution and a theoretical distribution where the variables are independent of each other. The distribution of this test statistic follows a [Chi-square distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi-squared_distribution).
The test was invented by Karl Pearson in 1900. It should be noted that the Chi-squared test has the disadvantage that it is sensitive to the sample size.
### Criteria
Before analyzing the result of the Chi-squared test, we have to check if our data meets some requirements. There are two widely used criteria which have to take into consideration, both of them are related to the so-called expected counts. These expected counts are calculated from the marginal distributions and show how the crosstabs would look like if there were complete independency between the variables. The Chi-squared test calculates how different are the observed cells from the expected ones.
The two criteria are:
- none of the expected cells could be lower than 1
- 80% of the expected cells have to be at least 5
Let's look at on expected values then:
city small town village
------------ ------ ------------ ---------
**male** 349 18.91 17.08
**female** 223 12.09 10.92
We can see that the Chi-squared test met the requirements.
So now check the result of the test:
Test statistic df P value
---------------- ---- --------------
12.64 2 _0.001804_ * *
Table: Pearson's Chi-squared test: `table`
To decide if the null or the alternative hypothesis could be accepted we need to calculate the number of degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom is easy to calculate, we substract one from the number of the categories of both the row and the coloumn variables and multiply them with each other.
To each degrees of freedom there is denoted a [critical value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_value#Statistics). The result of the Chi-square test have to be lower than that value to be able to accept the nullhypothesis.
It seems that a real association can be pointed out between *gender* and *dwell* by the *Pearson's Chi-squared test* ($\chi$=_12.64_) at the [degree of freedom](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degrees_of_freedom_(statistics)) being _2_ at the [significance level](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance) of _0.001804_ * *.
The association between the two variables seems to be weak based on [Cramer's V](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cram%C3%A9r%27s_V) (_0.1001_).
### References
* Fisher, R. A. (1922): On the interpretation of chi-square from contingency tables, and the calculation of P. _Journal of the Royal Statistical Society_ 85 (1): 87-94.
* Fisher, R.A. (1954): _Statistical Methods for Research Workers_. Oliver and Boyd.
### Adjusted standardized residuals
The residuals show the contribution to reject the null hypothesis at a cell level. An extremely high or low value indicates that the given cell had a major effect on the resulting chi-square, so thus helps understanding the association in the crosstable.
city small town village
------------ ------ ------------ ---------
**male** -3.08 3.43 0.76
**female** 3.08 -3.43 -0.76
Table: Residuals: "gender" and "dwell"
Based on Pearson's residuals the following cells seems interesting (with values higher than `2` or lower than `-2`):
* "male - city"
* "female - city"
* "male - small town"
* "female - small town"
### References
* Snedecor, George W. and Cochran, William G. (1989): _Statistical Methods_. Iowa State University Press.
* Karl Pearson (1900): _Philosophical Magazine_, Series 5 50 (302): 157-175.
## Fisher Exact Test
An other test to check the possible association/independence between two variables, is the [Fisher exact test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%27_exact_test). This test is especially useful with small samples, but could be used with bigger datasets as well.
We have the advantage while using the Fisher's over the Chi-square test, that we could get an exact significance value not just a level of it, thus we can have an impression about the power of the test and the association.
The test was invented by, thus named after R.A. Fisher.
The variables seems to be dependent based on Fisher's exact test at the [significance level](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value) of _0.0008061_ * * *.
# Direction of relationship
## Goodman and Kruskal's lambda
With the help of the [Goodman and Kruskal's lambda](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodman_and_Kruskal%27s_lambda) we can look for not only relationship on its own, which have directions if we set one variable as a predictor and the other as a criterion variable.
The computed value for [Goodman and Kruskal's lambda](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodman_and_Kruskal%27s_lambda) is the same for both directions: _0_. For this end, we do not know the direction of the relationship.
# Charts
If one would like to investigate the relationships rather visually than in a crosstable form, there are several possibilities to do that.
#### Heat map
At first we can have a look at on the so-called [heat map](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_map). This kind of chart uses the same amount of cells and a similar form as the crosstable does, but instead of the numbers there are colours to show which cell contains the most counts (or likewise the highest total percentages).
The darker colour is one cell painted, the most counts/the higher total percentage it has.
There can be also shown the standardized adjusted residual of each cells:
#### Mosaic chart
In front of the heat map, on the *mosaic charts*, not only the colours are important. The size of the cells shows the amount of the counts one cell has.
The width on the axis of gender determinate one side and the height on the axis of the dwell gives the final shape of the box. The box which demonstrates a cell from the hypothetic crosstable. We can see on the top of the chart which category from the dwell draw the boxes what kind of colour.
#### Fluctuation diagram
At last but not least have a glance on the *fluctuation diagram*. Unlike the above two charts, here the colours does not have influence on the chart, but the sizes of the boxes, which obviously demonstrates here as well the cells of the crosstable.
The bigger are the boxes the higher are the numbers of the counts/the total percentages, which that boxes denote.
## Running: rapport('Crosstable', data=ius2008, row='email', col='dwell')
# Variable description
Two variables specified:
* "email" ("Email usage") with _672_ valid values and
* "dwell" ("Dwelling") with _662_ valid values.
## Introduction
[Crosstables](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_tabulation) are applicable to show the frequencies of categorical variables in a matrix form, with a table view.
We will present four types of these crosstables. The first of them shows the *exact numbers of the observations*, ergo the number of the observations each of the variables' categories commonly have.
The second also shows the possessions each of these cells have, but not the exact numbers of the observations, rather the *percentages* of them from the total data.
The last two type of the crosstabs contain the so-called *row and column percentages* which demonstrate us the distribution of the frequencies if we concentrate only on one variable.
After that we present the *tests* with which we can investigate the possible relationships, associations between the variables, like Chi-squared test, Fisher Exact Test, Goodman and Kruskal's lambda.
In the last part there are some *charts* presented, with that one can visually observe the distribution of the frequencies.
# Counts
city small town village Missing
----------------- ------ ------------ --------- ---------
**never** 12 0 0 1
**very rarely** 30 1 3 2
**rarely** 41 3 1 1
**sometimes** 67 4 8 8
**often** 101 10 5 7
**very often** 88 5 5 10
**always** 226 9 7 17
**Missing** 34 1 1 1
**Sum** 599 33 30 47
Table: Counted values: "email" and "dwell" (continued below)
----------------- -----
**never** 13
**very rarely** 36
**rarely** 46
**sometimes** 87
**often** 123
**very often** 108
**always** 259
**Missing** 37
**Sum** 709
Most of the cases (_226_) can be found in "always-city" categories. Row-wise "always" holds the highest number of cases (_259_) while column-wise "city" has the utmost cases (_599_).
# Percentages
city small town village Missing
----------------- ------ ------------ --------- ---------
**never** 1.69 0 0 0.14
**very rarely** 4.23 0.14 0.42 0.28
**rarely** 5.78 0.42 0.14 0.14
**sometimes** 9.45 0.56 1.13 1.13
**often** 14.25 1.41 0.71 0.99
**very often** 12.41 0.71 0.71 1.41
**always** 31.88 1.27 0.99 2.4
**Missing** 4.8 0.14 0.14 0.14
**Sum** 84.49 4.65 4.23 6.63
Table: Total percentages: "email" and "dwell" (continued below)
----------------- -----
**never** 1.83
**very rarely** 5.08
**rarely** 6.49
**sometimes** 12.27
**often** 17.35
**very often** 15.23
**always** 36.53
**Missing** 5.22
**Sum** 100
city small town village Missing
----------------- ------ ------------ --------- ---------
**never** 92.31 0 0 7.69
**very rarely** 83.33 2.78 8.33 5.56
**rarely** 89.13 6.52 2.17 2.17
**sometimes** 77.01 4.6 9.2 9.2
**often** 82.11 8.13 4.07 5.69
**very often** 81.48 4.63 4.63 9.26
**always** 87.26 3.47 2.7 6.56
**Missing** 91.89 2.7 2.7 2.7
**Sum** 84.49 4.65 4.23 6.63
Table: Row percentages: "email" and "dwell"
city small town village Missing
----------------- ------ ------------ --------- ---------
**never** 2 0 0 2.13
**very rarely** 5.01 3.03 10 4.26
**rarely** 6.84 9.09 3.33 2.13
**sometimes** 11.19 12.12 26.67 17.02
**often** 16.86 30.3 16.67 14.89
**very often** 14.69 15.15 16.67 21.28
**always** 37.73 27.27 23.33 36.17
**Missing** 5.68 3.03 3.33 2.13
Table: Column percentages: "email" and "dwell" (continued below)
----------------- -----
**never** 1.83
**very rarely** 5.08
**rarely** 6.49
**sometimes** 12.27
**often** 17.35
**very often** 15.23
**always** 36.53
**Missing** 5.22
# Tests of Independence
In the below tests for [independece](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_(probability_theory)) we assume that the row and column variables are independent of each other. If this [null hypothesis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_hypothesis) would be rejected by the tests, then we can say that the assumption must have been wrong, so there is a good chance that the variables are associated.
## Chi-squared test
One of the most widespread independence test is the [Chi-squared test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson%27s_chi-squared_test). While using that we have the alternative hypothesis, that two variables have an association between each other, in opposite of the null hypothesis that the variables are independent.
We use the cell frequencies from the crosstables to calculate the test statistic for that. The test statistic is based on the difference between this distribution and a theoretical distribution where the variables are independent of each other. The distribution of this test statistic follows a [Chi-square distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi-squared_distribution).
The test was invented by Karl Pearson in 1900. It should be noted that the Chi-squared test has the disadvantage that it is sensitive to the sample size.
### Criteria
Before analyzing the result of the Chi-squared test, we have to check if our data meets some requirements. There are two widely used criteria which have to take into consideration, both of them are related to the so-called expected counts. These expected counts are calculated from the marginal distributions and show how the crosstabs would look like if there were complete independency between the variables. The Chi-squared test calculates how different are the observed cells from the expected ones.
The two criteria are:
- none of the expected cells could be lower than 1
- 80% of the expected cells have to be at least 5
Let's look at on expected values then:
city small town village
----------------- ------ ------------ ---------
**never** 10.83 0.6134 0.5559
**very rarely** 30.69 1.738 1.575
**rarely** 40.62 2.3 2.085
**sometimes** 71.3 4.038 3.66
**often** 104.7 5.93 5.374
**very often** 88.45 5.01 4.54
**always** 218.4 12.37 11.21
We can see that the Chi-squared test met the requirements.
So now check the result of the test:
Test statistic df P value
---------------- ---- ---------
14.86 12 _0.249_
Table: Pearson's Chi-squared test: `table`
To decide if the null or the alternative hypothesis could be accepted we need to calculate the number of degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom is easy to calculate, we substract one from the number of the categories of both the row and the coloumn variables and multiply them with each other.
To each degrees of freedom there is denoted a [critical value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_value#Statistics). The result of the Chi-square test have to be lower than that value to be able to accept the nullhypothesis.
The requirements of the chi-squared test was not met, so [Yates's correction for continuity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yates%27s_correction_for_continuity) applied. The approximation may be incorrect.
It seems that no real association can be pointed out between *email* and *dwell* by the *Pearson's Chi-squared test* ($\chi$=_14.86_ at the degree of freedom being _12_) at the significance level of _0.249_.
### References
* Fisher, R. A. (1922): On the interpretation of chi-square from contingency tables, and the calculation of P. _Journal of the Royal Statistical Society_ 85 (1): 87-94.
* Fisher, R.A. (1954): _Statistical Methods for Research Workers_. Oliver and Boyd.
### Adjusted standardized residuals
The residuals show the contribution to reject the null hypothesis at a cell level. An extremely high or low value indicates that the given cell had a major effect on the resulting chi-square, so thus helps understanding the association in the crosstable.
city small town village
----------------- ------ ------------ ---------
**never** 1.15 -0.81 -0.77
**very rarely** -0.41 -0.59 1.2
**rarely** 0.2 0.49 -0.8
**sometimes** -1.75 -0.02 2.49
**often** -1.28 1.9 -0.18
**very often** -0.17 0 0.24
**always** 2.1 -1.26 -1.64
Table: Residuals: "email" and "dwell"
Based on Pearson's residuals the following cells seems interesting (with values higher than `2` or lower than `-2`):
* "always - city"
* "sometimes - village"
### References
* Snedecor, George W. and Cochran, William G. (1989): _Statistical Methods_. Iowa State University Press.
* Karl Pearson (1900): _Philosophical Magazine_, Series 5 50 (302): 157-175.
## Fisher Exact Test
An other test to check the possible association/independence between two variables, is the [Fisher exact test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%27_exact_test). This test is especially useful with small samples, but could be used with bigger datasets as well.
We have the advantage while using the Fisher's over the Chi-square test, that we could get an exact significance value not just a level of it, thus we can have an impression about the power of the test and the association.
The test was invented by, thus named after R.A. Fisher.
The test could not finish within resource limits.
# Charts
If one would like to investigate the relationships rather visually than in a crosstable form, there are several possibilities to do that.
#### Heat map
At first we can have a look at on the so-called [heat map](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_map). This kind of chart uses the same amount of cells and a similar form as the crosstable does, but instead of the numbers there are colours to show which cell contains the most counts (or likewise the highest total percentages).
The darker colour is one cell painted, the most counts/the higher total percentage it has.
There can be also shown the standardized adjusted residual of each cells:
#### Mosaic chart
In front of the heat map, on the *mosaic charts*, not only the colours are important. The size of the cells shows the amount of the counts one cell has.
The width on the axis of email determinate one side and the height on the axis of the dwell gives the final shape of the box. The box which demonstrates a cell from the hypothetic crosstable. We can see on the top of the chart which category from the dwell draw the boxes what kind of colour.
#### Fluctuation diagram
At last but not least have a glance on the *fluctuation diagram*. Unlike the above two charts, here the colours does not have influence on the chart, but the sizes of the boxes, which obviously demonstrates here as well the cells of the crosstable.
The bigger are the boxes the higher are the numbers of the counts/the total percentages, which that boxes denote.
rapport('Crosstable', data=ius2008, row='gender', col='dwell')
rapport('Crosstable', data=ius2008, row='email', col='dwell')
title: Crosstable
author: Gergely Daróczi, Daniel Nagy
description: Returning the Chi-squared test of two given variables with count, percentages and Pearson's residuals table.
email: gergely@snowl.net
- descr
- ggplot2
- reshape
- rapport('Crosstable', data=ius2008, row='gender', col='dwell')
- rapport('Crosstable', data=ius2008, row='email', col='dwell')
- name: row
label: Row variable
description: A categorical variable.
class: factor
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: col
label: Column variable
description: A categorical variable.
class: factor
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
# Variable description
Two variables specified:
* "<%=rp.name(row)%>"<%=ifelse(rp.label(row)==rp.name(row), '', sprintf(' ("%s")', rp.label(row)))%> with <%=rp.valid(as.numeric(row))%> valid values and
* "<%=rp.name(col)%>"<%=ifelse(rp.label(col)==rp.name(col), '', sprintf(' ("%s")', rp.label(col)))%> with <%=rp.valid(as.numeric(col))%> valid values.
## Introduction
[Crosstables](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_tabulation) are applicable to show the frequencies of categorical variables in a matrix form, with a table view.
We will present four types of these crosstables. The first of them shows the *exact numbers of the observations*, ergo the number of the observations each of the variables' categories commonly have.
The second also shows the possessions each of these cells have, but not the exact numbers of the observations, rather the *percentages* of them from the total data.
The last two type of the crosstabs contain the so-called *row and column percentages* which demonstrate us the distribution of the frequencies if we concentrate only on one variable.
After that we present the *tests* with which we can investigate the possible relationships, associations between the variables, like Chi-squared test, Fisher Exact Test, Goodman and Kruskal's lambda.
In the last part there are some *charts* presented, with that one can visually observe the distribution of the frequencies.
# Counts
table <- table(row, col, deparse.level = 0, useNA = 'ifany')
if (length(which(is.na(rownames(table)))) > 0) {
rownames(table)[which(is.na(rownames(table)))] <- 'Missing' }
if (length(which(is.na(colnames(table)))) > 0) {
colnames(table)[which(is.na(colnames(table)))] <- 'Missing' }
fulltable <- addmargins(table)
set.caption(sprintf('Counted values: "%s" and "%s"', rp.name(row), rp.name(col)))
set.alignment(row.names = "right")
table.max <- which(table == max(table), arr.ind = TRUE)
Most of the cases (<%=table[table.max]%>) can be found in "<%=paste(rownames(table)[table.max[, 1]], colnames(table)[table.max[, 2]], sep = '-')%>" categories. Row-wise "<%=names(which.max(rowSums(table)))%>" holds the highest number of cases (<%=max(rowSums(table))%>) while column-wise "<%=names(which.max(colSums(table)))%>" has the utmost cases (<%=max(colSums(table))%>).
# Percentages
set.caption(sprintf('Total percentages: "%s" and "%s"', rp.name(row), rp.name(col)))
set.alignment(row.names = "right")
fulltable <- round(addmargins(prop.table(table) * 100), 2)
set.caption(sprintf('Row percentages: "%s" and "%s"', rp.name(row), rp.name(col)))
set.alignment(row.names = "right")
fulltable <- round(prop.table(addmargins(table, 1), 1) * 100, 2)
set.caption(sprintf('Column percentages: "%s" and "%s"', rp.name(row), rp.name(col)))
set.alignment(row.names = "right")
fulltable <- round(prop.table(addmargins(table, 2), 2) * 100, 2)
# Tests of Independence
In the below tests for [independece](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_(probability_theory)) we assume that the row and column variables are independent of each other. If this [null hypothesis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_hypothesis) would be rejected by the tests, then we can say that the assumption must have been wrong, so there is a good chance that the variables are associated.
## Chi-squared test
One of the most widespread independence test is the [Chi-squared test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson%27s_chi-squared_test). While using that we have the alternative hypothesis, that two variables have an association between each other, in opposite of the null hypothesis that the variables are independent.
We use the cell frequencies from the crosstables to calculate the test statistic for that. The test statistic is based on the difference between this distribution and a theoretical distribution where the variables are independent of each other. The distribution of this test statistic follows a [Chi-square distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi-squared_distribution).
The test was invented by Karl Pearson in 1900. It should be noted that the Chi-squared test has the disadvantage that it is sensitive to the sample size.
### Criteria
Before analyzing the result of the Chi-squared test, we have to check if our data meets some requirements. There are two widely used criteria which have to take into consideration, both of them are related to the so-called expected counts. These expected counts are calculated from the marginal distributions and show how the crosstabs would look like if there were complete independency between the variables. The Chi-squared test calculates how different are the observed cells from the expected ones.
The two criteria are:
- none of the expected cells could be lower than 1
- 80% of the expected cells have to be at least 5
table <- table(row, col, deparse.level = 0) # no need for NAs from here
t <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(table))
lambda <- lambda.test(table)
cramer <- sqrt(as.numeric(t$statistic) / (sum(table) * min(dim(table))))
o <- t$expected
num <- nrow(o) * ncol(o)
k <- 0
l <- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(o))
for (j in 1:ncol(o))
if (o[i, j] < 5) {k <- k + 1}
if (o[i, j] < 1) {l <- l + 1}
Let's look at on expected values then:
crit <- 0
if (l>0) {crit <- crit + 1}
if (k<num/5) {crit <- crit + 1}
ifelse(crit > 0,"We can see that the Chi-squared test met the requirements.", "We can see that using the Chi-squared test is not advisable in this case, so you should be careful with the interpretation.")
So now check the result of the test:
<%= t %>
To decide if the null or the alternative hypothesis could be accepted we need to calculate the number of degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom is easy to calculate, we substract one from the number of the categories of both the row and the coloumn variables and multiply them with each other.
To each degrees of freedom there is denoted a [critical value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_value#Statistics). The result of the Chi-square test have to be lower than that value to be able to accept the nullhypothesis.
<%if (inherits(tryCatch(chisq.test(table), warning = function(w) w), 'warning')) { %>
The requirements of the chi-squared test was not met, so [Yates's correction for continuity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yates%27s_correction_for_continuity) applied. The approximation may be incorrect.
<% } %>
<%if (!is.na(cramer)) { %>
<%if (t$p.value < 0.05) { %>
It seems that a real association can be pointed out between *<%=rp.name(row)%>* and *<%=rp.name(col)%>* by the *<%=t$method%>* ($\chi$=<%=as.numeric(t$statistic)%>) at the [degree of freedom](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degrees_of_freedom_(statistics)) being <%=as.numeric(t$parameter)%> at the [significance level](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance) of <%=add.significance.stars(t$p.value)%>.
The association between the two variables seems to be <%=ifelse(cramer < 0.2, "weak", "strong")%> based on [Cramer's V](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cram%C3%A9r%27s_V) (<%=cramer%>).
<% } else { %>
It seems that no real association can be pointed out between *<%=rp.name(row)%>* and *<%=rp.name(col)%>* by the *<%=t$method%>* ($\chi$=<%=as.numeric(t$statistic)%> at the degree of freedom being <%=as.numeric(t$parameter)%>) at the significance level of <%=add.significance.stars(t$p.value)%>.
<% } %>
### References
* Fisher, R. A. (1922): On the interpretation of chi-square from contingency tables, and the calculation of P. _Journal of the Royal Statistical Society_ 85 (1): 87-94.
* Fisher, R.A. (1954): _Statistical Methods for Research Workers_. Oliver and Boyd.
### Adjusted standardized residuals
The residuals show the contribution to reject the null hypothesis at a cell level. An extremely high or low value indicates that the given cell had a major effect on the resulting chi-square, so thus helps understanding the association in the crosstable.
set.caption(sprintf('Residuals: "%s" and "%s"', rp.name(row), rp.name(col)))
set.alignment(row.names = "right")
table.res <- suppressWarnings(CrossTable(table, asresid = TRUE))$asr
table.res <- round(table.res, 2)
table.res.highlow <- which(table.res < -2 | table.res > 2, arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(table.res.highlow) > 0) {
sprintf('Based on Pearson\'s residuals the following cells seems interesting (with values higher than `2` or lower than `-2`):\n%s', paste(sapply(1:nrow(table.res.highlow), function(i) sprintf('\n * "%s - %s"', rownames(table)[table.res.highlow[i, 1]], colnames(table)[table.res.highlow[i, 2]])), collapse = ''))
} else {
sprintf('No interesting (higher then `2` or lower then `-2`) values found based on Pearson\'s residuals.')
### References
* Snedecor, George W. and Cochran, William G. (1989): _Statistical Methods_. Iowa State University Press.
* Karl Pearson (1900): _Philosophical Magazine_, Series 5 50 (302): 157-175.
## Fisher Exact Test
An other test to check the possible association/independence between two variables, is the [Fisher exact test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%27_exact_test). This test is especially useful with small samples, but could be used with bigger datasets as well.
We have the advantage while using the Fisher's over the Chi-square test, that we could get an exact significance value not just a level of it, thus we can have an impression about the power of the test and the association.
The test was invented by, thus named after R.A. Fisher.
f <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(fisher.test(table, hybrid = TRUE, workspace = 1e6)), error = function(e) e)
<% if (inherits(f, 'error')) { %>
The test could not finish within resource limits.
f <- list(p.value = t$p.value)
} else {
if (f$p.value < 0.05) {
The variables seems to be dependent based on Fisher's exact test at the [significance level](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value) of <%=add.significance.stars(f$p.value)%>.
<% } else { %>
The variables seems to be independent based on Fisher's exact test at the [significance level](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value) of <%=add.significance.stars(f$p.value)%>.
<% }} %>
<% if (t$p.value < 0.05 | f$p.value < 0.05) { %>
# Direction of relationship
## Goodman and Kruskal's lambda
With the help of the [Goodman and Kruskal's lambda](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodman_and_Kruskal%27s_lambda) we can look for not only relationship on its own, which have directions if we set one variable as a predictor and the other as a criterion variable.
<%if (diff(unlist(lambda, use.names = FALSE)) != 0 & !is.na(cramer)) { %>
Based on Goodman and Kruskal's lambda it seems that *<%=c(rp.name(col),rp.name(row))[which.max(lambda)]%>* ($\lambda$=<%=pander.return(max(as.numeric(lambda)))%>) has an effect on *<%=c(rp.name(col),rp.name(row))[which.min(lambda)]%>* ($\lambda$=<%=min(as.numeric(lambda))%>) if we assume both variables to be nominal.
<% } else { %>
The computed value for [Goodman and Kruskal's lambda](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodman_and_Kruskal%27s_lambda) is the same for both directions: <%=lambda$row%>. For this end, we do not know the direction of the relationship.
<% }}} else { %>
Moreover: **it seems that the provided variables do not fit a real crosstable**.
<% } %>
# Charts
If one would like to investigate the relationships rather visually than in a crosstable form, there are several possibilities to do that.
#### Heat map
At first we can have a look at on the so-called [heat map](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_map). This kind of chart uses the same amount of cells and a similar form as the crosstable does, but instead of the numbers there are colours to show which cell contains the most counts (or likewise the highest total percentages).
The darker colour is one cell painted, the most counts/the higher total percentage it has.
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(ggfluctuation(table, type = 'colour') + geom_tile() + xlab('') + ylab('') + labs(fill = 'Count'))) # TODO: drop ggfluctuation
There can be also shown the standardized adjusted residual of each cells:
set.caption('Heatmap of residuals')
table2 <- as.data.frame(t(table))
table2$Freq <- as.data.frame(t(table.res))$Freq
names(table2) <- c("x", "y", "result")
table2 <- transform(table2, x = as.factor(x), y = as.factor(y), freq = result)
ceiling <- max(table2$freq, na.rm = TRUE)
ggplot(table2, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", fill = "freq")) + geom_tile(colour = "grey50") + scale_fill_gradient2('Std. adj. res.', limits = c(-max(abs(range(table2$freq))), max(abs(range(table2$freq)))), midpoint = 0, low = "red", mid = "white", high = "green")
#### Mosaic chart
In front of the heat map, on the *mosaic charts*, not only the colours are important. The size of the cells shows the amount of the counts one cell has.
The width on the axis of <%=rp.name(row)%> determinate one side and the height on the axis of the <%=rp.name(col)%> gives the final shape of the box. The box which demonstrates a cell from the hypothetic crosstable. We can see on the top of the chart which category from the <%=rp.name(col)%> draw the boxes what kind of colour.
set.caption('Mosaic chart')
glp <- panderOptions('graph.legend.position')
panderOptions('graph.legend.position', 'top')
t <- melt(table)
t$x <- rowSums(table) / sum(table) * 100
t$xmax <- cumsum(rowSums(table)) / sum(table) * 100
t$xmin <- t$xmax - t$x
t$y <- t$value / rep(rowSums(table), ncol(table)) * 100
t <- t[with(t, order(Var.1)), ]
t$ymax <- cumsum(t$y) - as.vector(sapply(1:nrow(table) - 1, rep, ncol(table))) * 100
t$ymin <- t$ymax - t$y
t$xxtext <- with(t, xmin + (xmax - xmin) / 2)
t$xytext <- as.vector(sapply(rep(c(103, -3), length.out = nrow(table)), rep, ncol(table)))
ggplot(t, aes(ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, fill = Var.2)) + geom_rect() + geom_rect(colour = 'white', show_guide = FALSE) + geom_text(aes(x = xxtext, y = xytext, label = Var.1), size = 4) + xlab('') + ylab('') + theme(legend.position = 'top') + labs(fill = '')
panderOptions('graph.legend.position', glp)
#### Fluctuation diagram
At last but not least have a glance on the *fluctuation diagram*. Unlike the above two charts, here the colours does not have influence on the chart, but the sizes of the boxes, which obviously demonstrates here as well the cells of the crosstable.
The bigger are the boxes the higher are the numbers of the counts/the total percentages, which that boxes denote.
set.caption('Fluctuation diagram')
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(ggfluctuation(table) + xlab('') + ylab(''))) # TODO: drop ggfluctuation
rapport('Descriptives', data=ius2008, var='gender')
rapport('Descriptives', data=ius2008, var='age')
rapport('Descriptives', data=mtcars, var='hp')
## Running: rapport('Descriptives', data=ius2008, var='gender')
# *gender* ("Gender")
The dataset has _709_ observations with _673_ valid values (missing: _36_).
gender N % Cumul. N Cumul. %
-------- --- ----- ---------- ----------
male 410 60.92 410 60.92
female 263 39.08 673 100
Total 673 100 673 100
Table: Frequency table: Gender
The most frequent value is *male*.
## Charts
## Running: rapport('Descriptives', data=ius2008, var='age')
# *age* ("Age")
The dataset has _709_ observations with _677_ valid values (missing: _32_).
## Base statistics
Variable mean sd var
---------- ------ ----- -----
Age 24.57 6.849 46.91
Table: Descriptives: Age
The [standard deviation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation) equals to _6.849_ (variance: _46.91_), which shows the unstandardized degree of [homogenity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homogeneity_(statistics)): how much variation exists from the average. The [expected value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean) is around _24.57_, somewhere between _24.06_ and _25.09_ with the standard error of _0.2632_.
The highest value found in the dataset is _58_, which is exactly _3.625_ times higher than the minimum (_16_). The difference between the two is described by the [range](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_(statistics)): _42_.
## Chart
A [histogram](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram) visually shows the [distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probability_distribution) of the dataset based on artificially allocated [frequencies](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_frequency). Each bar represents a theoretical interval of the data, where the height shows the count or density.
If we *suppose* that *Age* is not near to the [normal distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution) (see for example [skewness](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness): _1.925_, [kurtosis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis): _4.463_), checking the median (_23_) might be a better option instead of the mean. The [interquartile range](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interquartile_range) (_6_) measures the statistics dispersion of the variable (similar to standard deviation) based on median.
## Running: rapport('Descriptives', data=mtcars, var='hp')
# *hp*
The dataset has _32_ observations with _32_ valid values (missing: _0_).
## Base statistics
Variable mean sd var
---------- ------ ----- -----
hp 146.7 68.56 4701
Table: Descriptives: hp
The [standard deviation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation) equals to _68.56_ (variance: _4701_), which shows the unstandardized degree of [homogenity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homogeneity_(statistics)): how much variation exists from the average. The [expected value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean) is around _146.7_, somewhere between _122.9_ and _170.4_ with the standard error of _12.12_.
The highest value found in the dataset is _335_, which is exactly _6.442_ times higher than the minimum (_52_). The difference between the two is described by the [range](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_(statistics)): _283_.
## Chart
A [histogram](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram) visually shows the [distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probability_distribution) of the dataset based on artificially allocated [frequencies](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_frequency). Each bar represents a theoretical interval of the data, where the height shows the count or density.
If we *suppose* that *hp* is not near to the [normal distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution) (see for example [skewness](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness): _0.726_, [kurtosis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis): _-0.1356_), checking the median (_123_) might be a better option instead of the mean. The [interquartile range](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interquartile_range) (_83.5_) measures the statistics dispersion of the variable (similar to standard deviation) based on median.
rapport('Descriptives', data=ius2008, var='gender')
rapport('Descriptives', data=ius2008, var='age')
rapport('Descriptives', data=mtcars, var='hp')
title: Descriptive statistics
author: Gergely Daróczi, Daniel Nagy
description: This template will return descriptive statistics of a numerical or frequency table of a categorical variable.
email: gergely@snowl.net
packages: ~
- rapport('Descriptives', data=ius2008, var='gender')
- rapport('Descriptives', data=ius2008, var='age')
- rapport('Descriptives', data=mtcars, var='hp')
- name: var
label: Variable
description: Categorical or numerical variable. This template will determine the
measurement level of the given variable.
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
# *<%=rp.name(var)%>*<%=ifelse(rp.label(var) == rp.name(var), '', sprintf(' ("%s")', rp.label(var)))%>
The dataset has <%=nvar<-as.numeric(var); length(nvar)%> observations with <%=rp.valid(nvar)%> valid values (missing: <%=rp.missing(nvar)%>).
<% if (is.numeric(var)) { %>
## Base statistics
set.caption(sprintf('Descriptives: %s', rp.label(var)))
rp.desc(rp.name(var), NULL, c('mean', 'sd', 'var'), rp.data)
The [standard deviation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation) equals to <%=rp.sd(var)%> (variance: <%=rp.var(var)%>), which shows the unstandardized degree of [homogenity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homogeneity_(statistics)): how much variation exists from the average. The [expected value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean) is around <%=rp.mean(var)%>, somewhere between <%=rp.mean(var)-1.96*rp.se.mean(var)%> and <%=rp.mean(var) + 1.96 * rp.se.mean(var)%> with the standard error of <%=rp.se.mean(var)%>.
The highest value found in the dataset is <%=rp.max(var)%>, which is exactly <%=rp.max(var) / rp.min(var)%> times higher than the minimum (<%=rp.min(var)%>). The difference between the two is described by the [range](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_(statistics)): <%=diff(range(var, na.rm = TRUE))%>.
## Chart
A [histogram](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram) visually shows the [distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probability_distribution) of the dataset based on artificially allocated [frequencies](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_frequency). Each bar represents a theoretical interval of the data, where the height shows the count or density.
set.caption(sprintf('Histogram: %s', rp.label(var)))
If we *suppose* that *<%=rp.label(var)%>* is not near to the [normal distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution) (see for example [skewness](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness): <%=rp.skewness(var)%>, [kurtosis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis): <%=rp.kurtosis(var)%>), checking the median (<%=rp.median(var)%>) might be a better option instead of the mean. The [interquartile range](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interquartile_range) (<%=rp.iqr(var)%>) measures the statistics dispersion of the variable (similar to standard deviation) based on median.
<%} else { %>
set.caption(sprintf('Frequency table: %s', rp.label(var)))
rp.freq(rp.name(var), rp.data, na.rm = FALSE, include.na = TRUE)
The most frequent value is *<%=t <- table(var); names(t[t == max(t)])%>*.
## Charts
set.caption(sprintf('Barplot: %s', rp.label(var)))
<% } %>
rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl'), rot.method="varimax")
rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl'), rot.method="varimax", fact.num = 3)
rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), rot.method="varimax", fact.num = 5)
## Running: rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl'), rot.method="varimax")
# Introduction
[Factor Analysis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factor_analysis) is applied as a data reduction or structure detection method. There are two main applications of it: reducing the number of variables and detecting structure in the relationships between variables, thus explore latent structure behind the data, classify variables.
#### Determining the number of the factors
#### Eigenvalues
You can find the eigenvalues of the possible factors in the following table (_2_ factors were produced as you set):
Factor Number Eigenvalues
--------------- -------------
**1** **2.461**
**2** **1.273**
3 0.1485
4 0.1176
## Factor loadings
At the next step let's check the factor loadings. They mean that how deep the impact of a factor for the variables. We emphasized the cells when the explained is higher than 30% of the whole variance.
---------- ----------- ----------
**carb** **0.8723** **0.3756**
**gear** -0.08811 **0.9343**
**mpg** **-0.8197** **0.4368**
**cyl** **0.7988** **-0.452**
So it can be said that
* ML1 is a latent factor of carb
* ML1 is a latent factor of mpg
* ML1 is a latent factor of cyl
* ML2 is a latent factor of carb
* ML2 is a latent factor of gear
* ML2 is a latent factor of mpg
* ML2 is a latent factor of cyl
<!-- end of list -->
From them in the cases of the _ML1's impact on mpg_ and _ML2's impact on cyl_, we can say they are negative effects.
## Uniquenesses
At last but not least let us say some words about the not explained part of the variables. There are two statistics which help us quantifying this concept: Communality and Uniqueness. They are in a really strong relationship, because Uniqueness is the variability of a variable minus its Communality. The first table contains the Uniqunesses, the second the Communalities of the variables:
Uniqunesses Communalities
---------- ------------- ---------------
**carb** 0.09805 0.902
**gear** 0.1193 0.8807
**mpg** 0.1374 0.8626
**cyl** 0.1576 0.8424
We can see from the table that variable cyl has the highest Uniqueness, so could be explained the least by the factors and variable carb variance's was explained the most, because it has the lowest Uniqueness. From the communalities we can draw the same conclusion.
## Running: rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl'), rot.method="varimax", fact.num = 3)
# Introduction
[Factor Analysis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factor_analysis) is applied as a data reduction or structure detection method. There are two main applications of it: reducing the number of variables and detecting structure in the relationships between variables, thus explore latent structure behind the data, classify variables.
#### Eigenvalues
You can find the eigenvalues of the possible factors in the following table (_3_ factors were produced as you set):
Factor Number Eigenvalues
--------------- -------------
**1** **2.461**
**2** **1.273**
**3** **0.1485**
4 0.1176
## Factor loadings
At the next step let's check the factor loadings. They mean that how deep the impact of a factor for the variables. We emphasized the cells when the explained is higher than 30% of the whole variance.
---------- ----------- ----------- ---------
**carb** **0.8771** **0.3502** -0.001772
**gear** -0.0595 **0.9317** -0.005685
**mpg** **-0.8132** **0.4641** 0.0972
**cyl** **0.7917** **-0.4774** 0.1361
So it can be said that
* ML1 is a latent factor of carb
* ML1 is a latent factor of mpg
* ML1 is a latent factor of cyl
* ML2 is a latent factor of carb
* ML2 is a latent factor of gear
* ML2 is a latent factor of mpg
* ML2 is a latent factor of cyl
<!-- end of list -->
From them in the cases of the _ML1's impact on mpg_ and _ML2's impact on cyl_, we can say they are negative effects.
## Uniquenesses
At last but not least let us say some words about the not explained part of the variables. There are two statistics which help us quantifying this concept: Communality and Uniqueness. They are in a really strong relationship, because Uniqueness is the variability of a variable minus its Communality. The first table contains the Uniqunesses, the second the Communalities of the variables:
Uniqunesses Communalities
---------- ------------- ---------------
**carb** 0.1081 0.8919
**gear** 0.1283 0.8717
**mpg** 0.1138 0.8862
**cyl** 0.1268 0.8732
We can see from the table that variable gear has the highest Uniqueness, so could be explained the least by the factors and variable carb variance's was explained the most, because it has the lowest Uniqueness. From the communalities we can draw the same conclusion.
## Running: rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), rot.method="varimax", fact.num = 5)
Your request cannot be implemented, because there are the same number of variables (_5_) like the number of the requested factors (_5_) . Please set the number of the factors to maximum _4_ with the same number of the variables or extend the number of those variables at least to _6_.
rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl'), rot.method="varimax")
rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl'), rot.method="varimax", fact.num = 3)
rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), rot.method="varimax", fact.num = 5)
title: Factor Analysis
author: Daniel Nagy
description: In this template Rapporter will present you Factor Analysis.
email: ~
- psych
- nFactors
- rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl'),
- rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl'),
rot.method="varimax", fact.num = 3)
- rapport('FactorAnalysis.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'gear', 'mpg', 'cyl',
'drat'), rot.method="varimax", fact.num = 5)
- name: vars
label: Used Variables
description: The Variables that will be used in Factor Analysis
class: numeric
min: 2.0
max: 500.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: fact.num
label: Number of Factors
description: How many Factors you want to use?
class: integer
min: 1.0
max: 499.0
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: method
label: Method of factoring
description: The used method of the factoring
class: character
- minimum residual (OLS)
- weighted least squares (WLS)
- generalized weighted least squares (GLS)
- maximum likelihood
- minimize the sample size weighted chi square
value: maximum likelihood
matchable: yes
allow_multiple: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: rot.method
label: Method of Rotation
description: The used method of the rotation
class: character
- none
- varimax
- promax
- quartimax
- bentlerT
- geominT
- bifactor
- oblimin
- simplimax
- bentlerQ
- geominQ
- biquartimin
- cluster
value: varimax
matchable: yes
allow_multiple: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: fa.scores
label: Type of scores
description: Type of scores to produce
class: character
- regression
- Bartlett
value: regression
matchable: yes
allow_multiple: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: max.iter
label : Maximum iterations
description: Maximum number of iterations for convergence
class: integer
min: 1
max: 10000
required: no
standalone: yes
<% if (exists('fact.num') && !is.null(fact.num) && fact.num > 0 && fact.num >= ncol(vars)) { %>
Your request cannot be implemented, because there are <%=ifelse(ncol(vars) == fact.num, "the same number of variables", "less variables")%> (<%= ncol(vars) %>) <%=ifelse(ncol(vars) == fact.num, "like", "than")%> the number of the requested factors (<%= fact.num %>) . Please set the number of the factors to maximum <%= ncol(vars) - 1 %> with the same number of the variables or extend the number of those variables at least to <%= fact.num + 1 %>.
<% } else { %>
<% if (exists('fact.num') && !is.null(fact.num) && fact.num > 0) { %>
<% } else { %>
<% if (ncol(vars) < 3) { %>
Your request to automatically calculate the number of the clusters cannot be implemented, because there are not enough variables. Please set at least 3 variables in order to use that automatic function or set the number of the factors (obviously to less than the number of the used variables). Now we are using a 1 factor case.
fact.num <- 1
<% }} %>
# Introduction
[Factor Analysis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factor_analysis) is applied as a data reduction or structure detection method. There are two main applications of it: reducing the number of variables and detecting structure in the relationships between variables, thus explore latent structure behind the data, classify variables.
<% if (exists('fact.num') && !is.null(fact.num) && fact.num > 0) { %>
<% } else { %>
#### Determining the number of the factors
<% } %>
if (method=="minimum residual (OLS)") { method <- "minres" }
if (method=="weighted least squares (WLS)") { method <- "wls" }
if (method=="generalized weighted least squares (GLS)") { method <- "gls" }
if (method=="maximum likelihood") { method <- "ml" }
if (method=="minimize the sample size weighted chi square") { method <- "minchi" }
fact.matrix <- na.omit(scale(vars))
ev <- eigen(cor(fact.matrix))
if (exists('fact.num') && !is.null(fact.num) && fact.num > 0) {
suppressMessages(FA <- fa(fact.matrix, nfactors = fact.num, scores = fa.scores, rotate = rot.method, fm = method, max.iter = max.iter, warnings = TRUE))
} else {
ap <- parallel(subject=nrow(fact.matrix), var = ncol(fact.matrix), rep = 100, cent=.05)
nS <- nScree(x = ev$values, aparallel = ap$eigen$qevpea)
fact.num <- max(which(ev$values >= 1))
suppressMessages(FA <- fa(fact.matrix, nfactors = fact.num, scores = fa.scores, rotate = rot.method, fm = method, max.iter = max.iter, warnings = TRUE))
#### Eigenvalues
<% if (exists('fact.num') && !is.null(fact.num) && fact.num > 0) { %>
You can find the eigenvalues of the possible factors in the following table (<%=fact.num%> factors were produced as you set):
cbind("Factor Number" = 1:length(ev$values), "Eigenvalues" = ev$values)
<% } else { %>
As you haven't provided value for the number of the factors, we calculated that automatically based on the eigenvalues, thus it is: <%=max(which(ev$values >= 1))%>. The eigenvalues you can find in the following table:
emphasize.strong.rows(1:max(which(ev$values >= 1)))
cbind("Factor Number" = 1:length(ev$values), "Eigenvalues" = ev$values)
<% } %>
## Factor loadings
At the next step let's check the factor loadings. They mean that how deep the impact of a factor for the variables<%= ifelse(rot.method != "none",""," (Keep in mind that these are the results without rotation, please set the parameter rot.method to see the rotated ones)")%>. We emphasized the cells when the explained is higher than 30% of the whole variance.
FA_loadings <- FA$loadings
class(FA_loadings) <- "matrix"
emphasize.strong.cells(which(abs(FA_loadings) > 0.3, arr.ind = TRUE))
So it can be said that <%=paste(pandoc.list.return(paste(colnames(FA_loadings)[which(abs(FA_loadings) > 0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]],rp.name(vars)[which(abs(FA_loadings) > 0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]], sep = " is a latent factor of ")), collapse = '\n')%>
<% if (length(which(FA_loadings > 0.3)) != length(which(abs(FA_loadings) > 0.3))) { %>
<%=neg.comp <- colnames(FA_loadings)[which(FA_loadings < -0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]]%>
From them in the case<%=ifelse(length(neg.comp) > 1, "s", "")%> of the <%=paste(colnames(FA_loadings)[which(FA_loadings < -0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]], rp.name(vars)[which(FA_loadings < -0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]], sep = "'s impact on ")%>, we can say <%=ifelse(length(neg.comp) > 1, "they are", "that is")%> negative effects.
<% } else { %>
We can say that <%=ifelse(length(which(abs(FA_loadings) > 0.3)), "none of these impacts are negative", "this impact is positive")%>.
<% }%>
<% if (length(rownames(FA$scores)) > 0 & nrow(vars) < 10) { %>
## Plot about the distribution of the observations
Now let's check how the observations distribute among the <%= ifelse(fact.num < 2, "factor", "first and the second factors")%>.
<%= FA_scores <- FA$scores
+text(FA_scores, labels = rownames(fact.matrix), cex = 1)
<% } else { %>
<% } %>
## Uniquenesses
At last but not least let us say some words about the not explained part of the variables. There are two statistics which help us quantifying this concept: Communality and Uniqueness. They are in a really strong relationship, because Uniqueness is the variability of a variable minus its Communality. The first table contains the Uniqunesses, the second the Communalities of the variables:
uni <- as.matrix(FA$uniquenesses)
comm <- as.matrix(FA$communality)
table <- cbind(uni,comm)
colnames(table) <- c("Uniqunesses", "Communalities")
We can see from the table that variable <%=rownames(uni)[which(max(uni) == uni)]%> has the highest Uniqueness, so could be explained the least by the factors and variable <%= rownames(uni)[which(min(uni) == uni)]%> variance's was explained the most, because it has the lowest Uniqueness. From the communalities we can draw the same conclusion.
<% } %>
rapport('FTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age')
rapport('FTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age', norm.check=F)
rapport('FTest', data=mtcars, xvar='cyl', yvar='drat', norm.check=F)
## Running: rapport('FTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age')
# Introduction
F test compares the means of two continuous variables. In other words it shows if their means were statistically different.
We should be careful, while using the F test, because of the strict normality assumption, where strict means approximately normal ditribution is not enough to satisfy that.
# Normality assumption check (_Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_)
The [_Shapiro-Wilk test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapiro%E2%80%93Wilk_test), the [_Lilliefors test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilliefors_test) and the [_Anderson-Darling test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anderson_Darling_test) help us to decide if the above-mentioned assumption can be accepted of the _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.2223 2.243e-92
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 42.04 3.31e-90
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.7985 6.366e-28
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality.
# Normality assumption check (_Age_)
The [_Shapiro-Wilk test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapiro%E2%80%93Wilk_test), the [_Lilliefors test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilliefors_test) and the [_Anderson-Darling test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anderson_Darling_test) help us to decide if the above-mentioned assumption can be accepted of the _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.17 6.193e-54
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 32.16 1.26e-71
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.8216 9.445e-27
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Age_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Age_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality.
_In this case it is advisable to run a more robust test, then the F-test._
## Running: rapport('FTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age', norm.check=F)
# Introduction
F test compares the means of two continuous variables. In other words it shows if their means were statistically different.
We should be careful, while using the F test, because of the strict normality assumption, where strict means approximately normal ditribution is not enough to satisfy that.
# The F-test
Here is the the result of the _F test_ to compare the means of _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ and _Age_.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------- ----------- ----------
F test to compare two 0.08618 3.772e-180
We can see from the table (in the p-value coloumn) that there is a significant difference between the means of _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ and _Age_.
## Running: rapport('FTest', data=mtcars, xvar='cyl', yvar='drat', norm.check=F)
# Introduction
F test compares the means of two continuous variables. In other words it shows if their means were statistically different.
We should be careful, while using the F test, because of the strict normality assumption, where strict means approximately normal ditribution is not enough to satisfy that.
# The F-test
Here is the the result of the _F test_ to compare the means of _cyl_ and _drat_.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------- ----------- ---------
F test to compare two 11.16 1.461e-09
We can see from the table (in the p-value coloumn) that there is a significant difference between the means of _cyl_ and _drat_.
rapport('FTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age')
rapport('FTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age', norm.check=F)
rapport('FTest', data=mtcars, xvar='cyl', yvar='drat', norm.check=F)
title: F test
author: Gergely Daróczi, Daniel Nagy
description: This template will run an F-test to check if two continuous variables have the same means.
email: ~
- nortest
- rapport('FTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age')
- rapport('FTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age', norm.check=F)
- rapport('FTest', data=mtcars, xvar='cyl', yvar='drat', norm.check=F)
- name: xvar
label: X Variable(s)
description: This is the X variable which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: yvar
label: Y Variable(s)
description: This is the Y variable which will be used here.
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: norm.check
label: Normality check
description: You can set to run a normality check before the F test.
class: logical
value: yes
required: no
standalone: yes
# Introduction
F test compares the means of two continuous variables. In other words it shows if their means were statistically different.
We should be careful, while using the F test, because of the strict normality assumption, where strict means approximately normal ditribution is not enough to satisfy that.
<% if (norm.check) { %>
# Normality assumption check (<%=p(xvar.label)%>)
The <%=ifelse(length(xvar) < 5000, "[_Shapiro-Wilk test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapiro%E2%80%93Wilk_test), the", "")%> [_Lilliefors test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilliefors_test) and the [_Anderson-Darling test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anderson_Darling_test) help us to decide if the above-mentioned assumption can be accepted of the <%=p(xvar.label)%>.
<% if (length(xvar) < 5000) { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(xvar, lillie.test, ad.test, shapiro.test)
k <- 0
l <- 0
m <- 0
n <- 0
p <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l <- k + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {m <- l + 1}
if (ntest$p[3] < 0.05) {n <- m + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= xvar.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _<%= xvar.label %>_ is<%= ifelse(ntest[3, 3] < p, " not", "") %> normal
<% } else { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(xvar, lillie.test, ad.test)
k <- 0
l <- 0
m <- 0
n <- 0
p <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l <- k + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {n <- l + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= xvar.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
<% } %>
<%= if (n > 0) {
sprintf("As you can see, the applied tests %s.", ifelse(n > 1, "confirm departures from normality", "yield different results on hypotheses of normality, so you may want to stick with one you find most appropriate or you trust the most."))
} else {
sprintf("reject departures from normality")
# Normality assumption check (<%=p(yvar.label)%>)
The <%=ifelse(length(yvar) < 5000, "[_Shapiro-Wilk test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapiro%E2%80%93Wilk_test), the", "")%> [_Lilliefors test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilliefors_test) and the [_Anderson-Darling test_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anderson_Darling_test) help us to decide if the above-mentioned assumption can be accepted of the <%=p(xvar.label)%>.
<% if (length(yvar) < 5000) { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(yvar, lillie.test, ad.test, shapiro.test)
k2 <- 0
l2 <- 0
m2 <- 0
n2 <- 0
p <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l2 <- k2 + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {m2 <- l2 + 1}
if (ntest$p[3] < 0.05) {n2 <- m2 + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= yvar.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _<%= yvar.label %>_ is<%= ifelse(ntest[3, 3] < p, " not", "") %> normal
<% } else { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(yvar, lillie.test, ad.test)
k2 <- 0
l2 <- 0
m2 <- 0
n2 <- 0
p2 <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l2 <- k2 + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {n2 <- l2 + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= yvar.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
<% } %>
<%= if (n2 > 0) {
sprintf("As you can see, the applied tests %s.", ifelse(n2 > 1, "confirm departures from normality", "yield different results on hypotheses of normality, so you may want to stick with one you find most appropriate or you trust the most."))
} else {
sprintf("reject departures from normality")
<% if(n + n2 < 1) { %>
# The F-test
Whereas we have checked the normality assumptions, let's see the results of the _F test_ to compare the means of <%= p(xvar.label) %> and <%=p(yvar.label)%>.
ftest <- function(xvar) var.test(xvar, yvar)
Ftest <- htest(xvar, ftest)
f.p <- Ftest$"p.value"
p <- 0.05
We can see from the table (in the p-value coloumn) that there is<%=ifelse(f.p < p,""," not")%> a significant difference between the means of _<%=xvar.label%>_ and _<%=yvar.label%>_.
<% } else { %>
_In this case it is advisable to run a more robust test, then the F-test._
<% } %>
<% } else { %>
# The F-test
Here is the the result of the _F test_ to compare the means of <%= p(xvar.label) %> and <%=p(yvar.label)%>.
ftest <- function(xvar) var.test(xvar, yvar)
Ftest <- htest(xvar, ftest)
f.p <- Ftest$"p.value"
p <- 0.05
We can see from the table (in the p-value coloumn) that there is<%=ifelse(f.p < p,""," not")%> a significant difference between the means of _<%=xvar.label%>_ and _<%=yvar.label%>_.
<% } %>
title: Generate beta distribution
author: Rapporter Team (@rapporter)
description: Random generation for the Beta distribution with parameters.
email: ~
packages: nortest
example: ~
- name: 'n'
label: Observations
description: Number of observations
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: 100.0
min: 1.0
max: .inf
required: yes
standalone: yes
- name: shape1
label: Alpha
description: First parameter of the Beta distribution
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: 0.1
min: 0.0
max: 100.0
required: yes
standalone: yes
- name: shape2
label: Beta
description: Second parameter of the Beta distribution
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: 0.1
min: 0.0
max: 100.0
required: yes
standalone: yes
# Histogram
The below [histogram](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram) shows the graphical representation of the estimated probability distribution (generated by the provided parameters).
g <- rbeta(n, shape1, shape2)
set.caption(paste0('rbeta(n = ', n, ', shape1 = ', shape1, ', shape2 = ', shape2, ')'))
hist(g, main = '', xlab = '')
The plot was generated with `hist` command, the grid was added automatically.
# Descriptives
The [skewness](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness) is <%=skewness(g)%> and the [kurtosis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis) is <%=kurtosis(g)%> based on the <%=n%> observations, although most [frequentists](http://xkcd.com/1132/) would be rather interested in the [mean](http://xkcd.com/207/) (<%=mean(g)%>) and standard deviation (<%=sd(g)%>).
But did we generated a [normal distribution](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution) after all?
# Normality check
Various hypothesis tests can be applied in order to test if the distribution of given random variable violates normality assumption. These procedures test the H~0~ that provided variable's distribution is _normal_. At this point only few such tests will be covered: the ones that are available in `stats` package (which comes bundled with default R installation) and `nortest` package that is [available](http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/nortest/index.html) on CRAN.
- **Shapiro-Wilk test** is a powerful normality test appropriate for small samples. In R, it's implemented in `shapiro.test` function available in `stats` package.
- **Lilliefors test** is a modification of _Kolmogorov-Smirnov test_ appropriate for testing normality when parameters or normal distribution ($\mu$, $\sigma^2$) are not known. `lillie.test` function is located in `nortest` package.
- **Anderson-Darling test** is one of the most powerful normality tests as it will detect the most of departures from normality. You can find `ad.test` function in `nortest` package.
- **Pearson $\chi^2$ test** is another normality test which takes more "traditional" approach in normality testing. `pearson.test` is located in `nortest` package.
## Results
Here you can see the results of applied normality tests (_p-values_ less than 0.05 indicate significant discrepancies):
if (length(g) > 5000) {
h <- htest(g, lillie.test, ad.test, pearson.test)
} else {
h <- htest(g, shapiro.test, lillie.test, ad.test, pearson.test)
p <- .05
So, let's draw some conclusions based on applied normality test:
<% if (!is.na(h[1, 3])) { -%>
- based on _Lilliefors test_, the distribution is <%= ifelse(h[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
<% } %>
<% if (!is.na(h[2, 3])) { -%>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms <%= ifelse(h[2, 3] < p, "violation of", "") %> normality assumption
<% } %>
<% if (!is.na(h[3, 3])) { -%>
- _Pearson's $\chi^2$ test_ classifies the underlying distribution as <%= ifelse(h[3, 3] < p, "non-normal", "normal") %>
<% } %>
<% if (length(g) > 5000) { -%>
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution is <%= ifelse(h[4, 3] < p, "not", "") %> normal.
<% } %>
## Q-Q Plot
"Q" in _Q-Q plot_ stands for _quantile_, as this plot compares empirical and theoretical distribution (in this case, _normal_ distribution) by plotting their quantiles against each other. For normal distribution, plotted dots should approximate a "straight", `x = y` line.
set.caption('Q-Q plot')
qqmath(g, panel=function(x){
panel.qqmathline(x, distribution = qnorm)
}, xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles", ylab = "Empirical Quantiles")
## Kernel Density Plot
_Kernel density plot_ is a plot of smoothed _empirical distribution function_. As such, it provides good insight about the shape of the distribution. For normal distributions, it should resemble the well known "bell shape".
set.caption('Kernel Density Plot')
rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), family='poisson')
rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), indep.inter=FALSE, family='poisson')
rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), indep.inter=FALSE, family='Gamma')
## Running: rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), family='poisson')
# Introduction
[Generalized Linear Model (GLM)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_linear_model) is a generalization of the ordinary [Linear Regression](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression). While using GLM we don't need the assumption of normality for response variables. There are two basic ideas of the model: It allows the linear model to be related to the response variable via a link function and the magnitude of the variance of each measurement to be a function of its predicted value. An extinsion to the GLM is the [Hierarchical generalized linear model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_generalized_linear_model).
Multivariate-General Linear Model was carried out, with _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ and _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ as independent variables, and _Age_ as a dependent variable.
The [interaction](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interaction) between the independent variables was taken into account.
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
**(Intercept)** 3.198 0.02122 150.7 0
**leisure** -0.02021 0.005847 -3.457 0.000547
**edu** 0.01474 0.007586 1.944 0.05196
**leisure:edu** 0.004439 0.001795 2.472 0.01342
Table: Fitting General Linear Model: age based on _leisure_ and _edu_
From the table one can see that
* (Intercept) has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0
* leisure has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0.001
* leisure:edu has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0.013
<!-- end of list -->
## Running: rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), indep.inter=FALSE, family='poisson')
# Introduction
[Generalized Linear Model (GLM)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_linear_model) is a generalization of the ordinary [Linear Regression](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression). While using GLM we don't need the assumption of normality for response variables. There are two basic ideas of the model: It allows the linear model to be related to the response variable via a link function and the magnitude of the variance of each measurement to be a function of its predicted value. An extinsion to the GLM is the [Hierarchical generalized linear model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_generalized_linear_model).
Multivariate-General Linear Model was carried out, with _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ and _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ as independent variables, and _Age_ as a dependent variable.
The [interaction](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interaction) between the independent variables wasn't taken into account.
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
**(Intercept)** 3.163 0.01605 197.1 0
**leisure** -0.0095 0.003888 -2.443 0.01455
**edu** 0.03071 0.003883 7.91 2.581e-15
Table: Fitting General Linear Model: age based on _leisure_ and _edu_
From the table one can see that
* (Intercept) has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0
* leisure has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0.015
* edu has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0
<!-- end of list -->
## Running: rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), indep.inter=FALSE, family='Gamma')
# Introduction
[Generalized Linear Model (GLM)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_linear_model) is a generalization of the ordinary [Linear Regression](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression). While using GLM we don't need the assumption of normality for response variables. There are two basic ideas of the model: It allows the linear model to be related to the response variable via a link function and the magnitude of the variance of each measurement to be a function of its predicted value. An extinsion to the GLM is the [Hierarchical generalized linear model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_generalized_linear_model).
Multivariate-General Linear Model was carried out, with _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ and _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ as independent variables, and _Age_ as a dependent variable.
The [interaction](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interaction) between the independent variables wasn't taken into account.
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
**(Intercept)** 0.0422 0.0008599 49.08 4.612e-212
**leisure** 0.0003828 0.0002093 1.829 0.06785
**edu** -0.001182 0.0001948 -6.065 2.332e-09
Table: Fitting General Linear Model: age based on _leisure_ and _edu_
From the table one can see that
* (Intercept) has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0
* edu has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0
<!-- end of list -->
rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), family='poisson')
rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), indep.inter=FALSE, family='poisson')
rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), indep.inter=FALSE, family='Gamma')
title: GLM
author: Daniel Nagy
description: In this template Rapporter will present you GLM.
email: ~
packages: ~
- rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), family='poisson')
- rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), indep.inter=FALSE, family='poisson')
- rapport('GLM.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep=c('leisure','edu'), indep.inter=FALSE, family='Gamma')
- name: dep
label: Dependent Variable
description: These are the dependent variables which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 100.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: indep
label: Independent Variable
description: These are the independent variables which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 100.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: indep.inter
label : Interaction
description: Interaction between the independent variables
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: yes
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: family
label: Method of GLM
class: character
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
- gaussian
- binomial
- Gamma
- poisson
value: gaussian
matchable: yes
allow_multiple: no
required: no
standalone: yes
<% if (isTRUE(any(indep.name == dep.name))) { %>
You provided the same variable as a dependent and as an independent variable. In this case the model does not make sense, please replace the duplicated variables in order to run the GLM.
<% } else { %>
<% if (indep < 0 | indep > 1 & family == "binomial") { %>
Values of the independent variables must be between 0 and 1 when binomial used as link function. Please change parameter family to one that is usable or switch the independent variable to meet the assumptions.
<% } else { %>
# Introduction
[Generalized Linear Model (GLM)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_linear_model) is a generalization of the ordinary [Linear Regression](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression). While using GLM we don't need the assumption of normality for response variables. There are two basic ideas of the model: It allows the linear model to be related to the response variable via a link function and the magnitude of the variance of each measurement to be a function of its predicted value. An extinsion to the GLM is the [Hierarchical generalized linear model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_generalized_linear_model).
d <- structure(na.omit(data.frame(dep, indep)), .Names = c(dep.name, indep.name))
indep.int <- fml(dep.name, indep.name, join.right = "*")
indep.nonint <- fml(dep.name, indep.name, join.right = "+")
suppressWarnings(fit <- glm(ifelse(indep.inter, indep.int, indep.nonint), data = d, family = family))
indep.plu <- switch(indep.ilen, '', 's')
<%= ifelse(indep.ilen == 1, '', 'Multivariate-') %>General Linear Model was carried out, with <%= p(indep.label) %> as independent variable<%= indep.plu %>, and <%= p(dep.label) %> as a dependent variable.
The [interaction](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interaction) between the independent variables was<%=ifelse(indep.inter, "", "n't")%> taken into account.
set.caption(sprintf('Fitting General Linear Model: %s based on %s', dep.name, p(indep.name)))
p_val <- summary(fit)$coefficients[, 4]
From the table one can see that <%= paste(pandoc.list.return(paste(rownames(summary(fit)$coefficients)[which(p_val < 0.05)], round(p_val, 3)[which(p_val < 0.05)], sep = " has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is ")), collapse = '\n')
<% }} %>
title: Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
author: Daniel Nagy
description: In this template Rapporter will present you Hierarchical Cluster Analysis.
email: ~
- mclust
example: ~
- name: vars
label: Used Variables
class: numeric
min: 2.0
max: 5000.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: dist.mat
label : Distance Matrix
description: Is your data a Distance matrix?
class: logical
value: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: method
label: Method
class: character
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
- ward
- single
- complete
- average
- mcquitty
- median
- centroid
value: ward
matchable: yes
allow_multiple: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: clust.num
label: Number of Clusters
description: How many clusters you want to check on the Dendogram?
class: integer
min: 2.0
max: 9999.0
required: no
standalone: yes
# Introduction
[Hierarchical Cluster Analysis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_clustering) is a data mining method which seeks to build a hierarchy of clusters. Clusters are calculated based on the distances between the observations. At the beginning each observation is assigned to be a single cluster, later in every round the most similar clusters will be joined until all observations are in one cluster. One should not mix it up with [K-means Cluster Analysis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering), which calculates the clusters based on the final numbers of them.
Below you can see on the plot how the clusters were made, how the observations were paired with each other. The horizontal linkage between the vertical lines indicates the stage where two clusters joined to each other. In the bottom of the plot you can see the clustering process in an other way, for each observations the shorter lines indicate later clustering.
variables <- scale(na.omit(vars))
if (!dist.mat) {
d <- dist(variables)
} else {
d <- variables
try(HCA <- hclust(d,method))
if (exists('HCA') && !is.null(HCA)) {
} else {
d <- dist(variables)
HCA <- hclust(d,method)
<% if (exists('clust.num') && !is.null(clust.num) && clust.num > 0) { %>
<% if (length(HCA$order) <= clust.num) { %>
The number of the clusters cannot be equal or higher than the unique cases (<%=length(HCA$order)%>), which you set (<%=clust.num%>), was <%=ifelse(length(HCA$order) == clust.num, "equal", "higher")%>. In the following, we will use the maximum available number of the clusters (<%=length(HCA$order) -1%>).
<%= clust.num <- length(HCA$order) -1 %>
<% } %>
<%=paste("The red boxes shows the last", clust.num, "clusters.") %>
plclust(HCA, labels = F, main = "HCA", xlab = "Hierarchical Cluster Analysis", sub = "")
+rect.hclust(HCA, k = clust.num, border = "red")
<% } else { %>
plclust(HCA, labels = F, main = "HCA", xlab = "Hierarchical Cluster Analysis", sub = "")
<% } %>
We can say that <%=length(which(HCA$height == 0))%> observations have the same values on the used variables, so they were joined in the first <%=length(which(HCA$height == 0))%> round. After that <%=which(HCA$merge[, 1] >= 0)[1]-length(which(HCA$height == 0))%> times there were only made clusters with 2 observations, the first cluster that contains 3 was made in the round <%=which(HCA$merge[, 1] >= 0)[1]%>.
### Optimal number of clusters
<%= mod1 <- suppressWarnings(Mclust(variables))%>
According to the BIC for EM initialized by hierarchical clustering for parameterized Gaussian mixture models, the optimum numbers of the clusters are <%=summary(mod1)$G%>.
<% if (exists('clust.num') && !is.null(clust.num) && clust.num > 0) { %>
<% if (summary(mod1)$G != clust.num) { %>
Let's see how the Dendogram looks like when we the optimal number of the clusters plotted in it.
<%=plclust(HCA, labels = F, main = "HCA", xlab = "Hierarchical Cluster Analysis",sub = "")
+rect.hclust(HCA, k = summary(mod1)$G, border = "red")%>
<% } else { %>
So we can see the optimum number of the clusters on the plot above.
<% } %>
<% } else { %>
Let's see how the Dendogram looks like when we the optimal number of the clusters (<%=summary(mod1)$G%>) plotted in it.
<%=plclust(HCA, labels = F, main = "HCA", xlab = "Hierarchical Cluster Analysis",sub = "")
+rect.hclust(HCA, k = summary(mod1)$G, border = "red")%>
<% } %>
rapport('HomogeneityCrosstable', data=ius2008, var='gender', split='dwell')
## Running: rapport('HomogeneityCrosstable', data=ius2008, var='gender', split='dwell')
# Variable description
Analysing "gender" ("Gender") with _673_ valid values whether frequency counts are distributed equally across different categories of "dwell" ("Dwelling").
"dwell" has _3_ categories:
* city
* small town
* village
<!-- end of list -->
# Counts
male female Missing Sum
---------------- ------ -------- --------- -----
**city** 338 234 27 599
**small town** 28 3 2 33
**village** 19 9 2 30
**Missing** 25 17 5 47
**Sum** 410 263 36 709
Table: Counted values: "dwell" and "gender"
# Chi-squared test
Our [null hypothetis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_hypothesis) says that the proportion of *gender* is indentical in each categories of *dwell*.
Test statistic df P value
---------------- ---- -----------
16.18 6 _0.01282_ *
Table: Pearson's Chi-squared test: `table`
The chi-squared test returned the value of _16.18_ with a degree of freedom being _6_. Based on the returned [p value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value) (_0.01282_) we could state that the null hypothesis is rejected.
rapport('HomogeneityCrosstable', data=ius2008, var='gender', split='dwell')
title: Homogeneity test of factor variables
author: Gergely Daróczi, Daniel Nagy
description: Test of homogeneity of a given factor variable split by another factor.
- descr
- rapport('HomogeneityCrosstable', data=ius2008, var='gender', split='dwell')
- name: var
label: Variable to analyse
description: Variable to analyse
class: factor
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: split
label: Split variable
description: Split variable
class: factor
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
# Variable description
Analysing "<%=rp.name(var)%>"<%=ifelse(rp.label(var) == rp.name(var), '', sprintf(' ("%s")', rp.label(var)))%> with <%=rp.valid(as.numeric(var))%> valid values whether frequency counts are distributed equally across different categories of "<%=rp.name(split)%>"<%=ifelse(rp.label(split) == rp.name(split), '', sprintf(' ("%s")', rp.label(split)))%>.
"<%=rp.name(split)%>" has <%=split.cat <- names(table(split)); length(split.cat)%> categories:
# Counts
table <- table(split, var, deparse.level = 0, useNA = 'ifany')
if (length(which(is.na(rownames(table)))) > 0) {
rownames(table)[which(is.na(rownames(table)))] <- 'Missing' }
if (length(which(is.na(colnames(table)))) > 0) {
colnames(table)[which(is.na(colnames(table)))] <- 'Missing' }
fulltable <- addmargins(table)
set.caption(sprintf('Counted values: "%s" and "%s"', rp.name(split), rp.name(var)))
set.alignment(row.names = "right")
# Chi-squared test
Our [null hypothetis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_hypothesis) says that the proportion of *<%=rp.name(var)%>* is indentical in each categories of *<%=rp.name(split)%>*.
t <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(table))
The chi-squared test returned the value of <%=as.numeric(t$statistic)%> with a degree of freedom being <%=as.numeric(t$parameter)%>. Based on the returned [p value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value) (<%=t$p.value%>) we could state that the null hypothesis is <%=ifelse(t$p.value < 0.05, 'rejected', 'accepted')%>.
rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'))
rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'wt', 'mpg'))
rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'wt', 'mpg'), clust_num=7)
## Running: rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'))
## Introduction
[K-means Clustering](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering) is a specific and one of the most widespread method of [clustering](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_analysis). With clustering we want to divide our data into groups, which in the objects are similar to each other. K-means clustering is specified in the way, here we set the number of groups we want to make. In our case we will take into account the following variables: _Age_, _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ and _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_, to find out which observations are the nearest to each other.
## References
J. B. MacQueen (1967). _"Some Methods for classification and Analysis of Multivariate Observations, Proceedings of 5-th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability"_. 1:281-297
## Determining the number of clusters
As it was mentioned above, the speciality of the K-means Cluster method is to set the number of groups we want to produce.
Let's see how to decide which is the ideal number of them!
We can figure out that, as we see how much the Within groups sum of squares decreases if we set a higher number of the groups. So the smaller the difference the smaller the gain we can do with increasing the number of the clusters (thus in this case the larger decreasing means the bigger gain).
The ideal number of clusters seems to be _2_.
## Cluster means
The method of the K-means clustering starts with the step to set k number of centorids which could be the center of the groups we want to form. After that there comes several iterations, meanwhile the ideal centers are being calculated.
The centroids are the observations which are the nearest in average to all the other observations of their group. But it could be also interesting which are the typical values of the clusters! One way to figure out these typical values is to see the group means. The _2_ cluster averages are:
age edu leisure
--------------- ------- ------- ---------
**1.Cluster** 0.7716 1.298 0.5813
**2.Cluster** -0.2448 -0.4118 -0.1844
The size of the above clusters are: _145_ and _457_.
## Results
On the chart below we can see the produced groups. To distinct which observation is related to which cluster each of the objects from the same groups have the same figure and there is a circle which shows the border of the clusters.
## Running: rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'wt', 'mpg'))
## Introduction
[K-means Clustering](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering) is a specific and one of the most widespread method of [clustering](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_analysis). With clustering we want to divide our data into groups, which in the objects are similar to each other. K-means clustering is specified in the way, here we set the number of groups we want to make. In our case we will take into account the following variables: _drat_, _cyl_, _wt_ and _mpg_, to find out which observations are the nearest to each other.
## References
J. B. MacQueen (1967). _"Some Methods for classification and Analysis of Multivariate Observations, Proceedings of 5-th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability"_. 1:281-297
## Determining the number of clusters
As it was mentioned above, the speciality of the K-means Cluster method is to set the number of groups we want to produce.
Let's see how to decide which is the ideal number of them!
We can figure out that, as we see how much the Within groups sum of squares decreases if we set a higher number of the groups. So the smaller the difference the smaller the gain we can do with increasing the number of the clusters (thus in this case the larger decreasing means the bigger gain).
The ideal number of clusters seems to be _2_.
## Cluster means
The method of the K-means clustering starts with the step to set k number of centorids which could be the center of the groups we want to form. After that there comes several iterations, meanwhile the ideal centers are being calculated.
The centroids are the observations which are the nearest in average to all the other observations of their group. But it could be also interesting which are the typical values of the clusters! One way to figure out these typical values is to see the group means. The _2_ cluster averages are:
drat cyl wt mpg
--------------- ------- ------ ------- -------
**1.Cluster** 0.838 -1.053 -0.8794 0.946
**2.Cluster** -0.4904 0.6649 0.3078 -0.5118
**3.Cluster** -1.016 1.015 2.169 -1.37
The size of the above clusters are: _13_, _16_ and _3_.
## Results
On the chart below we can see the produced groups. To distinct which observation is related to which cluster each of the objects from the same groups have the same figure and there is a circle which shows the border of the clusters.
## Running: rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'wt', 'mpg'), clust_num=7)
## Introduction
[K-means Clustering](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering) is a specific and one of the most widespread method of [clustering](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_analysis). With clustering we want to divide our data into groups, which in the objects are similar to each other. K-means clustering is specified in the way, here we set the number of groups we want to make. In our case we will take into account the following variables: _drat_, _cyl_, _wt_ and _mpg_, to find out which observations are the nearest to each other.
## References
J. B. MacQueen (1967). _"Some Methods for classification and Analysis of Multivariate Observations, Proceedings of 5-th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability"_. 1:281-297
## Determining the number of clusters
As it was mentioned above, the speciality of the K-means Cluster method is to set the number of groups we want to produce.
As you set, there will be a _7_-means cluster analysis provided.
## Cluster means
The method of the K-means clustering starts with the step to set k number of centorids which could be the center of the groups we want to form. After that there comes several iterations, meanwhile the ideal centers are being calculated.
The centroids are the observations which are the nearest in average to all the other observations of their group. But it could be also interesting which are the typical values of the clusters! One way to figure out these typical values is to see the group means. The cluster averages are:
drat cyl wt mpg
--------------- ------- ------- ------- --------
**1.Cluster** -0.7735 1.015 0.4729 -0.6771
**2.Cluster** -0.6856 1.015 2.175 -0.8944
**3.Cluster** 1.225 -1.225 -1.374 1.655
**4.Cluster** 0.5925 0.08166 -0.1684 -0.1671
**5.Cluster** -1.265 -0.105 0.1229 -0.05652
**6.Cluster** 0.4815 -1.225 -0.4459 0.413
**7.Cluster** -1.181 1.015 2.166 -1.608
The size of the above clusters are: _10_, _1_, _6_, _6_, _2_, _5_ and _2_.
## Results
On the chart below we can see the produced groups. To distinct which observation is related to which cluster each of the objects from the same groups have the same figure and there is a circle which shows the border of the clusters.
rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'))
rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'wt', 'mpg'))
rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'wt', 'mpg'), clust_num=7)
title: K-means cluster
author: Gergely Daróczi, Daniel Nagy
description: K-means clustering with automatically estimated number of clusters
email: ~
- cluster
- fpc
- rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'))
- rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'wt', 'mpg'))
- rapport('KMeansCluster.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'wt', 'mpg'), clust_num=7)
- name: vars
label: Input variables
description: These are the input variables which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1000.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: clust_num
class: integer
label: Number of Clusters
description: One can set the Number of the Clusters for the K-Mean Clustering
standalone: yes
value: ~
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
min: 2.0
max: 9999.0
required: no
evalsOptions('graph.unify', FALSE)
vars <- na.omit(vars)
varsScaled <- scale(vars)
maxclust <- nrow(varsScaled) - 1
## Introduction
[K-means Clustering](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering) is a specific and one of the most widespread method of [clustering](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_analysis). With clustering we want to divide our data into groups, which in the objects are similar to each other. K-means clustering is specified in the way, here we set the number of groups we want to make. In our case we will take into account the following variables: <%=vars.label%>, to find out which observations are the nearest to each other.
## References
J. B. MacQueen (1967). _"Some Methods for classification and Analysis of Multivariate Observations, Proceedings of 5-th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability"_. 1:281-297
## Determining the number of clusters
As it was mentioned above, the speciality of the K-means Cluster method is to set the number of groups we want to produce.
<% if (exists('clust_num') && !is.null(clust_num) && clust_num > 0) { %>
<% if (clust_num >= maxclust) { %>
The number of the clusters cannot be equal or higher than the unique cases (<%=maxclust + 1%>), which you set (<%=clust_num%>), was <%=ifelse(maxclust +1 == clust_num, "equal", "higher")%>. In the following, we will use two clusters.
<%= clust_num <- 2 %>
<% } else { %>
As you set, there will be a <%=clust_num%>-means cluster analysis provided.
<% } %>
cn <- tryCatch(pam(vars, clust_num), error = function(e) e)
fit <- kmeans(varsScaled, clust_num)
<% } else { %>
cn <- tryCatch(pamk(vars), error = function(e) e)
fit <- kmeans(varsScaled, cn$nc)
cn <- cn$pamobject
Let's see how to decide which is the ideal number of them!
wss <- (nrow(varsScaled) - 1) * sum(apply(varsScaled, 2, var))
for (i in 2:15) {
wss[i] <- sum(kmeans(varsScaled, centers = i)$withinss)
plot(1:15, wss, type = "b", xlab = "Number of Clusters", ylab = "Within groups sum of squares")
cn <- tryCatch(pamk(varsScaled), error = function(e) e)
We can figure out that, as we see how much the Within groups sum of squares decreases if we set a higher number of the groups. So the smaller the difference the smaller the gain we can do with increasing the number of the clusters (thus in this case the larger decreasing means the bigger gain).
<% if (inherits(cn, 'error')) { %>
nc <- sample(2:5, 1)
cn <- list(pamobject = pam(varsScaled, nc), nc = nc)
stop(paste0('Unable to identify the ideal number of clusters, using a random number between 2 and 5: ', cn$nc))
<% } else { %>
The ideal number of clusters seems to be <%=cn$nc%>.
<% } %>
<% } %>
## Cluster means
The method of the K-means clustering starts with the step to set k number of centorids which could be the center of the groups we want to form. After that there comes several iterations, meanwhile the ideal centers are being calculated.
The centroids are the observations which are the nearest in average to all the other observations of their group. But it could be also interesting which are the typical values of the clusters! One way to figure out these typical values is to see the group means. The <%=cn$nc%> cluster averages are:
res <- fit$centers
row.names(res) <- paste0(1:nrow(res), '.', 'Cluster')
set.alignment(rep('centre', ncol(res)), 'right')
The size of the above clusters are: <%=fit$size%>.
## Results
On the chart below we can see the produced groups. To distinct which observation is related to which cluster each of the objects from the same groups have the same figure and there is a circle which shows the border of the clusters.
if (exists('clust_num') && !is.null(clust_num) && clust_num > 0) {
cn <- tryCatch(pam(vars, clust_num), error = function(e) e)
fit <- kmeans(varsScaled, clust_num)
} else {
cn <- tryCatch(pamk(vars), error = function(e) e)
fit <- kmeans(varsScaled, cn$nc)
cn <- cn$pamobject
if (ncol(res) > 1) {
clusplot(cn, fit$cluster, color = TRUE, shade = TRUE, labels = ifelse(nrow(vars) < 100, 2, 4), lines = 1, main = '', col.p = 'black', col.clus = panderOptions('graph.colors'))
} else {
warning('Only one variable provided, so there is no sense drawing a 2D plot here.')
rapport('KolmogorovSmirnovTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age')
rapport('KolmogorovSmirnovTest', data=mtcars, xvar='cyl', yvar='carb')
## Running: rapport('KolmogorovSmirnovTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age')
## Introduction
[Kolmogorov-Smirnov test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov%E2%80%93Smirnov_test) is one of the most widely used [nonparametric tests](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-parametric_statistics). With the help of that in this case we use to check if two continuous variables had the same distribution. We do not test that here, but there is a possibility to use that in the way to check if a sample/variable followed an expected distribution.
## Distributions
Before we use the K-S test to look at the possible statistical differences, it could be useful to see visually the distributions we want to observe. Below lie the [Cumulative Distribution Functions](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumulative_distribution_function) of the variables we compared:
## Test results
Now we will test if the Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day) and the Age had statistically the same distribution.
Test statistic P value Alternative hypothesis
---------------- --------- ------------------------
1 _0_ * * * two-sided
Table: Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day) and Age
The requirements of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test test was not met, the approximation may be incorrect.
So the variables do not follow the same distribution, according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic.
## Running: rapport('KolmogorovSmirnovTest', data=mtcars, xvar='cyl', yvar='carb')
## Introduction
[Kolmogorov-Smirnov test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov%E2%80%93Smirnov_test) is one of the most widely used [nonparametric tests](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-parametric_statistics). With the help of that in this case we use to check if two continuous variables had the same distribution. We do not test that here, but there is a possibility to use that in the way to check if a sample/variable followed an expected distribution.
## Distributions
Before we use the K-S test to look at the possible statistical differences, it could be useful to see visually the distributions we want to observe. Below lie the [Cumulative Distribution Functions](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumulative_distribution_function) of the variables we compared:
## Test results
Now we will test if the cyl and the carb had statistically the same distribution.
Test statistic P value Alternative hypothesis
---------------- ----------------- ------------------------
0.625 _7.453e-06_ * * * two-sided
Table: Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on cyl and carb
The requirements of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test test was not met, the approximation may be incorrect.
So the variables do not follow the same distribution, according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic.
rapport('KolmogorovSmirnovTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age')
rapport('KolmogorovSmirnovTest', data=mtcars, xvar='cyl', yvar='carb')
title: Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test
author: Gergely Daróczi, Daniel Nagy
description: This template will run a Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test
email: ~
- nortest
- rapport('KolmogorovSmirnovTest', data=ius2008, xvar='edu', yvar='age')
- rapport('KolmogorovSmirnovTest', data=mtcars, xvar='cyl', yvar='carb')
- name: xvar
label: X Variable
description: This is the X variable which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: yvar
label: Y Variable
description: This is the Y variable which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
## Introduction
[Kolmogorov-Smirnov test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov%E2%80%93Smirnov_test) is one of the most widely used [nonparametric tests](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-parametric_statistics). With the help of that in this case we use to check if two continuous variables had the same distribution. We do not test that here, but there is a possibility to use that in the way to check if a sample/variable followed an expected distribution.
## Distributions
Before we use the K-S test to look at the possible statistical differences, it could be useful to see visually the distributions we want to observe. Below lie the [Cumulative Distribution Functions](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumulative_distribution_function) of the variables we compared:
plot(ecdf(xvar), main = sprintf('Cumulative Distribution of %s', xvar.label))
plot(ecdf(yvar), main = sprintf('Cumulative Distribution of %s', xvar.label))
## Test results
Now we will test if the <%=xvar.label%> and the <%=yvar.label%> had statistically the same distribution.
set.caption(sprintf('Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on %s and %s', xvar.label, yvar.label))
kstest <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(xvar, yvar))
ksp <- kstest$'p.value'
p <- 0.05
<%if (inherits(tryCatch(ks.test(xvar, yvar), warning = function(w) w), 'warning')) { %>
The requirements of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test test was not met, the approximation may be incorrect.
<% } %>
<%=ifelse(ksp > p,'So the nullhypothesis, that the variables follow the same distribution was not rejected. Here the stars represent the [significance levels](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance) of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test coefficients: one star for `0.05`, two for `0.01` and three for `0.001`.','So the variables do not follow the same distribution, according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic.')%>
rapport('KruskalWallisTest.tpl', data=ius2008, var1='age', var2='edu')
rapport('KruskalWallisTest.tpl', data=mtcars, var1='mpg', var2='drat')
## Running: rapport('KruskalWallisTest.tpl', data=ius2008, var1='age', var2='edu')
# Introduction
[Kruskal-Wallis test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal-Wallis) is a non-parametric statistical test that assesses hypothesis of equality of two independent sample's/variabels' variances. Most of the time it's being used beacuse the normality assumptions didn't meet for the samples/variables, but we need the assumption of the equal variances, so it can be an alternative of the Two-sample t-test.
Significant result means difference between the samples/variables.
Test statistic df P value
---------------- ---- ------------------
1010 1 _1.056e-221_ * * *
Table: Kruskal-Wallis test for _Age_ and _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_
As you can see in the table the test's degrees of freedom is _1_, the joint test-statistic is _1010_, so the p-value of the Kruskal-Wallis test is _1.056e-221_. Thus we can reject the assumption of the equal variances.
## Running: rapport('KruskalWallisTest.tpl', data=mtcars, var1='mpg', var2='drat')
# Introduction
[Kruskal-Wallis test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal-Wallis) is a non-parametric statistical test that assesses hypothesis of equality of two independent sample's/variabels' variances. Most of the time it's being used beacuse the normality assumptions didn't meet for the samples/variables, but we need the assumption of the equal variances, so it can be an alternative of the Two-sample t-test.
Significant result means difference between the samples/variables.
Test statistic df P value
---------------- ---- ----------------
47.28 1 _6.14e-12_ * * *
Table: Kruskal-Wallis test for _mpg_ and _drat_
As you can see in the table the test's degrees of freedom is _1_, the joint test-statistic is _47.28_, so the p-value of the Kruskal-Wallis test is _6.14e-12_. Thus we can reject the assumption of the equal variances.
rapport('KruskalWallisTest.tpl', data=ius2008, var1='age', var2='edu')
rapport('KruskalWallisTest.tpl', data=mtcars, var1='mpg', var2='drat')
title: Kruskal Wallis test
author: Daniel Nagy
description: In this template Rapporter will present you Kruskal Wallis test.
email: ~
packages: ~
- rapport('KruskalWallisTest.tpl', data=ius2008, var1='age', var2='edu')
- rapport('KruskalWallisTest.tpl', data=mtcars, var1='mpg', var2='drat')
- name: var1
label: First Used Variable
description: This is the first variable which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: var2
label: Second Used Variable
description: This is the second variable which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
# Introduction
[Kruskal-Wallis test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal-Wallis) is a non-parametric statistical test that assesses hypothesis of equality of two independent sample's/variabels' variances. Most of the time it's being used beacuse the normality assumptions didn't meet for the samples/variables, but we need the assumption of the equal variances, so it can be an alternative of the Two-sample t-test.
Significant result means difference between the samples/variables.
set.caption(sprintf('Kruskal-Wallis test for %s and %s', p(var1.label), p(var2.label)))
krusk <- kruskal.test(list(var1, var2))
p.v <- krusk$p.value
sta <- krusk$statistic
par <- krusk$parameter
As you can see in the table the test's degrees of freedom is <%=par%>, the joint test-statistic is <%=sta%>, so the p-value of the Kruskal-Wallis test is <%=p.v%>. Thus we can <%= ifelse(p.v < 0.05,"reject", "accept")%> the assumption of the equal variances.
rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep='edu', indep.inter=F)
rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep='edu', indep.inter=T)
rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=mtcars, dep='carb', indep='cyl', indep.inter=F)
## Running: rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep='edu', indep.inter=F)
# Introduction
With the help of the [linear regression](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression) we can investigate the relationship between two variables. More punctually we can observe if one of the variables, the so-called [dependent](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_variable) variable, significantly depended on the other variable, if an increase/decrease on the dependent variable's values made an increase/decrease on the independent variable.
In this case we only observe linear relationships.
# Overview
Linear Regression was carried out, with _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ as independent variable, and _Age_ as a dependent variable.
# Assumptions
In order to have reliable results, we have to check if the assumptions of the linear regression met with the data we used.
Value p-value
------------------------ ------- ---------
**Global Stat** 875.9 0
**Skewness** 378.9 0
**Kurtosis** 490.7 0
**Link Function** 0.9379 0.3328
**Heteroscedasticity** 5.404 0.0201
Table: Table continues below
------------------------ --------------------------
**Global Stat** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
**Skewness** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
**Kurtosis** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
**Link Function** Assumptions acceptable.
**Heteroscedasticity** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
To check these assumptions the so-called GVLMA, the Global Validation of Linear Model Assumptions will help us. The result of that we can see in the table above.
The GVLMA makes a thorough detection on the linear model, including tests generally about the fit, the shape of the distribution of the residuals ([skewness](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness) and [kurtosis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis)), the linearity and the [homoskedasticity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homoscedasticity). On the table we can see if our model met with the assumptions.
As a generally accepted thumb-rule we use the critical [p-value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value)=0.05.
So let's see the results, which the test gave us:
- The general statistic tells us about the linear model, that it does not fit to our data.
- According to the GVLMA the residuals of our model's skewness differs significantly from the normal distribution's skewness.
- The residuals of our model's kurtosis differs significantly from the normal distribution's kurtosis, based on the result of the GVLMA.
- In the row of the link function we can read that the linearity assumption of our model was accepted.
- At last but not least GVLMA confirms the violation of homoscedasticity.
In summary: We can 't be sure that the linear model used here fits to the data.
* Pena, EA and Slate, EH (2006): Global validation of linear model assumptions. _J. Amer. Statist. Assoc._ **101** (473):341-354.
### Nonlinearity
As we want to fit a linear regression model, it is advisable to see if the relationship between the used variables are linear indeed.
Next to the test statistic of the GVLMA it is advisable to use a graphical device as well to check that linearity. Here we will use the so-called crPlots funtion to do that, which is an abbreviation of the Component + Residual Plot.
Here comes the question: What do we see on the plot?
First of all we can see two lines and several circles. The red interrupted line is the best fitted linear line, which means that te square of the residuals are the least while fitting that line in the model. The green curved line is the best fitted line, which does not have to be straight, of all. The observations we investigate are the circles.
We can talk about linearity if the green line did not lie too far from the red.
Next to these options there is a possibility to have a glance on the so-called diagnostic plots, which on we can see the residuals in themselves and in standardized forms.
# Results
After successfully checked the assumptions we can finally turn to the main part of the interest, the results of the Linear Regression Model.
From the table we can read the variables which have significant effect on the dependent variable.
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
**edu** 0.7373 0.1307 5.643 2.521e-08
**(Intercept)** 23.07 0.3771 61.17 2.273e-268
Table: Fitting linear model: age based on _edu_
Number of Cases Adjusted R Squared AIC BIC
----------------- -------------------- ----- -----
637 0.04625 4231 4244
From the table one can see that _(Intercept) has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0_ and _edu has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0_
The model does not fit well, because the Adjusted R Square is _0.04625_.
## Running: rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep='edu', indep.inter=T)
# Introduction
With the help of the [linear regression](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression) we can investigate the relationship between two variables. More punctually we can observe if one of the variables, the so-called [dependent](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_variable) variable, significantly depended on the other variable, if an increase/decrease on the dependent variable's values made an increase/decrease on the independent variable.
In this case we only observe linear relationships.
# Overview
Linear Regression was carried out, with _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ as independent variable, and _Age_ as a dependent variable.
# Assumptions
In order to have reliable results, we have to check if the assumptions of the linear regression met with the data we used.
Value p-value
------------------------ ------- ---------
**Global Stat** 875.9 0
**Skewness** 378.9 0
**Kurtosis** 490.7 0
**Link Function** 0.9379 0.3328
**Heteroscedasticity** 5.404 0.0201
Table: Table continues below
------------------------ --------------------------
**Global Stat** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
**Skewness** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
**Kurtosis** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
**Link Function** Assumptions acceptable.
**Heteroscedasticity** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
To check these assumptions the so-called GVLMA, the Global Validation of Linear Model Assumptions will help us. The result of that we can see in the table above.
The GVLMA makes a thorough detection on the linear model, including tests generally about the fit, the shape of the distribution of the residuals ([skewness](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness) and [kurtosis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis)), the linearity and the [homoskedasticity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homoscedasticity). On the table we can see if our model met with the assumptions.
As a generally accepted thumb-rule we use the critical [p-value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value)=0.05.
So let's see the results, which the test gave us:
- The general statistic tells us about the linear model, that it does not fit to our data.
- According to the GVLMA the residuals of our model's skewness differs significantly from the normal distribution's skewness.
- The residuals of our model's kurtosis differs significantly from the normal distribution's kurtosis, based on the result of the GVLMA.
- In the row of the link function we can read that the linearity assumption of our model was accepted.
- At last but not least GVLMA confirms the violation of homoscedasticity.
In summary: We can 't be sure that the linear model used here fits to the data.
* Pena, EA and Slate, EH (2006): Global validation of linear model assumptions. _J. Amer. Statist. Assoc._ **101** (473):341-354.
### Nonlinearity
As we want to fit a linear regression model, it is advisable to see if the relationship between the used variables are linear indeed.
Next to the test statistic of the GVLMA it is advisable to use a graphical device as well to check that linearity. Here we will use the so-called crPlots funtion to do that, which is an abbreviation of the Component + Residual Plot.
Here comes the question: What do we see on the plot?
First of all we can see two lines and several circles. The red interrupted line is the best fitted linear line, which means that te square of the residuals are the least while fitting that line in the model. The green curved line is the best fitted line, which does not have to be straight, of all. The observations we investigate are the circles.
We can talk about linearity if the green line did not lie too far from the red.
Next to these options there is a possibility to have a glance on the so-called diagnostic plots, which on we can see the residuals in themselves and in standardized forms.
# Results
After successfully checked the assumptions we can finally turn to the main part of the interest, the results of the Linear Regression Model.
From the table we can read the variables and interactions which have significant effect on the dependent variable.
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
**edu** 0.7373 0.1307 5.643 2.521e-08
**(Intercept)** 23.07 0.3771 61.17 2.273e-268
Table: Fitting linear model: age based on _edu_
Number of Cases Adjusted R Squared AIC BIC
----------------- -------------------- ----- -----
637 0.04625 4231 4244
From the table one can see that _(Intercept) has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0_ and _edu has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0_
The model does not fit well, because the Adjusted R Square is _0.04625_.
## Running: rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=mtcars, dep='carb', indep='cyl', indep.inter=F)
# Introduction
With the help of the [linear regression](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression) we can investigate the relationship between two variables. More punctually we can observe if one of the variables, the so-called [dependent](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_variable) variable, significantly depended on the other variable, if an increase/decrease on the dependent variable's values made an increase/decrease on the independent variable.
In this case we only observe linear relationships.
# Overview
Linear Regression was carried out, with _cyl_ as independent variable, and _carb_ as a dependent variable.
# Assumptions
In order to have reliable results, we have to check if the assumptions of the linear regression met with the data we used.
Value p-value
------------------------ ------- ---------
**Global Stat** 19.91 0.0005211
**Skewness** 7.299 0.006899
**Kurtosis** 5.033 0.02486
**Link Function** 2.45 0.1175
**Heteroscedasticity** 5.124 0.0236
Table: Table continues below
------------------------ --------------------------
**Global Stat** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
**Skewness** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
**Kurtosis** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
**Link Function** Assumptions acceptable.
**Heteroscedasticity** Assumptions NOT satisfied!
To check these assumptions the so-called GVLMA, the Global Validation of Linear Model Assumptions will help us. The result of that we can see in the table above.
The GVLMA makes a thorough detection on the linear model, including tests generally about the fit, the shape of the distribution of the residuals ([skewness](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness) and [kurtosis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis)), the linearity and the [homoskedasticity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homoscedasticity). On the table we can see if our model met with the assumptions.
As a generally accepted thumb-rule we use the critical [p-value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value)=0.05.
So let's see the results, which the test gave us:
- The general statistic tells us about the linear model, that it does not fit to our data.
- According to the GVLMA the residuals of our model's skewness differs significantly from the normal distribution's skewness.
- The residuals of our model's kurtosis differs significantly from the normal distribution's kurtosis, based on the result of the GVLMA.
- In the row of the link function we can read that the linearity assumption of our model was accepted.
- At last but not least GVLMA confirms the violation of homoscedasticity.
In summary: We can 't be sure that the linear model used here fits to the data.
* Pena, EA and Slate, EH (2006): Global validation of linear model assumptions. _J. Amer. Statist. Assoc._ **101** (473):341-354.
### Nonlinearity
As we want to fit a linear regression model, it is advisable to see if the relationship between the used variables are linear indeed.
Next to the test statistic of the GVLMA it is advisable to use a graphical device as well to check that linearity. Here we will use the so-called crPlots funtion to do that, which is an abbreviation of the Component + Residual Plot.
Here comes the question: What do we see on the plot?
First of all we can see two lines and several circles. The red interrupted line is the best fitted linear line, which means that te square of the residuals are the least while fitting that line in the model. The green curved line is the best fitted line, which does not have to be straight, of all. The observations we investigate are the circles.
We can talk about linearity if the green line did not lie too far from the red.
Next to these options there is a possibility to have a glance on the so-called diagnostic plots, which on we can see the residuals in themselves and in standardized forms.
# Results
After successfully checked the assumptions we can finally turn to the main part of the interest, the results of the Linear Regression Model.
From the table we can read the variables which have significant effect on the dependent variable.
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
**cyl** 0.4766 0.1403 3.396 0.001942
**(Intercept)** -0.1365 0.9027 -0.1513 0.8808
Table: Fitting linear model: carb based on _cyl_
Number of Cases Adjusted R Squared AIC BIC
----------------- -------------------- ----- -----
32 0.2536 116.1 120.5
From the table one can see that cyl has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is 0.002
The model fits well, because the Adjusted R Square is _0.2536_.
rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep='edu', indep.inter=F)
rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep='edu', indep.inter=T)
rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=mtcars, dep='carb', indep='cyl', indep.inter=F)
title: Linear Regression
author: Gergely Daróczi, Daniel Nagy
description: This template will run a Linear Regression
email: ~
- HH
- car
- nortest
- gvlma
- rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep='edu', indep.inter=F)
- rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=ius2008, dep='age', indep='edu', indep.inter=T)
- rapport('LinearRegression.tpl', data=mtcars, dep='carb', indep='cyl', indep.inter=F)
- name: dep
label: Dependent Variable
description: This is the dependent variables which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: indep
label: Independent Variable(s)
description: These are the independent variables which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 100.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: indep.inter
label: Interaction
description: Should be calculated the interaction between the independent variables
class: logical
required: yes
standalone: yes
- name: crPlots
label: crplot
description: Plot checking linearity
class: logical
required: no
value: yes
standalone: yes
d <- structure(na.omit(data.frame(dep, indep)), .Names = c(dep.name, indep.name))
indep.int <- fml(dep.name, indep.name, join.right = "*")
indep.nonint <- fml(dep.name, indep.name, join.right = "+")
fit <- lm(ifelse(indep.inter, indep.int, indep.nonint), data = d)
indep.plu <- switch(indep.ilen, '', 's')
gvmodel <- tryCatch(gvlma(fit), error = function(e) e)
# Introduction
With the help of the [linear regression](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression) we can investigate the relationship <%=ifelse(indep.ilen == 1, 'between two variables', 'between the variables')%>. More punctually we can observe if one of the variables, the so-called [dependent](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependent_variable) variable, significantly depended on the other variable<%=indep.plu%>, if an increase/decrease on the dependent variable's values made an increase/decrease on the independent variable<%=indep.plu%>.
In this case we only observe linear relationships. <%=ifelse(indep.ilen == 1, '', 'As we use in the model more than 1 independent variables, we call the method [multivariate regression](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_regression_model).')%>
# Overview
<%= ifelse(indep.ilen == 1, '', 'Multivariate-') %>Linear Regression was carried out, with <%= p(indep.label) %> as independent variable<%= indep.plu %>, and <%= p(dep.label) %> as a dependent variable.
<% if (ncol(as.matrix(indep)) > 1) { %>
The [interaction](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interaction) between the independent variables was<%=ifelse(indep.inter, "", "n't")%> taken into account.
<% } %>
# Assumptions
<% if (!inherits(gvmodel, 'error')) { %>
In order to have reliable results, we have to check if the assumptions of the linear regression met with the data we used.
decision <- (gvmodel$Decision)
decision <- summary(gvmodel)[, 3]
decision1 <- (decision[1] == 'Assumptions NOT satisfied!')
decision2 <- (decision[2] == 'Assumptions NOT satisfied!')
decision3 <- (decision[3] == 'Assumptions NOT satisfied!')
decision4 <- (decision[4] == 'Assumptions NOT satisfied!')
decision5 <- (decision[5] == 'Assumptions NOT satisfied!')
decision.any <- (any(decision == 'Assumptions NOT satisfied!'))
To check these assumptions the so-called GVLMA, the Global Validation of Linear Model Assumptions will help us. The result of that we can see in the table above.
The GVLMA makes a thorough detection on the linear model, including tests generally about the fit, the shape of the distribution of the residuals ([skewness](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skewness) and [kurtosis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurtosis)), the linearity and the [homoskedasticity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homoscedasticity). On the table we can see if our model met with the assumptions.
As a generally accepted thumb-rule we use the critical [p-value](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-value)=0.05.
So let's see the results, which the test gave us:
- The general statistic tells us about the linear model, that it <%= ifelse(decision1, "does not fit to our data", "can fit to our data")%>.
- According to the GVLMA the residuals of our model's skewness<%= ifelse(decision2, "", " does not")%> differs significantly from the normal distribution's skewness.
- The residuals of our model's kurtosis<%= ifelse(decision3, "", " does not")%> differs significantly from the normal distribution's kurtosis, based on the result of the GVLMA.
- In the row of the link function we can read that the linearity assumption of our model was <%=ifelse(decision4, "rejected", "accepted")%>.
- At last but not least GVLMA confirms<%= ifelse(decision5, " the violation of", "") %> homoscedasticity.
In summary: We can<%=ifelse(decision.any, " 't", "")%> be sure that the linear model used here fits to the data.
* Pena, EA and Slate, EH (2006): Global validation of linear model assumptions. _J. Amer. Statist. Assoc._ **101** (473):341-354.
<% } else { %>
We could not test the assumptions as the following R error occured: <%=gvmodel$message%>
<% } %>
### Nonlinearity
As we want to fit a linear regression model, it is advisable to see if the relationship between the used variables are linear indeed.
Next to the test statistic of the GVLMA it is advisable to use a graphical device as well to check that linearity. Here we will use the so-called crPlots funtion to do that, which is an abbreviation of the Component + Residual Plot.
fit.nonint <- lm(indep.nonint, data = d)
Here comes the question: What do we see on the plot?
First of all we can see two lines and several circles. The red interrupted line is the best fitted linear line, which means that te square of the residuals are the least while fitting that line in the model. The green curved line is the best fitted line, which does not have to be straight, of all. The observations we investigate are the circles.
We can talk about linearity if the green line did not lie too far from the red.
<%=ifelse(indep.ilen==1,'','The other plots we see are simple [boxplots](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_plot).')%>
Next to these options there is a possibility to have a glance on the so-called diagnostic plots, which on we can see the residuals in themselves and in standardized forms.
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
<% if (ncol(d) > 2) { %>
### Multicollinearity
mcoll <- as.table(matrix(c(vif(fit), 1 / vif(fit)), ncol(d)-1, 2))
colnames(mcoll) <- c("VIF", "Tolerance")
rownames(mcoll) <- c(indep.name)
CNM <- as.table(kappa(fit))
row.names(CNM) <- "The Condition Number of a Matrix"
<% } else { } %>
# Results
After successfully checked the assumptions we can finally turn to the main part of the interest, the results of the Linear Regression Model.
From the table we can read the variables <%=ifelse(indep.inter,'and interactions ','')%>which have significant effect on the dependent variable.
set.caption(sprintf('Fitting linear model: %s based on %s', dep.name, p(indep.name)))
gof <- as.table(c(nrow(d), summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, AIC(fit), BIC(fit)),1,4)
rownames(gof) <- c("Number of Cases", "Adjusted R Squared", "AIC", "BIC")
p_val <- summary(fit)$coefficients[, 4]
From the table one can see that <%= paste(rownames(summary(fit)$coefficients)[which(p_val < 0.05)], round(p_val, 3)[which(p_val < 0.05)], sep = " has significant effect on the dependent variable, the p-value of that is ")%>
The model <%= sprintf("%s %s well", ifelse(gof[2] > 0.2, "fits", "does not fit"), ifelse(gof[2] > 0.4, "very", "")) %>, because the Adjusted R Square is <%=gof[2]%>.
rapport('MDS.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'), max.dist.num=16)
rapport('MDS.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'), max.dist.num=17, min.dist.num=30)
rapport('MDS.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'mpg'), max.dist.num=17, min.dist.num=30)
## Running: rapport('MDS.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'), max.dist.num=16)
# Introduction
[Multidimensional-scaling](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidimensional_scaling) is a technique which gives us a visual representation about the distances between the observations.
Below you can see a plot, that presents you the distance between the observations, which was calculated based on _Age_, _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ and _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_.
### What can be seen here?
#### Outsiders
84 differs the most from the others, and 8 seems to be the most "common" observation, which lie nearest to all other observations.
#### Outsider Pairs
_284_ and _84_ (8.02) are the "furthest", _280_ and _1_ (0) are the "nearest" to each other.
#### In General
Now let's see which observations can be said statistically far/similar to each other in general. The _16_ pairs with the biggest differences and the _10_ pairs with the smallest differences will be presented. In the brackets you can see the amount of the distances between two observations.
There are _17_ observations which are the most similar, and equal in the same time, that is a higher number than the wanted _16_, thus will not be reported one-by-one. Set _17_ as parameter _max.dist.num_ to check the pairs if you are interested.
There are _318_ observations which are the most similar and equal in the same time, that is a higher number than the wanted _10_, thus will not be reported one-by-one. Set _318_ as parameter _min.dist.num_ to check the pairs if you are interested.
## Running: rapport('MDS.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'), max.dist.num=17, min.dist.num=30)
# Introduction
[Multidimensional-scaling](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidimensional_scaling) is a technique which gives us a visual representation about the distances between the observations.
Below you can see a plot, that presents you the distance between the observations, which was calculated based on _Age_, _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ and _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_.
### What can be seen here?
#### Outsiders
84 differs the most from the others, and 8 seems to be the most "common" observation, which lie nearest to all other observations.
#### Outsider Pairs
_284_ and _84_ (8.02) are the "furthest", _280_ and _1_ (0) are the "nearest" to each other.
#### In General
Now let's see which observations can be said statistically far/similar to each other in general. The _17_ pairs with the biggest differences and the _30_ pairs with the smallest differences will be presented. In the brackets you can see the amount of the distances between two observations.
According to the used variables (_Age_, _Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)_ and _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_) the _17_ furthest pair of observations are:
* _284_ and _84_ (8.02)
* _224_ and _84_ (7.87)
* _230_ and _84_ (7.84)
* _84_ and _68_ (7.81)
* _463_ and _84_ (7.79)
* _583_ and _84_ (7.79)
* _582_ and _84_ (7.72)
* _122_ and _84_ (7.72)
* _460_ and _84_ (7.72)
* _606_ and _84_ (7.7)
* _607_ and _84_ (7.7)
* _128_ and _84_ (7.69)
* _253_ and _84_ (7.69)
* _84_ and _41_ (7.69)
* _269_ and _84_ (7.65)
* _376_ and _84_ (7.63)
* _506_ and _84_ (7.63)
<!-- end of list -->
There are _318_ observations which are the most similar and equal in the same time, that is a higher number than the wanted _30_, thus will not be reported one-by-one. Set _318_ as parameter _min.dist.num_ to check the pairs if you are interested.
## Running: rapport('MDS.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'mpg'), max.dist.num=17, min.dist.num=30)
# Introduction
[Multidimensional-scaling](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidimensional_scaling) is a technique which gives us a visual representation about the distances between the observations.
Below you can see a plot, that presents you the distance between the observations, which was calculated based on _drat_, _cyl_ and _mpg_.
### What can be seen here?
#### Outsiders
Honda Civic differs the most from the others, and Ferrari Dino seems to be the most "common" observation, which lie nearest to all other observations.
#### Outsider Pairs
_Honda Civic_ and _Cadillac Fleetwood_ (5.48) are the "furthest", _Mazda RX4 Wag_ and _Mazda RX4_ (0) are the "nearest" to each other.
#### In General
Now let's see which observations can be said statistically far/similar to each other in general. The _17_ pairs with the biggest differences and the _30_ pairs with the smallest differences will be presented. In the brackets you can see the amount of the distances between two observations.
According to the used variables (_drat_, _cyl_ and _mpg_) the _17_ furthest pair of observations are:
* _Honda Civic_ and _Cadillac Fleetwood_ (5.48)
* _Honda Civic_ and _Lincoln Continental_ (5.39)
* _Dodge Challenger_ and _Honda Civic_ (5.25)
* _Toyota Corolla_ and _Cadillac Fleetwood_ (5.1)
* _Toyota Corolla_ and _Lincoln Continental_ (5.04)
* _Honda Civic_ and _Merc 450SLC_ (4.85)
* _Fiat 128_ and _Cadillac Fleetwood_ (4.79)
* _Honda Civic_ and _Merc 450SE_ (4.74)
* _Honda Civic_ and _Duster 360_ (4.74)
* _AMC Javelin_ and _Honda Civic_ (4.74)
* _Fiat 128_ and _Lincoln Continental_ (4.74)
* _Honda Civic_ and _Chrysler Imperial_ (4.68)
* _Honda Civic_ and _Valiant_ (4.68)
* _Honda Civic_ and _Merc 450SL_ (4.67)
* _Dodge Challenger_ and _Toyota Corolla_ (4.67)
* _Pontiac Firebird_ and _Honda Civic_ (4.52)
* _Honda Civic_ and _Hornet Sportabout_ (4.46)
<!-- end of list -->
According to the used variables (_drat_, _cyl_ and _mpg_) the _30_ nearest pair of observations are:
* _Mazda RX4 Wag_ and _Mazda RX4_ (0)
* _Chrysler Imperial_ and _Duster 360_ (0.08)
* _Merc 230_ and _Datsun 710_ (0.13)
* _Lincoln Continental_ and _Cadillac Fleetwood_ (0.13)
* _Merc 450SL_ and _Merc 450SE_ (0.15)
* _AMC Javelin_ and _Merc 450SLC_ (0.15)
* _Pontiac Firebird_ and _Hornet Sportabout_ (0.15)
* _AMC Javelin_ and _Chrysler Imperial_ (0.17)
* _AMC Javelin_ and _Duster 360_ (0.19)
* _Merc 450SLC_ and _Merc 450SE_ (0.2)
* _Merc 280C_ and _Merc 280_ (0.23)
* _AMC Javelin_ and _Merc 450SE_ (0.25)
* _Merc 450SL_ and _Hornet Sportabout_ (0.28)
* _Merc 280_ and _Mazda RX4_ (0.3)
* _Merc 280_ and _Mazda RX4 Wag_ (0.3)
* _Merc 450SLC_ and _Duster 360_ (0.3)
* _Chrysler Imperial_ and _Merc 450SLC_ (0.31)
* _Pontiac Firebird_ and _Merc 450SL_ (0.32)
* _Merc 450SLC_ and _Merc 450SL_ (0.35)
* _Toyota Corona_ and _Datsun 710_ (0.35)
* _Toyota Corolla_ and _Fiat 128_ (0.36)
* _AMC Javelin_ and _Merc 450SL_ (0.38)
* _Merc 240D_ and _Datsun 710_ (0.4)
* _Merc 450SE_ and _Hornet Sportabout_ (0.41)
* _Chrysler Imperial_ and _Merc 450SE_ (0.41)
* _Volvo 142E_ and _Merc 230_ (0.42)
* _Merc 450SE_ and _Duster 360_ (0.44)
* _Maserati Bora_ and _Camaro Z28_ (0.45)
* _Toyota Corona_ and _Merc 230_ (0.46)
* _Pontiac Firebird_ and _Merc 450SE_ (0.46)
<!-- end of list -->
rapport('MDS.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'), max.dist.num=16)
rapport('MDS.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'), max.dist.num=17, min.dist.num=30)
rapport('MDS.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'mpg'), max.dist.num=17, min.dist.num=30)
title: Multidimensional Scaling
author: Daniel Nagy
description: In this template Rapporter will present you Multidimensional Scaling.
email: ~
packages: ~
- rapport('MDS.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'), max.dist.num=16)
- rapport('MDS.tpl', data=ius2008, vars=c('age', 'edu', 'leisure'), max.dist.num=17, min.dist.num=30)
- rapport('MDS.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('drat', 'cyl', 'mpg'), max.dist.num=17, min.dist.num=30)
- name: vars
label: Used Variables
description: These are the variables which MDS use to differentiate between values
class: numeric
min: 2.0
max: 100.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: id
label: Labels of the cases
description: On the plot, these names will be shown as the labels of the cases
class: ~
required: no
standalone: no
- name: dist.mat
label : Distance Matrix
description: Is your data a Distance matrix?
class: logical
value: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: max.dist.num
label: Maximum Distance Number
description: Number of pairs with the biggest differences
class: integer
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
min: 1.0
max: 1000.0
value: 10
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: min.dist.num
label: Minimum Distance Number
description: Number of pairs with the smallest distances
class: integer
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
min: 1.0
max: 1000.0
value: 10
required: no
standalone: yes
# Introduction
[Multidimensional-scaling](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidimensional_scaling) is a technique which gives us a visual representation about the distances between the observations.
Below you can see a plot, that presents you the distance between the observations, which was calculated based on <%=rp.label(vars)%>.
<%= if (exists('id') && !is.null(id)) {
id <- as.character(id)
id[which(is.na(id))] <- "noname"
dd <- duplicated(id)
if (any(dd)) {
warning("Among labels some of them are duplicated. Possibly there is a better way to label, please consider other options. In this report duplications will be distinguished by following '_' and numbers after them.")
whichisduplicated <- apply(data.frame(need = names(table(id[dd]))), 1, function(i) which(id==i))
if (class(whichisduplicated) != "list") {
whichisduplicated <- list('1' = whichisduplicated) }
lapply(whichisduplicated, function(i) id[i] <<- paste(id[i], 1:length(i), sep = "_") )
rownames(vars) <- id
variables <- scale(na.omit(vars))
if (!dist.mat) {
d <- dist(variables)
} else {
d <- variables
try(fit <- cmdscale(d, eig = TRUE, k = 2))
if (exists('fit') && !is.null(fit)) {
} else {
d <- dist(variables)
fit <- cmdscale(d, eig = TRUE, k = 2)
x <- fit$points[, 1]
y <- fit$points[, 2]
plot(x, y, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab = "Coordinate 2", main = "Metric MDS", type = "n")
+text(x, y, labels = row.names(variables), cex = 0.7, col = panderOptions("graph.colors")[4])
distance <- as.matrix(d)
maxind <- which(distance == max(distance), arr.ind = TRUE)
minind <- which(distance == min(distance[distance != min(distance)]), arr.ind = TRUE)
### What can be seen here?
#### Outsiders
furthest <- colnames(distance)[which(colSums(distance) == max(colSums(distance)))]
nearest <- colnames(distance)[which(colSums(distance) == min(colSums(distance)))]%>
<%=furthest %> differ<%= ifelse(length(furthest) > 1, "", "s")%> the most from the others, and <%=nearest%> seem<%= (ifelse (length(nearest) > 1, "", "s"))%> to be the most "common" observation<%= (ifelse (length(nearest) > 1, "s", ""))%>, which <%=ifelse(length(nearest) > 1, "lies", "lie") %> nearest to all other observations.
distance[upper.tri(distance, diag = T)] <- NA
h <- NULL
notneeded <- apply(data.frame(unique(as.vector(sort(distance[lower.tri(distance)], decreasing = T))[1:max.dist.num])), 1, function(i) h <<- rbind(h, which(distance == i, arr.ind = T)))
j <- NULL
notneeded <- apply(data.frame(unique(as.vector(sort(distance[lower.tri(distance)], decreasing = F))[1:min.dist.num])), 1, function(i) j <<- rbind(j, which(distance == i, arr.ind = T)))
#### Outsider Pairs
<%=paste0(p(c(rownames(distance)[h[1, 1]], colnames(distance)[h[1, 2]])), ' (', round(distance[h[1, 1], h[1, 2]], 2), ')')%> are the "furthest", <%=paste0(p(c(rownames(distance)[j[1, 1]], colnames(distance)[j[1, 2]])), ' (', round(distance[j[1, 1], j[1, 2]], 2), ')') %> are the "nearest" to each other.
#### In General
Now let's see which observations can be said statistically far/similar to each other in general. The <%=max.dist.num%> pairs with the biggest differences and the <%=min.dist.num%> pairs with the smallest differences will be presented. In the brackets you can see the amount of the distances between two observations.
<%if (nrow(h) <= max.dist.num) { %>
According to the used variables (<%=rp.label(vars)%>) the <%=max.dist.num%> furthest pair of observations are:
paste(pander.return(lapply(1:nrow(h), function(i) paste0(p(c(rownames(distance)[h[i, 1]], colnames(distance)[h[i, 2]])), ' (', round(distance[h[i, 1], h[i, 2]], 2), ')'))), collapse = '\n')
<% } else { %>
There are <%=nrow(h)%> observations which are the most similar, and equal in the same time, that is a higher number than the wanted <%=max.dist.num%>, thus will not be reported one-by-one. Set <%=nrow(h)%> as parameter _max.dist.num_ to check the pairs if you are interested.
<%if (nrow(j) <= min.dist.num) { %>
According to the used variables (<%=rp.label(vars)%>) the <%=min.dist.num%> nearest pair of observations are:
paste(pander.return(lapply(1:nrow(j), function(i) paste0(p(c(rownames(distance)[j[i, 1]], colnames(distance)[j[i, 2]])), ' (', round(distance[j[i, 1], j[i, 2]], 2), ')'))), collapse = '\n')
<% } else { %>
There are <%=nrow(j)%> observations which are the most similar and equal in the same time, that is a higher number than the wanted <%=min.dist.num%>, thus will not be reported one-by-one. Set <%=nrow(j)%> as parameter _min.dist.num_ to check the pairs if you are interested.
rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure")
rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure", nc.plot = FALSE)
rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure", qq.line = FALSE)
## Running: rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure")
# Introduction
In statistics, _normality_ refers to an assumption that the distribution of a random variable follows _normal_ (_Gaussian_) distribution. Because of its bell-like shape, it's also known as the _"bell curve"_. The formula for _normal distribution_ is:
$$f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi{}\sigma{}^2}} e^{-\frac{(x-\mu{})^2}{2\sigma{}^2}}$$
_Normal distribution_ belongs to a _location-scale family_ of distributions, as it's defined two parameters:
- $\mu$ - _mean_ or _expectation_ (location parameter)
- $\sigma^2$ - _variance_ (scale parameter)
# Normality Tests
## Overview
Various hypothesis tests can be applied in order to test if the distribution of given random variable violates normality assumption. These procedures test the H~0~ that provided variable's distribution is _normal_. At this point only few such tests will be covered: the ones that are available in `stats` package (which comes bundled with default R installation) and `nortest` package that is [available](http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/nortest/index.html) on CRAN.
- **Shapiro-Wilk test** is a powerful normality test appropriate for small samples. In R, it's implemented in `shapiro.test` function available in `stats` package.
- **Lilliefors test** is a modification of _Kolmogorov-Smirnov test_ appropriate for testing normality when parameters or normal distribution ($\mu$, $\sigma^2$) are not known. `lillie.test` function is located in `nortest` package.
- **Anderson-Darling test** is one of the most powerful normality tests as it will detect the most of departures from normality. You can find `ad.test` function in `nortest` package.
## Results
Here you can see the results of applied normality tests (_p-values_ less than 0.05 indicate significant discrepancies):
We will use _Shapiro-Wilk_, _Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.168 3e-52
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 18.75 7.261e-44
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.9001 1.618e-20
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality.
# Diagnostic Plots
There are various plots that can help you decide about the normality of the distribution. Only a few most commonly used plots will be shown: _histogram_, _Q-Q plot_ and _kernel density plot_.
## Histogram
_Histogram_ was first introduced by _Karl Pearson_ and it's probably the most popular plot for depicting the probability distribution of a random variable. However, the decision depends on number of bins, so it can sometimes be misleading. If the variable distribution is normal, bins should resemble the "bell-like" shape.
## Q-Q Plot
"Q" in _Q-Q plot_ stands for _quantile_, as this plot compares empirical and theoretical distribution (in this case, _normal_ distribution) by plotting their quantiles against each other. For normal distribution, plotted dots should approximate a "straight", `x = y` line.
## Kernel Density Plot
_Kernel density plot_ is a plot of smoothed _empirical distribution function_. As such, it provides good insight about the shape of the distribution. For normal distributions, it should resemble the well known "bell shape".
## Running: rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure", nc.plot = FALSE)
# Introduction
In statistics, _normality_ refers to an assumption that the distribution of a random variable follows _normal_ (_Gaussian_) distribution. Because of its bell-like shape, it's also known as the _"bell curve"_. The formula for _normal distribution_ is:
$$f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi{}\sigma{}^2}} e^{-\frac{(x-\mu{})^2}{2\sigma{}^2}}$$
_Normal distribution_ belongs to a _location-scale family_ of distributions, as it's defined two parameters:
- $\mu$ - _mean_ or _expectation_ (location parameter)
- $\sigma^2$ - _variance_ (scale parameter)
# Normality Tests
## Overview
Various hypothesis tests can be applied in order to test if the distribution of given random variable violates normality assumption. These procedures test the H~0~ that provided variable's distribution is _normal_. At this point only few such tests will be covered: the ones that are available in `stats` package (which comes bundled with default R installation) and `nortest` package that is [available](http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/nortest/index.html) on CRAN.
- **Shapiro-Wilk test** is a powerful normality test appropriate for small samples. In R, it's implemented in `shapiro.test` function available in `stats` package.
- **Lilliefors test** is a modification of _Kolmogorov-Smirnov test_ appropriate for testing normality when parameters or normal distribution ($\mu$, $\sigma^2$) are not known. `lillie.test` function is located in `nortest` package.
- **Anderson-Darling test** is one of the most powerful normality tests as it will detect the most of departures from normality. You can find `ad.test` function in `nortest` package.
## Results
Here you can see the results of applied normality tests (_p-values_ less than 0.05 indicate significant discrepancies):
We will use _Shapiro-Wilk_, _Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.168 3e-52
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 18.75 7.261e-44
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.9001 1.618e-20
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality.
# Diagnostic Plots
There are various plots that can help you decide about the normality of the distribution. Only a few most commonly used plots will be shown: _histogram_, _Q-Q plot_ and _kernel density plot_.
## Histogram
_Histogram_ was first introduced by _Karl Pearson_ and it's probably the most popular plot for depicting the probability distribution of a random variable. However, the decision depends on number of bins, so it can sometimes be misleading. If the variable distribution is normal, bins should resemble the "bell-like" shape.
## Q-Q Plot
"Q" in _Q-Q plot_ stands for _quantile_, as this plot compares empirical and theoretical distribution (in this case, _normal_ distribution) by plotting their quantiles against each other. For normal distribution, plotted dots should approximate a "straight", `x = y` line.
## Kernel Density Plot
_Kernel density plot_ is a plot of smoothed _empirical distribution function_. As such, it provides good insight about the shape of the distribution. For normal distributions, it should resemble the well known "bell shape".
## Running: rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure", qq.line = FALSE)
# Introduction
In statistics, _normality_ refers to an assumption that the distribution of a random variable follows _normal_ (_Gaussian_) distribution. Because of its bell-like shape, it's also known as the _"bell curve"_. The formula for _normal distribution_ is:
$$f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi{}\sigma{}^2}} e^{-\frac{(x-\mu{})^2}{2\sigma{}^2}}$$
_Normal distribution_ belongs to a _location-scale family_ of distributions, as it's defined two parameters:
- $\mu$ - _mean_ or _expectation_ (location parameter)
- $\sigma^2$ - _variance_ (scale parameter)
# Normality Tests
## Overview
Various hypothesis tests can be applied in order to test if the distribution of given random variable violates normality assumption. These procedures test the H~0~ that provided variable's distribution is _normal_. At this point only few such tests will be covered: the ones that are available in `stats` package (which comes bundled with default R installation) and `nortest` package that is [available](http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/nortest/index.html) on CRAN.
- **Shapiro-Wilk test** is a powerful normality test appropriate for small samples. In R, it's implemented in `shapiro.test` function available in `stats` package.
- **Lilliefors test** is a modification of _Kolmogorov-Smirnov test_ appropriate for testing normality when parameters or normal distribution ($\mu$, $\sigma^2$) are not known. `lillie.test` function is located in `nortest` package.
- **Anderson-Darling test** is one of the most powerful normality tests as it will detect the most of departures from normality. You can find `ad.test` function in `nortest` package.
## Results
Here you can see the results of applied normality tests (_p-values_ less than 0.05 indicate significant discrepancies):
We will use _Shapiro-Wilk_, _Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable.
Method Statistic p-value
--------------------------- ----------- ---------
Lilliefors 0.168 3e-52
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 18.75 7.261e-44
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.9001 1.618e-20
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms violation of normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ is not normal
As you can see, the applied tests confirm departures from normality.
# Diagnostic Plots
There are various plots that can help you decide about the normality of the distribution. Only a few most commonly used plots will be shown: _histogram_, _Q-Q plot_ and _kernel density plot_.
## Histogram
_Histogram_ was first introduced by _Karl Pearson_ and it's probably the most popular plot for depicting the probability distribution of a random variable. However, the decision depends on number of bins, so it can sometimes be misleading. If the variable distribution is normal, bins should resemble the "bell-like" shape.
## Q-Q Plot
"Q" in _Q-Q plot_ stands for _quantile_, as this plot compares empirical and theoretical distribution (in this case, _normal_ distribution) by plotting their quantiles against each other. For normal distribution, plotted dots should approximate a "straight", `x = y` line.
## Kernel Density Plot
_Kernel density plot_ is a plot of smoothed _empirical distribution function_. As such, it provides good insight about the shape of the distribution. For normal distributions, it should resemble the well known "bell shape".
rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure")
rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure", nc.plot = FALSE)
rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure", qq.line = FALSE)
title: Normality Tests
author: Aleksandar Blagotić
description: Overview of several normality tests and diagnostic plots that can screen
departures from normality.
email: ~
packages: nortest
- rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure")
- rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure", nc.plot = FALSE)
- rapport("NormalityTest", ius2008, var = "leisure", qq.line = FALSE)
- name: var
label: Test variables
description: Variables to test for normality
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: nc.plot
label: Normal curve plot
description: Plot normal curve?
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: yes
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: qq.line
label: Q-Q plot line
description: Add line to Q-Q plot?
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: yes
required: no
standalone: yes
# Introduction
In statistics, _normality_ refers to an assumption that the distribution of a random variable follows _normal_ (_Gaussian_) distribution. Because of its bell-like shape, it's also known as the _"bell curve"_. The formula for _normal distribution_ is:
$$f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi{}\sigma{}^2}} e^{-\frac{(x-\mu{})^2}{2\sigma{}^2}}$$
_Normal distribution_ belongs to a _location-scale family_ of distributions, as it's defined two parameters:
- $\mu$ - _mean_ or _expectation_ (location parameter)
- $\sigma^2$ - _variance_ (scale parameter)
# generate normal curve plot
if (nc.plot){
x <- seq(-3, 3, length.out = 1e3)
plot(x, dnorm(x), type = "l", ylab = "p", xlab = "", main = "Normal distribution")
# Normality Tests
## Overview
Various hypothesis tests can be applied in order to test if the distribution of given random variable violates normality assumption. These procedures test the H~0~ that provided variable's distribution is _normal_. At this point only few such tests will be covered: the ones that are available in `stats` package (which comes bundled with default R installation) and `nortest` package that is [available](http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/nortest/index.html) on CRAN.
- **Shapiro-Wilk test** is a powerful normality test appropriate for small samples. In R, it's implemented in `shapiro.test` function available in `stats` package.
- **Lilliefors test** is a modification of _Kolmogorov-Smirnov test_ appropriate for testing normality when parameters or normal distribution ($\mu$, $\sigma^2$) are not known. `lillie.test` function is located in `nortest` package.
- **Anderson-Darling test** is one of the most powerful normality tests as it will detect the most of departures from normality. You can find `ad.test` function in `nortest` package.
## Results
Here you can see the results of applied normality tests (_p-values_ less than 0.05 indicate significant discrepancies):
We will use <%=ifelse(length(var) < 5000, "_Shapiro-Wilk_, ", "")%>_Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable. <%=ifelse(length(var) > 5000, "_Shapiro-Wilk_ test can only be used with samples below 5000 cases, now we have more.", "")%>
<% if (length(var) < 5000) { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(var, lillie.test, ad.test, shapiro.test)
k <- 0
l <- 0
m <- 0
n <- 0
p <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l <- k + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {m <- l + 1}
if (ntest$p[3] < 0.05) {n <- m + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= var.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
- according to _Shapiro-Wilk test_, the distribution of _<%= var.label %>_ is<%= ifelse(ntest[3, 3] < p, " not", "") %> normal
<% } else { %>
<%= ntest <- htest(var, lillie.test, ad.test)
k <- 0
l <- 0
m <- 0
n <- 0
p <- 0.05
if (ntest$p[1] < 0.05) {l <- k + 1}
if (ntest$p[2] < 0.05) {n <- l + 1}
So, the conclusions we can draw with the help of test statistics:
- based on _Lilliefors test_, distribution of _<%= var.label %>_ is <%= ifelse(ntest[1, 3] < p, "not normal", "normal") %>
- _Anderson-Darling test_ confirms<%= ifelse(ntest[2, 3] < p, " violation of", "") %> normality assumption
<% } %>
<%= if (n > 0) {
sprintf("As you can see, the applied tests %s.", ifelse(n > 1, "confirm departures from normality", "yield different results on hypotheses of normality, so you may want to stick with one you find most appropriate or you trust the most."))
} else {
sprintf("reject departures from normality")
# Diagnostic Plots
There are various plots that can help you decide about the normality of the distribution. Only a few most commonly used plots will be shown: _histogram_, _Q-Q plot_ and _kernel density plot_.
## Histogram
_Histogram_ was first introduced by _Karl Pearson_ and it's probably the most popular plot for depicting the probability distribution of a random variable. However, the decision depends on number of bins, so it can sometimes be misleading. If the variable distribution is normal, bins should resemble the "bell-like" shape.
## Q-Q Plot
"Q" in _Q-Q plot_ stands for _quantile_, as this plot compares empirical and theoretical distribution (in this case, _normal_ distribution) by plotting their quantiles against each other. For normal distribution, plotted dots should approximate a "straight", `x = y` line.
if (qq.line){
qqmath(var, panel=function(x){
panel.qqmathline(x, distribution = qnorm)
}, xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles", ylab = "Empirical Quantiles")
} else {
## Kernel Density Plot
_Kernel density plot_ is a plot of smoothed _empirical distribution function_. As such, it provides good insight about the shape of the distribution. For normal distributions, it should resemble the well known "bell shape".
rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu')
rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu', lund.res=FALSE)
rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu', lund.res=FALSE, references=FALSE, grubb=FALSE, dixon=FALSE)
## Running: rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu')
# Introduction
An outlying observation, or outlier, is one that appears to deviate markedly from other members of the sample in which it occurs.
There are several ways to detect the outliers of our data. However, we cannot say one of them is the perfect method for that, thus it could be useful to take different methods into consideration.
We present here four of them, one by a chart (a Box Plot based on IQR) and three by statistical descriptions (Lund Test, Grubb's test, Dixon's test).
## References
* Grubbs, F. E.: 1969, Procedures for detecting outlying observations in samples. Technometrics 11, pp. 1-21.
# Charts
Among the graphical displays the Box plots are quite widespread, because of their several advantages. For example, one can easily get approximately punctual first impression from the data and one can visually see the positions of the (possible) outliers, with the help of them.
The Box Plot we used here is based on IQR (Interquartile Range), which is the difference between the higher and the lower quartiles. On the chart the blue box shows the "middle-half" of the data, the so-called whiskers shows the border where from the possible values can be called outliers. The lower whisker is placed 1.5 times below the first quartile, similarly the higher whisker 1.5 times above the third quartile.
## References
* Chambers, John, William Cleveland, Beat Kleiner, and Paul Tukey, (1983), Graphical Methods for Data Analysis, Wadsworth.
* Upton, Graham; Cook, Ian (1996). Understanding Statistics. Oxford University Press. p. 55.
# Lund test
It seems that _4_ extreme values can be found in "Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)". These are: _10_, _0.5_, _1.5_ and _0.5_.
## Explanation
The above test for outliers was based on *lm(edu ~ 1)*:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
**(Intercept)** 2.048 0.07797 26.27 7.939e-105
Table: Linear model: edu ~ 1
## References
* Lund, R. E. 1975, "Tables for An Approximate Test for Outliers in Linear Models", Technometrics, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 473-476.
* Prescott, P. 1975, "An Approximate Test for Outliers in Linear Models", Technometrics, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 129-132.
# Grubb's test
Grubbs test for one outlier shows that highest value 12 is an outlier (p=_0.0001964_).
## References
* Grubbs, F.E. (1950). Sample Criteria for testing outlying observations. Ann. Math. Stat. 21, 1, 27-58.
# Dixon's test
chi-squared test for outlier shows that highest value 12 is an outlier (p=_7.441e-07_).
## References
* Dixon, W.J. (1950). Analysis of extreme values. Ann. Math. Stat. 21, 4, 488-506.
## Running: rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu', lund.res=FALSE)
# Introduction
An outlying observation, or outlier, is one that appears to deviate markedly from other members of the sample in which it occurs.
There are several ways to detect the outliers of our data. However, we cannot say one of them is the perfect method for that, thus it could be useful to take different methods into consideration.
We present here four of them, one by a chart (a Box Plot based on IQR) and three by statistical descriptions (Lund Test, Grubb's test, Dixon's test).
## References
* Grubbs, F. E.: 1969, Procedures for detecting outlying observations in samples. Technometrics 11, pp. 1-21.
# Charts
Among the graphical displays the Box plots are quite widespread, because of their several advantages. For example, one can easily get approximately punctual first impression from the data and one can visually see the positions of the (possible) outliers, with the help of them.
The Box Plot we used here is based on IQR (Interquartile Range), which is the difference between the higher and the lower quartiles. On the chart the blue box shows the "middle-half" of the data, the so-called whiskers shows the border where from the possible values can be called outliers. The lower whisker is placed 1.5 times below the first quartile, similarly the higher whisker 1.5 times above the third quartile.
## References
* Chambers, John, William Cleveland, Beat Kleiner, and Paul Tukey, (1983), Graphical Methods for Data Analysis, Wadsworth.
* Upton, Graham; Cook, Ian (1996). Understanding Statistics. Oxford University Press. p. 55.
# Lund test
It seems that _4_ extreme values can be found in "Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)". These are: _10_, _0.5_, _1.5_ and _0.5_.
## Explanation
The above test for outliers was based on *lm(edu ~ 1)*:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
**(Intercept)** 2.048 0.07797 26.27 7.939e-105
Table: Linear model: edu ~ 1
## References
* Lund, R. E. 1975, "Tables for An Approximate Test for Outliers in Linear Models", Technometrics, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 473-476.
* Prescott, P. 1975, "An Approximate Test for Outliers in Linear Models", Technometrics, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 129-132.
# Grubb's test
Grubbs test for one outlier shows that highest value 12 is an outlier (p=_0.0001964_).
## References
* Grubbs, F.E. (1950). Sample Criteria for testing outlying observations. Ann. Math. Stat. 21, 1, 27-58.
# Dixon's test
chi-squared test for outlier shows that highest value 12 is an outlier (p=_7.441e-07_).
## References
* Dixon, W.J. (1950). Analysis of extreme values. Ann. Math. Stat. 21, 4, 488-506.
## Running: rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu', lund.res=FALSE, references=FALSE, grubb=FALSE, dixon=FALSE)
# Introduction
An outlying observation, or outlier, is one that appears to deviate markedly from other members of the sample in which it occurs.
There are several ways to detect the outliers of our data. However, we cannot say one of them is the perfect method for that, thus it could be useful to take different methods into consideration.
We present here four of them, one by a chart (a Box Plot based on IQR) and three by statistical descriptions (Lund Test, Grubb's test, Dixon's test).
## References
* Grubbs, F. E.: 1969, Procedures for detecting outlying observations in samples. Technometrics 11, pp. 1-21.
# Charts
Among the graphical displays the Box plots are quite widespread, because of their several advantages. For example, one can easily get approximately punctual first impression from the data and one can visually see the positions of the (possible) outliers, with the help of them.
The Box Plot we used here is based on IQR (Interquartile Range), which is the difference between the higher and the lower quartiles. On the chart the blue box shows the "middle-half" of the data, the so-called whiskers shows the border where from the possible values can be called outliers. The lower whisker is placed 1.5 times below the first quartile, similarly the higher whisker 1.5 times above the third quartile.
## References
* Chambers, John, William Cleveland, Beat Kleiner, and Paul Tukey, (1983), Graphical Methods for Data Analysis, Wadsworth.
* Upton, Graham; Cook, Ian (1996). Understanding Statistics. Oxford University Press. p. 55.
# Lund test
It seems that _4_ extreme values can be found in "Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)". These are: _10_, _0.5_, _1.5_ and _0.5_.
## Explanation
The above test for outliers was based on *lm(edu ~ 1)*:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
**(Intercept)** 2.048 0.07797 26.27 7.939e-105
Table: Linear model: edu ~ 1
rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu')
rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu', lund.res=FALSE)
rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu', lund.res=FALSE, references=FALSE, grubb=FALSE, dixon=FALSE)
title: Outlier tests
author: Gergely Daróczi, Dániel Nagy
description: This template will check if provided variable has any outliers.
email: gergely@snowl.net
packages: outliers
- rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu')
- rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu', lund.res=FALSE)
- rapport('OutlierTest', data=ius2008, var='edu', lund.res=FALSE, references=FALSE,
grubb=FALSE, dixon=FALSE)
- name: var
label: Variable
description: Numerical variable
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: lund.res
label: Residuals
description: Return Lund's residuals?
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: references
label: References
description: Print references?
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: yes
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: grubb
label: Grubb's test
description: Show Grubb's test?
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: yes
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: dixon
label: Dixon's test
description: Show Dixon's test?
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: yes
required: no
standalone: yes
# Introduction
An outlying observation, or outlier, is one that appears to deviate markedly from other members of the sample in which it occurs.
There are several ways to detect the outliers of our data. However, we cannot say one of them is the perfect method for that, thus it could be useful to take different methods into consideration.
We present here four of them, one by a chart (a Box Plot based on IQR) and three by statistical descriptions (Lund Test, Grubb's test, Dixon's test).
## References
* Grubbs, F. E.: 1969, Procedures for detecting outlying observations in samples. Technometrics 11, pp. 1-21.
# Charts
Among the graphical displays the Box plots are quite widespread, because of their several advantages. For example, one can easily get approximately punctual first impression from the data and one can visually see the positions of the (possible) outliers, with the help of them.
The Box Plot we used here is based on IQR (Interquartile Range), which is the difference between the higher and the lower quartiles. On the chart the blue box shows the "middle-half" of the data, the so-called whiskers shows the border where from the possible values can be called outliers. The lower whisker is placed 1.5 times below the first quartile, similarly the higher whisker 1.5 times above the third quartile.
set.caption(sprintf('Boxplot: %s', rp.name(var)))
## References
* Chambers, John, William Cleveland, Beat Kleiner, and Paul Tukey, (1983), Graphical Methods for Data Analysis, Wadsworth.
* Upton, Graham; Cook, Ian (1996). Understanding Statistics. Oxford University Press. p. 55.
# Lund test
It seems that <%=out <- rp.outlier(var); length(out)%> extreme values can be found in "<%=rp.label(var)%>". <%=ifelse(length(out) > 0, sprintf('These are: %s.', p(out)), '')%>
## Explanation
The above test for outliers was based on *lm(<%=rp.name(var)%> ~ 1)*:
set.caption(sprintf('Linear model: %s ~ 1', rp.name(var)))
lm(var ~ 1)
<% if (lund.res) { %>
## The residuals returned:
<%=rstandard(lm(var ~ 1))%>
<% } %>
<%if (references) { %>
## References
* Lund, R. E. 1975, "Tables for An Approximate Test for Outliers in Linear Models", Technometrics, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 473-476.
* Prescott, P. 1975, "An Approximate Test for Outliers in Linear Models", Technometrics, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 129-132.
<% } %>
<%if (grubb & suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(require(outliers)))) { %>
# Grubb's test
<%=test <- grubbs.test(var); test$method%> shows that <%=ifelse(test$p.value>0.05, 'there are no outliers', test$alternative)%> (p=<%=test$p.value%>).
<%if (references) { %>
## References
* Grubbs, F.E. (1950). Sample Criteria for testing outlying observations. Ann. Math. Stat. 21, 1, 27-58.
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if (dixon & suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(require(outliers)))) { %>
# Dixon's test
<%=test <- chisq.out.test(var); test$method%> shows that <%=ifelse(test$p.value > 0.05, 'there are no outliers', test$alternative)%> (p=<%=test$p.value%>).
<% if (references) { %>
## References
* Dixon, W.J. (1950). Analysis of extreme values. Ann. Math. Stat. 21, 4, 488-506.
<% } %>
<% } %>
rapport('PCA.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), components=3)
rapport('PCA.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), components=3, rot.method="oblimin")
## Running: rapport('PCA.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), components=3)
# Introduction
[Principal Component Analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_component_analysis) is a dimension reduction method. It produces linearly independent principal components using the variances of the observations in a set of variables.
# Results
---------------------------- ------ ------- -------
**Standard deviation** 6.298 1.35 0.9088
**Proportion of Variance** 0.9354 0.04298 0.01947
**Cumulative Proportion** 0.9354 0.9783 0.9978
From the table above one can see that the first _3_ Principal Components contains the _93.535 %_, _4.298 %_ and _1.947 %_ of the variances, so together the 99.78 % of that.
### Visual representation
It could be informative to see visually how the observations lies on these components. On that two dimensional plot below, where the axes are the components which contains the two most variances, you can see (the red vectors) the effect of the variables as well.
## Rotation
As you wanted to check the Rotation matrix let us present that for you:
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
**carb** -0.1486 **0.9728** -0.08587
**mpg** **0.9557** 0.1614 0.2433
**cyl** -0.2476 0.07389 **0.9502**
**drat** 0.05777 0.1488 -0.1745
The cells written in bold shows which components explain the most variances of the variables, with the help of them we can draw the following conclusion:
* PC1 is a principal component of mpg
* PC2 is a principal component of carb
* PC3 is a principal component of cyl
<!-- end of list -->
We can say that none of these impacts are negative.
## Running: rapport('PCA.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), components=3, rot.method="oblimin")
# Introduction
[Principal Component Analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_component_analysis) is a dimension reduction method. It produces linearly independent principal components using the variances of the observations in a set of variables.
# Results
---------------------------- ------ ------- -------
**Standard deviation** 6.298 1.35 0.9088
**Proportion of Variance** 0.9354 0.04298 0.01947
**Cumulative Proportion** 0.9354 0.9783 0.9978
From the table above one can see that the first _3_ Principal Components contains the _93.535 %_, _4.298 %_ and _1.947 %_ of the variances, so together the 99.78 % of that.
### Visual representation
It could be informative to see visually how the observations lies on these components. On that two dimensional plot below, where the axes are the components which contains the two most variances, you can see (the red vectors) the effect of the variables as well.
## Rotation
As you wanted to check the Rotation matrix let us present that for you:
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
**carb** -0.1486 **0.9728** -0.08587
**mpg** **0.9557** 0.1614 0.2433
**cyl** -0.2476 0.07389 **0.9502**
**drat** 0.05777 0.1488 -0.1745
The cells written in bold shows which components explain the most variances of the variables, with the help of them we can draw the following conclusion:
* PC1 is a principal component of mpg
* PC2 is a principal component of carb
* PC3 is a principal component of cyl
<!-- end of list -->
We can say that none of these impacts are negative.
rapport('PCA.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), components=3)
rapport('PCA.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), components=3, rot.method="oblimin")
title: Principal Component Analysis
author: Daniel Nagy
description: In this template Rapporter will present you Principal Component Analysis.
email: ~
- psych
- GPArotation
- rapport('PCA.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), components=3)
- rapport('PCA.tpl', data=mtcars, vars=c('carb', 'mpg', 'cyl', 'drat'), components=3, rot.method="oblimin")
- name: vars
label: Used Variables
description: Which variables would you use?
class: numeric
min: 2.0
max: 1000.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: components
label: Number of Components
description: How many Principal Components you want to use?
class: integer
min: 1.0
max: 999.0
value: 2.0
required: yes
standalone: yes
- name: rot.matrix
label : Rotation Matrix
description: Would you check the Rotation Matrix?
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: yes
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: rot.method
label: Method of Rotation
description: Which rotation method would you use?
class: character
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
- none
- varimax
- quartimax
- promax
- oblimin
- simplimax
- cluster
value: varimax
matchable: yes
allow_multiple: no
required: no
standalone: yes
<% if (components > ncol(vars)) { %>
Your request cannot be implemented, because there are more components (<%= components %>) than the number of the used variables (<%= ncol(vars) %>). Please set the number of the components to maximum <%= ncol(vars) - 1 %> with the same number of the variables or extend the number of those variables to <%= components + 1 %>
<% } else { %>
# Introduction
[Principal Component Analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_component_analysis) is a dimension reduction method. It produces linearly independent principal components using the variances of the observations in a set of variables.
# Results
vars <- na.omit(vars)
summ <- as.matrix(summary(prcomp(vars))$importance[, 1:components])
if (components == 1) colnames(summ)[1] <- "PC1"
From the table above one can see that the <%=ifelse(components == 1, "", "first")%> <%=components%> Principal Component<%=ifelse(components == 1, '', 's')%> contains the <%=paste(summary(prcomp(vars))$importance[2, 1:components] * 100, "%")%> of the variance<%=ifelse(components == 1, '', 's')%><% if (components != 1) { %>, so together the <%=paste(sum(summary(prcomp(vars))$importance[2, 1:components] * 100), "%")%> of that.<% } else { %>.<% } %>
### Visual representation
It could be informative to see visually how the observations lies on these components. On that two dimensional plot below, where the axes are the components which contains the two most variances, you can see (the red vectors) the effect of the variables as well. <% if(ncol(vars) > 5) { %> In the case we have several variables, the plot could be a little bit confusing but it still helps us to explore the number of the Principal Components. <% } %>
<% if (rot.matrix) { %>
## Rotation
ifelse(rot.matrix,"As you wanted to check the Rotation matrix let us present that for you:","")
if (rot.matrix) {
rot <- as.matrix(prcomp(vars)$rotation[,1:components])
if (components == 1) colnames(rot)[1] <- "PC1"
emphasize.strong.cells(which(abs(rot) > 0.3, arr.ind = TRUE))
} else { }
The cells written in bold shows which components explain the most variances of the variables, with the help of them we can draw the following conclusion:
<%=paste(pandoc.list.return(paste(colnames(rot)[which(abs(rot) > 0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]],rp.name(vars)[which(abs(rot) > 0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]], sep = " is a principal component of ")), collapse = '\n')%>
<% if (length(which(rot > 0.3)) != length(which(abs(rot) > 0.3))) { %>
<%=neg.comp <- colnames(rot)[which(rot < -0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]]%>
From them in the case<%=ifelse(neg.comp < 1, "s", "")%> of the <%=paste(colnames(rot)[which(rot < -0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]],rp.name(vars)[which(rot < -0.3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]], sep = "'s impact on ")%>, we can say <%=ifelse(neg.comp < 1, "they are", "that is")%> negative.
<% } else { %>
We can say that <%=ifelse(length(which(abs(rot) > 0.3)), "none of these impacts are negative", "this impact is positive")%>.
<% }}} %>
rapport("TTest", ius2008, x = "leisure", y = "gender")
rapport("TTest", ius2008, x = "leisure", mu = 3.2)
## Running: rapport("TTest", ius2008, x = "leisure", y = "gender")
# Introduction
In a nutshell, _t-test_ is a statistical test that assesses hypothesis of equality of two means. But in theory, any hypothesis test that yields statistic which follows [_t-distribution_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-distribution) can be considered a _t-test_. The most common usage of _t-test_ is to:
- compare the mean of a variable with given test mean value - **one-sample _t-test_**
- compare means of two variables from independent samples - **independent samples _t-test_**
- compare means of two variables from dependent samples - **paired-samples _t-test_**
# Overview
Independent samples _t-test_ is carried out with _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ as dependent variable, and _Gender_ as independent variable. Confidence interval is set to 95%. Equality of variances wasn't assumed.
# Descriptives
In order to get more insight on the underlying data, a table of basic descriptive statistics is displayed below.
Gender min max mean sd var median IQR
-------- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- -------- -----
male 0 12 3.27 1.953 3.816 3 3
female 0 12 3.064 2.355 5.544 2 3
Table: Table continues below
skewness kurtosis
---------- ----------
0.9443 0.9858
1.398 1.87
# Diagnostics
Since _t-test_ is a parametric technique, it sets some basic assumptions on distribution shape: it has to be _normal_ (or approximately normal). A few normality test are to be applied, in order to screen possible departures from normality.
## Normality Tests
We will use _Shapiro-Wilk_, _Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable (_Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_).
N p
--------------------------- ------ ---------
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.9001 1.618e-20
Lilliefors 0.168 3e-52
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 18.75 7.261e-44
As you can see, applied tests yield different results on hypotheses of normality, so you may want to stick with one you find most appropriate or you trust the most..
# Results
Welch Two Sample t-test was applied, and significant differences were found.
statistic df p CI(lower) CI(upper)
------- ----------- ----- ------ ----------- -----------
**t** 1.148 457.9 0.2514 -0.1463 0.5576
## Running: rapport("TTest", ius2008, x = "leisure", mu = 3.2)
# Introduction
In a nutshell, _t-test_ is a statistical test that assesses hypothesis of equality of two means. But in theory, any hypothesis test that yields statistic which follows [_t-distribution_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-distribution) can be considered a _t-test_. The most common usage of _t-test_ is to:
- compare the mean of a variable with given test mean value - **one-sample _t-test_**
- compare means of two variables from independent samples - **independent samples _t-test_**
- compare means of two variables from dependent samples - **paired-samples _t-test_**
# Overview
One-sample _t-test_ is carried out with _Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_ as dependent variable. Confidence interval is set to 95%. Equality of variances wasn't assumed.
# Descriptives
In order to get more insight on the underlying data, a table of basic descriptive statistics is displayed below.
Variable min max mean sd var
------------------------------ ----- ----- ------ ----- -----
Internet usage in leisure time 0 12 3.199 2.144 4.595
(hours per day)
Table: Table continues below
median IQR skewness kurtosis
-------- ----- ---------- ----------
3 2 1.185 1.533
# Diagnostics
Since _t-test_ is a parametric technique, it sets some basic assumptions on distribution shape: it has to be _normal_ (or approximately normal). A few normality test are to be applied, in order to screen possible departures from normality.
## Normality Tests
We will use _Shapiro-Wilk_, _Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable (_Internet usage in leisure time (hours per day)_).
N p
--------------------------- ------ ---------
Shapiro-Wilk normality test 0.9001 1.618e-20
Lilliefors 0.168 3e-52
normality test
Anderson-Darling normality 18.75 7.261e-44
As you can see, applied tests yield different results on hypotheses of normality, so you may want to stick with one you find most appropriate or you trust the most..
# Results
One Sample t-test was applied, and significant differences were found.
statistic df p CI(lower) CI(upper)
------- ----------- ---- ------ ----------- -----------
**t** -0.007198 671 0.9943 3.037 3.362
rapport("TTest", ius2008, x = "leisure", y = "gender")
rapport("TTest", ius2008, x = "leisure", mu = 3.2)
title: t-test Template
author: Aleksandar Blagotić
description: A t-test report with table of descriptives, diagnostic tests and t-test
specific statistics.
email: ~
packages: nortest
- rapport("TTest", ius2008, x = "leisure", y = "gender")
- rapport("TTest", ius2008, x = "leisure", mu = 3.2)
- name: x
label: X variable
description: Dependent (response) variable
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: 'y'
label: Y variable
description: Independent variable (factor, or another numeric)
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
required: no
standalone: no
- name: alter
label: Alternative hypothesis
description: Whether two-sided, greater or less variant will be applied
class: character
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
- two.sided
- less
- greater
value: two.sided
matchable: yes
allow_multiple: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: mu
label: Mean value
description: Mean value for one-sample t-test
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: ~
min: -.inf
max: .inf
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: paired
label: Paired t-test
description: Carry out paired t-test or not
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: var.equal
label: Variance equality
description: 'Equal variances assumed: choose automatically or not'
class: logical
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: no
required: no
standalone: yes
- name: ci.level
label: Confidence interval
description: Confidence interval level
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
value: 0.95
min: 0.0
max: 1.0
required: no
standalone: yes
if (!exists('y') || is.null(y)) {
## if y is NULL, you're stuck with one-sample t-test
arg.list <- list(x = x, mu = mu, alternative = alter, conf.level = ci.level)
test <- stats:::t.test
variant <- "one-sample"
} else {
## "y" is specified, so it's either independent samples or paired samples
if (!inherits(y, c('factor', 'numeric')))
stop('"y" has to be either a factor or a numeric vector')
arg.list <- list(alternative = alter, paired = paired, var.equal = var.equal, conf.level = ci.level)
if (is.factor(y)){
test <- stats:::t.test.formula
arg.list$formula <- x ~ y
if (is.numeric(y)){
test <- stats:::t.test
arg.list$x <- x
arg.list$y <- y
variant <- ifelse(paired, "paired-samples", "independent samples")
tt <- do.call(test, arg.list)
# Introduction
In a nutshell, _t-test_ is a statistical test that assesses hypothesis of equality of two means. But in theory, any hypothesis test that yields statistic which follows [_t-distribution_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-distribution) can be considered a _t-test_. The most common usage of _t-test_ is to:
- compare the mean of a variable with given test mean value - **one-sample _t-test_**
- compare means of two variables from independent samples - **independent samples _t-test_**
- compare means of two variables from dependent samples - **paired-samples _t-test_**
# Overview
<%= capitalise(variant) %> _t-test_ is carried out with <%= p(x.label) %> as dependent variable<%= if (!is.null(y)) sprintf(", and %s as independent variable", p(y.label)) else ""%>. Confidence interval is set to <%= pct(ci.level * 100, 0) %>. <%= if (!is.null(variant)) sprintf("Equality of variances %s assumed.", ifelse(var.equal, "was", "wasn't")) else "" %>
# Descriptives
In order to get more insight on the underlying data, a table of basic descriptive statistics is displayed below.
if (is.null(y)) {
rp.desc(x, NULL, c('min', 'max', 'mean', 'sd', 'var', 'median', 'IQR', 'skewness', 'kurtosis'), rp.data)
} else {
rp.desc(x, y, c('min', 'max', 'mean', 'sd', 'var', 'median', 'IQR', 'skewness', 'kurtosis'), rp.data)
# Diagnostics
Since _t-test_ is a parametric technique, it sets some basic assumptions on distribution shape: it has to be _normal_ (or approximately normal). A few normality test are to be applied, in order to screen possible departures from normality.
## Normality Tests
We will use _Shapiro-Wilk_, _Lilliefors_ and _Anderson-Darling_ tests to screen departures from normality in the response variable (<%= p(x.label) %>).
(ntest <- htest(x, shapiro.test, lillie.test, ad.test, colnames = c("N", "p")))
As you can see, applied tests <%= ifelse(all(ntest$p < .05), "confirm departures from normality", "yield different results on hypotheses of normality, so you may want to stick with one you find most appropriate or you trust the most.") %>.
# Results
<%= tt$method %> was applied, and significant differences <%= ifelse(tt$p.value < 1 - ci.level, "weren't", "were") %> found.
with(tt, data.frame(statistic, df = parameter, p = p.value, `CI(lower)` = conf.int[1], `CI(upper)` = conf.int[2], check.names = FALSE))
rapport('WilcoxonTest.tpl', data=mtcars, var1='mpg', var2='cyl')
## Running: rapport('WilcoxonTest.tpl', data=mtcars, var1='mpg', var2='cyl')
# Introduction
[Wilcoxon test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilcoxon_test) (or its equivalent
the Mann-Whitney U test) is a non-parametric statistical test which can be an alternative of the paired Student's t-test, t-test for matched pairs, or the t-test for dependent samples. When the Wilcoxon test is used to compare two samples of values which are not paired, it makes no assumption about the shape of the distribution, only that (as null hypothesis) the distribution from which mpg was sampled is the same as the distribution from which cyl was sampled. The null hypothesis states that the variances of the variables are equal.
Test statistic P value Alternative hypothesis
---------------- ----------------- ------------------------
1024 _4.306e-12_ * * * two.sided
Table: Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction mpg and cyl
As you can see in the table the the p-value of the Wilcoxon test is _4.306e-12_, thus we can accept the assumption of the null hypothesis, so we can say that statistically the variances are equal.
rapport('WilcoxonTest.tpl', data=mtcars, var1='mpg', var2='cyl')
title: Wilcoxon test
author: Daniel Nagy
description: In this template Rapporter will present you Wilcoxon test.
email: ~
packages: ~
- rapport('WilcoxonTest.tpl', data=mtcars, var1='mpg', var2='cyl')
- name: var1
label: Variable1
description: This is the first variable which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: var2
label: Variable2
description: This is the second variable which will be used here
class: numeric
min: 1.0
max: 1.0
required: yes
standalone: no
- name: alter
label: Alternative hypothesis
class: character
- two.sided
- less
- greater
value: two.sided
matchable: yes
allow.multiple: no
required: no
standalone: yes
# Introduction
[Wilcoxon test](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilcoxon_test) (or its equivalent
the Mann-Whitney U test) is a non-parametric statistical test which can be an alternative of the paired Student's t-test, t-test for matched pairs, or the t-test for dependent samples. When the Wilcoxon test is used to compare two samples of values which are not paired, it makes no assumption about the shape of the distribution, only that (as null hypothesis) the distribution from which <%=var1.label%> was sampled is the same as the distribution from which <%=var2.label%> was sampled. The null hypothesis states that the variances of the variables are equal.
set.caption(sprintf('Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction %s and %s', var1.label, var2.label))
suppressWarnings(wilc <- wilcox.test(var1, var2, alter))
p.v <- wilc$p.value
As you can see in the table the the p-value of the Wilcoxon test is <%=p.v%>, thus we can <%= ifelse(p.v > 0.05, "reject", "accept")%> the assumption of the null hypothesis, so we can say that statistically the variances are<%= ifelse(p.v > 0.05, " not", "")%> equal.
Writing a custom rapport template or modifying an existing one is not trickier than writing an ordinary statistical report. It requires some basic R skills, and a familiarity with rapport input specifications that we’re about to cover thoroughly. Of course, sophisticated reports would require more proficiency in R.
Recent changes
As of version 0.50, rapport is using the new header specification that relies solely on YAML syntax. The old syntax is deprecated, though kept in the package for backwards compatibility.
In order to define a valid rapport template, you’ll have to specify some info at the beginning of the document, in the so-called template header. The header itself is nothing but a YAML syntax placed within custom HTML comment tags: <!--head
and head-->
. It consists of metadata and inputs sections defined under meta
and inputs
YAML keys, respectively.
Template metadata can contain following fields:
- template title (required)author
- template author (required)description
- template description (required)email
- email of the authorpackages
- list of packages that the template depends onexample
- a list of example rapport()
calls for the given template.If you’re familiar with the package development in R, you’ll probably find this specification similar to the DESCRIPTION
file. Here’s an example of metadata section:
title: Custom template
author: John Doe
description: Just a custom template
- lme4
- nortest
- ggplot2
- rapport("custom-template", mtcars, x = "wt")
- rapport("custom-template", mtcars, x = c("mpg", "hp"))
As you can see, it depends on lme4
, nortest
and ggplot2
packages, and it has 2 example calls to rapport.
Just a reminder about the technical details: One should not forget to type in the accurate number of the ‘spaces’ in the beginning of the lines! Before each fields two ‘spaces’ are required, next to them the exact packages and the examples have a hyphen and an other ‘space’ in their front.
The template inputs are probably the most important feature of rapport. By using the template inputs, you can match a dataset variable or custom R object and assign it to a symbol in a template evaluation environment. That way you can use given input’s name throughout the template. Since the version 0.50, we wanted to make inputs more familiar to R users, so we ditched previous input definition syntax as it was inconsistent with R conventions. New input specification relies on R class system and resembles all important methods and/or attributes of R objects.
Template inputs can be divided into two categories:
argument in rapport
function. This usually refers to a vector containing column names of a data.frame
object, but it can be any R object that has named elements.data
argument. They usually accept an R object passed by the user, or the value of the value
attribute provided in the input definition (see below).Following options are available for all inputs:
(character string, required) - input name. It acts as an identifier for a given input, and is required as such. Template cannot contain duplicate input names. rapport inputs currently have custom naming conventions - see ?guess.input.name
for details.label
(character string) - input label. It can be blank, but it’s useful to provide an input label as rapport helpers use that information in plot labels and/or exported HTML tables. Defaults to empty string.description
(character string) - similar to label
, but should contain long(er) description of given input.class
(character string) - defines an input class. Currently supported input classes are: character
, complex
, factor
, integer
, logical
, numeric
and raw
(all atomic vector classes). Class attribute should usually be provided, but it can also be NULL
(default) - in that case the input class will be guessed based on matched R object’s value.required
(logical value) - does an input require a value? Defaults to FALSE.
(logical value) - indicates that the input depends on a dataset. Defaults to FALSE
(inputs are standalone).length
(integer value, or a specific key: value
pair) - sets restrictions on the matched R object’s lenght
attribute. length
input attribute can be defined in various ways:
length: 10
, which require all R object values to have the length of 10.exactly
tag - previous example (length: 10
) will be interpreted as:length:
exactly: 10
and/or max
tags that define the range within which an input length must fall. Note that the range limits are inclusive - for instance:length:
min: 2
max: 10
will accept all R objects with length of at least 2 and at most 10.
Either min
or max
tag can be omitted, and they will default to 1
and Inf
, respectively. For example:
min: 1
is identical to:
min: 1
max: Inf
max: 10
is identical to:
min: 1
max: 10
) length
will default to:length:
exactly: 10
It’s worth noting that rapport treats input length in a bit different manner. If you match a subset of, e.g. 10 character vectors from the dataset, the input length will be 10, as you might expect. But if you select only one variable, length will be equal to 1, and not equal to the number of vector elements. This stands both for standalone and dataset inputs. However, if you match a character vector against a standalone input, length will be stored correctly - as the number of vector elements.
(vector(s) of an appropriate class
) - this attribute only exists for standalone inputs. Provided value must satisfy rules defined in class
and length
attributes, as well as any other class-specific rules (see below).It worth to note, that the inputs with the possible outcome of a logical value (required, standalone) can be set with the TRUE/FALSE and the yes/no options as well.
- restricts the number of characters of the input value. It accepts the same attribute format as length
attribute. If NULL
(default), no checks will be performed.regexp
(character string) - contains a string with regular expression. If non-NULL
, all strings in the character vector must match the given regular expression. Defaults to NULL
- no checks are applied.matchable
(logical value) - if TRUE
, options
attribute must be provided, while value
is optional, though recommended. options
should contain values to be chosen from, just like <option>
tag does when nested in <select>
HTML tag, while value
must contain a value from options
or it can be omitted (NULL
). allow_multiple
will allow values from options
list to be matched multiple times. Note that unlike previous versions of rapport
, partial matching is not performed.numeric
, integer
- accepts the same format as length
attribute, only that it checks input value
s rather than input length
. limit
attribute is NULL
by default and checks are performed only when limit is defined.factor
- accepts the same format as length
attribute, but the check is performed on the number of factor levels.matchable
- ibid as in character inputs (note that in previous versions of rapport
matching was performed against factor levels - well, not any more, now we match against values to make it consistent with character
inputs).The body of the template uses brew
syntax with a forked back-end. Please check out pander’s documentation for details, in the followings the most important informations will be elaborated.
Brew syntaxes basically have two parts:
The special tags have two types:
<% command %>
running R command<%= command %>
next to running an R command, applies pander
to the returning R object, thus it will appear in a nice Pandoc markdown format.These two codes look pretty the same and actually doesn’t differ too much, but still in a crucial way. Both of them are good for running R commands, but:
Let us show you some basic examples to show how they work and the difference between them!
Tags without equal sign:
<% if (2 > 1) { %>
Math works, 2 is more than 1!
<% } %>
The following sentence will be written on the interface we use: “Math works, 2 is more than 1!”
Tags with the equal sign:
2 > 1
That was not more complicated than just create a logical value with comparing two integer.
And obviously you can mix the two types as well:
<% if (2 > 1) { %>
Math works? Is 2 really more than 1? Yeah, that's <%= 2 > 1 %>.
<% } %>
That will produce the same sentence like in the first example.
Here are a few useful calls, that you can use in the body section of a template:
returns the entire active dataset as a data framerapport.template
produces a list with the meta informations of the templaterapport.inputs
gives you a list with the inputs of the template.If you need information about the variables from the dataset, you can use the followings (“var” is any input variable):
tells you the name of the variable in the dataset (ie.: If you are using the edu
variable from the ius2008
dataset in the input variable called x
, x.name
will return edu
gives you the length of the variablevar.label
returns the variable label.Translating an existing template could not be easier: just copy the content of the desired template to a new file and translate the text in the header and body of the template. Warning: this is harder than it seems!
See e.g. rapport:::rapport.find('i18n/hu/correlations')
which is based on rapport:::rapport.find('correlations')
. Check out the colorized diff of the two files!
Fields to be translated in header section (between <!--head
and head-->
In the body of the report (after head-->
tag) you may change any text, reorder R code (stuff between <%=
and %>
tags) or even tweak those (if you know what you are doing).
We suggest placing the translated templates in a directory named to the short, alpha-2 abbreviation of the language (e.g. hu
for Hungarian).
Translated (or just altered) templates are highly welcome, so please give the pull request a try or open an issue on GitHub.
Please request a feature or file a bug report on issues page on GitHub. Feel free to watch and/or fork our project!
You can also start and/or join the discussion on various topics related to rapport (installation, configuration issues, questions, new templates, translation, etc.) via Google group.
This package is released under the Affero General Public License (ver. 3) based on FSF suggestions. Feel free to use our package and/or modify its source code in accordance with the licence conditions.
To cite package rapport in publications, please use:
Blagotić, A. and Daróczi, G. (2013). Rapport: a report templating
system. R package version 0.51, URL
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {Rapport: a report templating system},
author = {Aleksandar Blagotić and Gergely Daróczi},
year = {2013},
note = {R package version 0.51},
url = {http://cran.r-project.org/package=rapport},
Special thanks to:
and following authors for their immense effort in development of packages that rapport depends (or depended a while ago) on:
* the list is sorted alphabetically based on the package name
Gergely Daróczi
Ph.D. student at BCE, Hungary and co-founder of rapporter.net.
Aleksandar Blagotić
Psychology student at Faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Serbia and R/web-developer at rapporter.net.