
In this template Rapporter will present you Kruskal Wallis test.


Kruskal-Wallis test is a non-parametric statistical test that assesses hypothesis of equality of two independent sample's/variabels' variances. Most of the time it's being used beacuse the normality assumptions didn't meet for the samples/variables, but we need the assumption of the equal variances, so it can be an alternative of the Two-sample t-test. Significant result means difference between the samples/variables.

Kruskal-Wallis test for Age and Internet usage for educational purposes (hours per day)
Test statistic df P value
1010 1 1.056e-221 * * *

As you can see in the table the test's degrees of freedom is 1, the joint test-statistic is 1010, so the p-value of the Kruskal-Wallis test is 1.056e-221. Thus we can reject the assumption of the equal variances.


In this template Rapporter will present you Kruskal Wallis test.


Kruskal-Wallis test is a non-parametric statistical test that assesses hypothesis of equality of two independent sample's/variabels' variances. Most of the time it's being used beacuse the normality assumptions didn't meet for the samples/variables, but we need the assumption of the equal variances, so it can be an alternative of the Two-sample t-test. Significant result means difference between the samples/variables.

Kruskal-Wallis test for mpg and drat
Test statistic df P value
47.28 1 6.14e-12 * * *

As you can see in the table the test's degrees of freedom is 1, the joint test-statistic is 47.28, so the p-value of the Kruskal-Wallis test is 6.14e-12. Thus we can reject the assumption of the equal variances.

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