
Test of homogeneity of a given factor variable split by another factor.

Variable description

Analysing "gender" ("Gender") with 673 valid values whether frequency counts are distributed equally across different categories of "dwell" ("Dwelling").

"dwell" has 3 categories:


Counted values: "dwell" and "gender"
  male female Missing Sum
city 338 234 27 599
small town 28 3 2 33
village 19 9 2 30
Missing 25 17 5 47
Sum 410 263 36 709

Chi-squared test

Our null hypothetis says that the proportion of gender is indentical in each categories of dwell.

Pearson's Chi-squared test: table
Test statistic df P value
16.18 6 0.01282 *

The chi-squared test returned the value of 16.18 with a degree of freedom being 6. Based on the returned p value (0.01282) we could state that the null hypothesis is rejected.

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